
rise of the cold empress

a girl betrayed by her loved one gone to a country unfamiliar to her but what she doesn't awaits her is loving brothers and bestfriends along with a sweet and caring husband. a new life, a bright life

misakibunny · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Oh Anne!

everyone was in a shock they all looked like statue Ye Xiao,as usual just stood their calmly smiling at his baby because it was her show.

"Can you make way for me please?" WeiWei said smiling and that smile shattered many hearts.

Ye xiao looked at all of theirs faces his face darken and he grabbed weiwei by her waist and hold her close to him. and looked coldly at everyone like a lion as if saying 'mine'. the way he looked at them,made the reporters look away and they broke in cold sweat.

one of the female reporter said " President Bei , I just want ask you are you sure that the company belong to you , I do not mean to offend you but are you sure that no one helped you ,I'm sure you know what I mean"

she said as a matter of factly.

but this didn't change the smile on WeiWei's face she just narrowed her eyes a little which was enough to give anyone a scare the other reporters gulped and thought 'she surely is a queen of king look at the way they suffocate and kill others they truly belonged to each other' WeiWei said to her:" I'm sure you have heard that the pshycological department is closing down at the hospital which worked at, I don't even remember its name , well I was the head of that department when it was successful and secondly I have opened my own clinic which has 5 stars from every client in just 3 months, do you still need to ask.me if I can do anything by myself , and if you still want me to slap you I will slap you thoroughly tomorrow " the reporter was utterly humiliated. the other one said "aren't you too full of yourself you shouldn't be"

"oh well I will be and I must be I have every right to be arrogant miss you should know I founded my own company from scratch I have the kings around me and the queens supporting me, and I ain't need no man for me. I can live really well by my own don't you think with all these thing I must be arrogant"

WeiWei smiled amusedly and the online peoples cheering for her. the whole crowd was silent she moved forward with Ye Xiao and then stopped and said " I will tell you a thing I am an angel when you are nice to me but when you cross me I will eat you up like a demon as you know every angel has a demon inside!!" .