
Rise of the Champion

18-year-old Adrian Parro and Martin Cambio graduated high school and is working on their goal to be successful MMA fighter to make a better situation for themselves, but when their boss has a shady past. It makes having their dreams come true harder than expected.

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Rise of the Champion 19 - Adrian Parro vs Joshua Davis

Issac walked over to Shawn and was trying to pick him up. When he got his defeated opponent up, Shawn woke up from his knocked-out state. Shawn began to move and then Issac put him down. Shawn without hesitation pushed Issac with all of his force. Issac was not prepared for that reaction and hit the ground. Mr. Syvone ran in between the two of them and tried to separate them away from each other.

"Fuck you, bitch!" Shawn yelled at Issac while pointing directly at him. Issac looked confused about what was happening.

"Dude, do you want me to knock you out again?" Issac said, walking forward towards Mr. Syvone pushing back Shawn. "I will do it to you again."

Shawn spits directly at Issac's face. Issac moved back as the spit lands on him. This sends Issac into a state of anger as he ran forward toward Shawn. He moves Mr. Syvone out of the way as he tries to punch him. Shawn ducked out of the way and moved out of the ring. Issac followed Shawn as he was trying to beat down that man. When they went by the hallway the other trainers jumped out of the hallway to calm the situation down. The four of them got in between them and stopped the situation. As they were handling the situation, both Joshua and Adrian walked to their corners. Both of them were bouncing around, warming themselves up. After some time and some cash was involved, the situation calmed down and Issac followed the trainers into the hallway that led to the locker room. Mr. Syvone stood at the ring and was looking towards the hallway, making sure that nothing from the situation could spark back up again. When nothing happened he looked over to both of the men.

"It is time, Joshua and Adrian," Mr. Syvone said as he waved his hands toward the two men. "It is your guys' time to end this tournament for us." Both men entered the ring.

Adrian and Joshua walked up to each and were staring each other down. Both of them were chest to chest and had the look of a wild beast in both of their eyes. Mr. Syvone walked up to about to start the match.

"I can not wait to beat your ass, boy," Joshua said as he slowly walked away from his younger opponent.

"Why are you walking away then," Adrian said as he stood where he stood. Joshua gave him a smirk.

Mr. Syvone gave a grin and walked forward. "Not much of an introduction needed for the battle of giants in this gym." The crowd was looking excited about what they were hearing. "It is the newcomer Adrian Parro against Joshua Davis and we will see who will represent us for the tournament for two months for now."

"I am ready whenever this older fuck is ready," Adrian said trying to mess with his opponent.

Joshua pointed his fingers at him. "I am always ready to beat a young gun like you harder than I was to a slab of meat."

Mr. Syvone took a breath. "SET, GO!"

Both the men were moving around with a smile. Adrian was more reserved with his offense to observing his opponent's movement.

"What are you doing being a pussy," Joshua said casually to Adrian. "Come on hit me, you bitch."

Adrian looked surprised by this behavior from Joshua. However, he maintained his composure and kept pressing forward but not throwing a jab or showing any threats with his legs. Joshua keeps bouncing around the ring, mostly having his hands taunt Adrian into doing something. Adrian after some time of dealing with Joshua's gesture threw a jab that ended up missing the target.

"You call that a jab," Joshua chimed as he avoided it. "Let me show you how to do one."

Joshua stepped in and performed a variety of foot movements. He was stepping in at angles, moving his feet to cause any sort of confusion for the young fighter, but it did not work with his attempt of throwing the calmer fighter off of his rhythm. Eventually, Joshua throws a jab as he takes a hard step to the right before quickly sliding to the left. The idea worked as he landed a punch on the right side of Adrian's face. It caused Adrian's head to move hard in response to the hit. Joshua stepped back to see Adrian shake it off and still not look too affected overall by it.

"Welcome to the team, young fella," Joshua said while laughing for a bit. "Show me what you got then."

