
Beelzebub and Mammon

In a separate place. The hooded man that was with Seiyana and the others appeared in a throne room. In front of him were two people, one was an old man while the other was a woman.

. These two were kneeling towards 2 people seated on their respective thrones. These two people were both females judging from their appearances.

Seeing this the hooded man kneeled down beside the two.


One of them spoke as she waved her hand to signal them to stand.

It was the woman who was wearing a dark cloak. The hood of the cloak hide her face and appearance but from her voice you could tell she was a woman.

Above her head was a floating crown. It was similar to a halo of an angel but it has a more darker aura to it. It was also filled with several foreign inscriptions that cannot be read.

These inscriptions were glowing a jade emerald like light as it floats above her head. There were also two horns portruding from her head which could be seen from the slight light. She had jade like emerald eyes that were glowing underneath the darkness in her hood.

"Hows the situation?" Asked the hooded woman towards the three in the room.

"It is going well according to your instructions, Lady Beelzebub. The party of four are slowly getting stronger."

"I see... how about those two candidates for the Insignias." Said Beelzebub as she turns her head towards the other two old men.

"My candidate so far is doing great she still hasnt succumb to the temptation of the [Insignia of Gula] there were some signs at first but it seems she remembered my advice." Said one of the old men. He was the Demon King of Gula, who served the 9 Sins Demon Sovereign in the past.

"How about you little Ava." Asked the other girl sitting on the throne. Like Beelzebub she also has a crown above her head, but unlike Beelzebub her crown is glowing purple that matches her violet eyes.

Her appearance was that of a young girl (Loli), seemingly in their teenage years. unlike Beelzebub her appearance was not hidden by a cloak but she herself was wearing a dress similar to that of nobility.

"To answer Lady Mammon's question. My candidate appears to have been slightly corrupted by the Insignia, it appears she has lost her memories upon taking the trial." The one that answered was a woman. She also beautiful but unlike Mammon her appearance lacks a bit. She was also one of the 9 Ancient Demon Kings who followed the 9 Sins Demon Sovereign in the past.

"That would be problematic... but she should recover if she truly is worthy of taking my insignia." Mammon then looks at Beelzebub and continued. "By the way sister Bel, have you found out anything about the one who was chosen by sister Astaroth's Insignia?"

"Yes, based on what Little Tristitia told me, the one chosen was his descendant. She showed excellent talent, a good seed according to him. She also had a hint of Death Qi which surprised him. It might be possible for her to take Acedia as well." (Beelzebub)

" I see... do you perhaps think she will be able to reach little nine's level?" (Mammon)

"Theres a chance. Based on what little Tristitia has told me, she showd talent in cultivating as well as combat. Along with the fact that she had human lineage she could also cultivate arts of that race." (Beelzebub)

Hearing their words the three people below were startled. There qas actually someone who has talents comparable to the 9 Sins Demon Sovereign in this world.

"But we will still observe. If she could obtain another insignia theres a chance." Continued Beelzebub.

"If thats really true that would be good for us... but we dont have much time, our enemies will be coming here...  at that time we must protect the Insignias from them." Said Mammon with a grave tone.

Hearing her words everyone in the room had a serious expression. They know the power that their opponents has after all they were the ones who hunted the 9 Sins Demon Sovereign and the 9 Ancient Demon Kings back then in an attempt to take the Insignias from them.

"Since the great war from back then in the 13 Grand Worlds we had to resort to hiding. We lost many of our allies back then including little 9..." said Beelzebub with a dark tone. She then continued,

"But its not all that bad we slaughtered a lot of their God Kings back then and a lot of the surviving ones had grave injuries including Fire God and Lightning God. Not only that we still have World Emperor, Harmony Emperor, Flame Emperor and Storm King on our side."

Hearing those titles Beelzebub smiled a bit. Back in the great war between the Gods and Emperors.

World Emperor and the others killed most of the God Kings on the enemy side including gravely injuring Fire God and Lightning God who were ranked among the top 10 in the divine throne.

World Emperor along with Harmony Emperor and the Demon Empress challenged the ruler of the Gods back then and managed to repel them.

"Well its not all bad, even if those guys do come here they cant do much as this is one of the worlds that the Demon Goddess, Diablia manages." (Mammon)

The Demon Goddess was one of the God Kings who manage the world Terrushia along with 2 other God Kings.

The Demon Goddess was also one of the Gods who are on the side of the World Breaker Faction during the great war along with many others who opposed the Divine Faction which mostly comprised with God Kings from the Divine Realm. Even among God Kings she was among the top 10 rank in the Divine Throne where God Kings are ranked.

"Well regardless we can only bide our time for now and heal our wounds..."

Beelzebub then turned towards their three subordinates and relayed her orders.

"The three of you. After those girls succeed in their respective trials. Be sure to train them to get stronger. We dont have much time we will need all the help we can get. Also relay that order to the others." Said Beelzebub with a serious tone in her voice.

"""Aye we live to serve!"""

Having gotten their respective orders the three bowed and vanished as they go to perform their duties.

Beelzebub then turned towards Mammon.

"I shall be in seclusion to heal my wounds from back then... I havent fully healed them yet. You should as well."

Towards her words Mammon nodded and the two went to their respective areas.