
Rise Of The Dungeon King

When Hakumo Izaiyah carelessly loses his life, he unexpectedly finds himself transported to another world, where everything is like a game, and dungeons are the portals to new adventures. Reborn as Karma, he vows to seize this new opportunity and live life to the fullest, embarking on a perilous quest to become the ultimate dungeon king. But as he rises through the ranks, Karma soon realizes that he is not the only player in this game, and his enemies are more cunning and ruthless than he ever could have imagined. Will he be able to conquer the dungeons and emerge victorious, or will he fall to the challenges that lie ahead? Join Karma on an epic journey filled with action, suspense, and danger in this thrilling fantasy adventure.

StoryCraft · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

I'm eighteen years old now and standing in front of the building that handles the registration of all upcoming dungeon seekers. There were a lot of applicants, but I will not lose focus here. Time for my debut.

I'm not one to brag about my looks since it wasn't mine, to begin with, but damn, I look like a supermodel or something. Rob went all out with this body. Guess it was a perfectionist. I allowed my red hair to grow long enough to cover my neck. I'm now 6'6" feet tall. The twelve years of constant training from Dia got rid of the baby fat on my face and was long enough for me to find the term for describing my mother. The woman was crazy! She was an excellent instructor, but she was crazy. The terrifying part was that she was holding back on me on our spar.

I didn't want to find out what it's like when she's fighting someone in serious mode. Unfortunately, I lack the aptitude to use elemental magic in exchange for my magic to enhance my physical body. Hence, my training was more rigorous. Dia taught me how to wield many weapons along with CQC.

During my monologue, I had bumped into someone by accident. "Sorry about that. I wasn't looking where I was going." The person I bumped into was a young man around my age.

Everything about just screams shounen protagonist. The excited grin, the bright and hopeful aura, and that look that can turn anyone into his friend.

"No worries, man. Hm, are you applying as a dungeon seeker?" He asked.

"Yes, are you applying to?" In my eyes, this guy was giving the vibes of someone beyond my league.

"Nah, I'm just here to get a read on the rookies. It's easier when I do it personally." He laughed before raising his hand. "I'm Skyroot Walker. Pleased to meet ya."

" Likewise, Jolee Karma." I shook his head.

"Nice grip." He quips while increasing the pressure.

I grinned, accepting the minor challenge, and squeezed his hand tighter. Of course, it only excites him before releasing my hand. "Well, I better get going. If you need a hand, then just ask me." He said while shaking his hand.

"Okay, I'll be seeing you around." I waved goodbye before heading to the registry. I opened my phone and checked the time.

Rob, Thank you for reincarnating me in a world where there's an internet and modern technology, otherwise, I might end up becoming a demon king. I shivered at the idea of being sent back to the medieval era.

Screw saving a princess from demons and dragons. I'm taking the modern toilet and the internet over that.

I went to the registry area. "Hello, I'm applying for dungeon seeker." I handed the papers. The woman took it and gave me a number before telling me to wait in the waiting area. When I saw how long the line was, I decided to buy a few snacks. It might take a while.

On my way to the cafeteria, I spotted a young woman trying to get attention from the surrounding people. Most avoided or ignored her like a plague.

The young woman had blond hair, green eyes, porcelain skin. Her formal clothing enhanced her voluptuous body.

"Excuse me." I called. "Do you need anything?"

"Eh, are you a seeker?" She stuttered, blushing at my looks. "I'm an Operator."

Operators have the unique ability to map out a dungeon and even detect changes in the dungeon. It's like having your own HUD map but a person. They're the most sought member in forming a party.

I wonder what makes everyone avoid her. It's not like she killed her party members, right? "No, I'm currently applying as one." I answered. "I'm Karma. Jolee Karma."

"Spring. Just Spring." She greeted back. "Spring, I can't help but notice that everyone is avoiding you." I glanced at everyone.

"Yes, it has something to do with the incident three months ago. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you anymore."

Tragic backstory cliche? Why is this happening to me? Then again, I was the one who started this conversation might go all out.

"If I become a dungeon seeker, would you be my operator?" I suggested. "It will be a big help if my senior shows me the ropes."

She gave me a confused look before waving her arms. "B-but there are a lot of operators you can pick aside from me."

"I know, but it beats looking for one, since I'm already talking with you." I chuckled.

"I might be your senior, but I'm not as good as the rest." She objected.

