
Chapter 111: Just how strong are ascendants

'A lot of people have a severe misconception about the spirits and their users.

From the embryonic spirit that first makes its appearance in the days of the awakened to the true spirit that an ascendant forms sometimes after their baptism'

'such misconceptions are born due to rumors spread by non spirit users after encountering one. I remember the words of my grandma just after she found out I was a mage on the spirit path'


Your spirit is not a tool, not a creation made for you to be abused. 

Instead it's an extension of you, if your treat your spirit well, you're treating yourself well, and one day, you'll have yourself to thank"

'I didn't quite understand what she meant at that time, I was just a kid happy to awakened'

The first time an awakened summoned their embryonic spirit, it has.no true form. It appears as an orb of light, the colour reminiscent of the element the practioner controls.