"Then let's make a bet." I let out a cocky grin. "If I win, you'll be my operator."

She looked at me in disbelief before giggling. "That's not fair." Her eyes landed on me. "Alright, I'll be your operator only if you win."

"Alright, I'll see you later." I said and continued my way into the cafeteria.

It took three hours before the examiner called out my number. Upon entering the room, I realized I was in an arena. Hmm... do they have those hard-light holograms?

"Welcome, applicant #094327." The examiner greeted. "Are you prepared to take on the exam?"

I gave a nod before cracking my fist. Two knives fell out of my sleeves with elven runes. Mom called in a favor of her dwarven friend to make me these two.

"The goal is to survive against the monsters until the countdown reaches zero." The examiner said. "Each minute, the monsters will increase in difficulty."

So the other goal is to beat all the monsters before the timer buffs them to an impossible level. "How many will I be facing?" If I can figure out the number, then it should help me conserve my stamina.

"100 for each minute."

Talk about overkill, that 1000 monsters in total. So I have to kill each of them in one swing before the timer hits one minute.

"Good luck, young man." The examiner said before leaving.

A timer appears above me. I steadied my breathing, don't panic, I told myself. Once the timer for my exam started, the first monsters I killed were gigantic insects. Then it was beasts from enormous wolves to berserking mammoths. The first three minutes were easy. I just kept aiming for a headshot.

I paced myself, enhancing my body only when I needed to. The hard part started. Undead beings and wraiths were the banes of physical warriors. Good thing I came prepared. The runes on my knives glowed and started working their magic.

The monsters began dying faster. I'm at my five-minute mark. The monsters emitted a dark aura that almost made me freeze. I ducked from an incoming attack when I made a counter. I had to enhance my blade to get through its defenses.

So these things are learning my MO as the timer goes down. They're defending the vital areas this time. For a moment, my eyes glowed as I went back to the attack.

In the observation stands, I can see that I'm getting the rest of the examiner's attention.

"Whoa, isn't that the rookie!?" Walker yelled. "Dang, he's doing pretty good."

"He came prepared. Those runes have anti-magical properties." The examiner hums. "He has a good head."

Walker grins before leaning over the rails. "Woo-hoo, go rookie go!" He cheered, ignoring how he looked silly. "He's doing it!"

One minute left, the last one standing was another undead and I. The monsters acted strangely what is going on here. I began attacking it, but then it countered my last move and sent me to a wall.

"Ooh, that's gonna leave a mark." Walker winced.

I got back up while holding my injured side. Even with my enhancement, I wasn't able to take the hit. It gained resistance on my knives and from that last counter I'm sure this thing can form complex attacks.

I dodged and blocked its attacks. Crap, this thing is not letting up. I can't get away without leaving myself open.

"Oh man, he almost had it. That's not fair. He's fighting a death knight." Walker whined.

"Unfortunately, this will probably happen. It's better he learns this now, before he learns the hard way. A seeker must know when to retreat."

Hearing the examiner's words, I can't help but agree. Unfortunately, I'm also not going to surrender. Thirty seconds left. Looks like I have to use that. I began digging through my not-so-hidden pockets, waiting for the undead to attack.

I didn't wait very long and dodged its attack. Throwing the item I needed to end this test, enhancing its purpose to a suitable level before I ran as far as possible from the monster.


"Hey is that an explosive?" Walker asked. His words set into everyone, causing massive panic.



The building shook while the shaking confused the occupants. It's quite common when magic users unleash their spells, hence they made the testing rooms handle this much pressure. Thus, they calmed everyone, explaining it was one of the applicants going overboard.

I rubbed my head, trying to ward off the dizziness. I glanced at the place where the monster stood. Its body was in pieces inside a crater. The timer announced the test was over, so I head outside to wait for results. Wondering if I passed with flying colors.

"That guy is crazy! I gotta add him to my party!" Walker said in excitement.

"Absolutely not. I don't need two madmen in the same team." The examiner said. "Honestly, this is the first time someone has taken this test in such a manner." He had seen many applicants showing such wits and grits, but this young man didn't hesitate to go overboard. He brought a bomb in a sword fight.

That kind of mentality is dangerous but also useful in this line of work. He can already see how this young man will fight. The type who levels the playing field by bringing out a bigger gun with no regard to the repercussions.

"So, are you going to let him pass?"

"Sigh, as much as I hate to allow such a loose cannon to pass. The rules stated the applicant can use whatever method they have to pass the test." The examiner left.

I waited for the examiner to tell me the results, hearing the door opening as the old man entered, looking not impressed but also wary. Holding my breath, thoughts about failing and getting banned from taking it again crossed my mind. Banishing these thoughts, I calmed myself. If I panic, it might make the examiner think I wasn't fit to be a dungeon seeker.

"So do I pass?" I asked.

"As much as it pains me, yes, you passed." The examiner hands me a card that reveals a 3d hologram of its contents. "We will have a seminar by the end of the day. Be sure to be present at the auditorium."

I grin excitedly while tucking the card into my wallet. "Okay, what time?" I texted my mother about my results.

"Five o'clock."

Giving a nod, I stood up and went to look for my soon-to-be operator, not missing the examiner's worried look.

My drama senses are tingling. Hopefully, it won't be about me. Looking for Spring wasn't easy. I had to ask a lot of my seniors before finding her on the rooftop.

I slammed the door open, looking exhausted. I didn't know how big the entire area was until now. Spring didn't notice me and just kept staring at the sky, humming a sweet tune. Composing myself, I fixed my disheveled shirt before approaching her.

"Yo, Spring!" I called, earning her attention before showing her license. "Any chance of taking my offer?"

She giggles at me. I spot a hint of loneliness in her eyes, but a worried look replaced it. "Are you sure?" She asked. "I'm not a good operator. You might end up regret taking me."

"If I do, it's because I'm not strong enough. So I'll be in your care in the future." I raise my hand for a shake.

"It will be my honor to support you." Spring accepted the gesture. "You should head to the auditorium. You'll be late for the seminar."

"There is still an hour left before it starts. So let's talk about what we can do to have a better dynamic."

"That's a good idea."

We later spent the next hour explaining our combat abilities. As an operator, Spring was akin to a scout, but operators don't share similar abilities. Each is unique to the user's potential. She has taken the route of using guns and prefers to stay out of range.

We began planning draft formations and strategies, but sadly, it was time for me to go to the seminar. I bid goodbye and went to the auditorium area. Looking around the enormous area, I'm confused by how little had passed the exam.

The speaker began explaining about the dungeons, which was nothing new to us, but he added it has displayed the ability to change the battlefield in a blink. Recommending us to partner with an operator or form a party. While they did not forbid us to go solo or duo in these dungeons, it was only for veterans, and even then, they rarely go solo.

Then they went to some of the classic monsters and explained some of their strengths and weakness. They included the Gorgon species as well, showing that using mirrors wasn't ideal as the reflection might make things worst.

The ideal way is to face such a monster was with the aid of an operator.

Once the seminar was over, I got up and left the building. On my way out, I spot Walker waiting for someone. "Hey." I greeted.

"Hey, oh wait Karma right?" Walker placed his hands on my shoulder. I gave him a nod, and he smiled excitedly. "That was awesome back there, bro! You brought a grenade for the exam. No one has ever done that. How did you not get caught?"

"Oh, it wasn't a grenade. It was a chemical reaction." I said, revealing a vial I was holding. "I just make the reaction more explosive than normal."

Walker just laughed at how simple but ridiculous my explanation was. In a way I was right, certain chemicals have an explosive reaction that is instant, but with delay runes, I can enhance the chemicals to make the formula unbalanced without worrying too much about it.

"Alright, I've decided. Once you're in the silver rank, I'm inviting you to my party." Walker gave a thumbs up.

So this is how side characters feel when meeting the main characters. That unique charisma of theirs is compelling.

I laughed. "I would like that." It was the best chance I have. Hopefully, plot armor doesn't end up trying to kill me so the MC can get motivated through my death.

"Well, that's it for me. Remember, don't be afraid to ask for help. No one will judge you for that."

Walker then left. I waited until the sun sets and went home. I told mom how I passed the exam and got an earful yelling about me being an overachiever. But she was happy about it and told me that whether or not I had passed, she was always proud.

I spent the rest of the night wondering when a dungeon will appear before focusing on building up teamwork with Spring. Though it seems Rob answered my question the next morning.

"A dungeon has appeared in the middle of a road near the red-light district..."

My mother and I can only stare at the television with a confused look. I can only think of one reason this dungeon is so close to the red-light district. Hopefully, I'm wrong.