Adrian grinned as he started to look for his opportunity to get his hit back on his opponent. Adrian began to use his length to his advantage, he was stretching his long arms out to gauge the distance between him and Joshua. Joshua looked to have known this treatment a lot as he walked more into the range. Adrian threw a punch directly at Joshua's nose but he ducked down and took more of a step closer. Adrian felt that the distance was too close for him to try to continue to throw more punches. As he took a step back, Joshua's right leg fired out of his stance and directly to Adrian's left heel. Adrian tried to recover from the hit but he got himself off balance. Joshua stepped in and gave the young man a strong punch right into his abs. Adrian still kept his balance but looked like it was a hard thing for him to do. Joshua stepped in to try to take advantage but Adrian was not going to keep getting hit. As Joshua threw another punch, Adrian ducked down and wrapped his long arms at Joshua's legs. Adrian then lifted Joshua from his feet and brought him down to the floor. It was quick, the movement of lightning accompanied by the sound of the thundering slam by Adrian surprised most of the crowd except for Tyson, Martin, and Jeremy. Joshua was not going to get beat up with him down, he started to use any part of his arms to strike at Adrian. Adrian was getting bumped by Joshua's hands, elbows, and everything else as he tried to move around to lock his opponent down. Adrian after some time got his legs in position to apply pressure on top of Joshua's knees. Adrian's shins were placed firmly to create this needed pressure. Joshua got his guard up to protect his face. Adrian in response to this was to punch hard at Joshua's stomach. Mr. Syvone stepped in unfortunately for Adrian, to stop this round. Adrian got up from his position and reached down to help Joshua up. Joshua looked at his opponent's large hands and accepted this show of sportsmanship. Joshua got up a lot faster than he expected.

"You one strong motherfucker," Joshua said after he got up from his feet and began to walk back to the stool on his side.

Adrian then walked back to his side and sat down to let the trainers work on his bruises. "Hey Joshua," Adrian yelled towards his opponent.

"What does your big ass want?" Joshua asked as the trainer checked on his knees. "It better be on you placing your strong ass shins on my knees." Joshua followed that up with laughter.

"Nah fuck your knees, you old bitch," Adrian said quickly. "I was just asking about how the fuck you punch that hard, I thought you broke a rib for a second."

Joshua laughed as he heard that. "It is called training as a boxer for a long time, I can teach you what I know. I like you kid."

"Thank you, Joshua," Adrian said with a respectful tone. "I am going to beat your ass though."

Joshua laughed. "This motherfucker."

Mr. Syvone stepped in. "Alright trainers, time for you guys to move, I am bored seeing this friendly shit, we all want to see one of you two get beat up." As this was said, the trainers moved away and Joshua immediately got up from the stool.

"Come on Adrian," Joshua said pointing at the other man on the stool. "The person he is talking about is you, so let me show you that."

"Oh you are on," Adrian replied as he quickly got up from the stool. Both men are now standing near the middle face to face with each other.

Mr. Syvone walked back to the middle. "Do you guys just want me to start the next round right now?" Both men nodded as they locked eyes with each other. "Alright. SET, GO!"

Adrian wanted to set the tone of this round by him starting to jab at his opponent. Joshua was dodging the hits as much as he could but some of them did hit him. It seemed to cause Joshua to move back.

"Damn that is just your jab?" Joshua said as he stepped to the side circling his opponent. He brought up his hands to guard him.

"Yeah, you should know very well that I am strong as fuck," Adrian replied as he was circled towards Joshua to get him to move away from him.

Both men began to circle each other, both knowing how hard the other could hit. Joshua kept jabbing to make Joshua continue to move. Joshua was keeping up with his last-round strategy of ducking down to move in close to start punching. Instead, Adrian was targeting lower, near the chest area to make Joshua stand more up to not get hit again. Adrian was starting to throw in some kicks in to make Joshua keep guessing at what he could get hit with. Joshua was surprised that he was seeing Adrian's feet being used on him. Joshua was doing fine avoiding the mix of punches and kicks. Adrian kept it going as he began to move more from side to side to give even more variety in where Joshua could be hit. Joshua looked for a bit as he was avoiding the hits and he was noticing that he was getting close to the corner of the ring. Joshua began to circle to the left but Adrian matched it as he moved to his right to cut off Joshua. Joshua then tried the other side with the same results happening. Joshua instead of wanting to move away from the giant decided to press forward to get him to move away. Adrian took a punch as Joshua dodged it and moved in. Adrian then swung his right elbow hard at Joshua to try to hit him with that. Joshua avoided it as he tried to mimic what Adrian did to him in the previous round. As Joshua got his hands around Adrian's legs, Adrian was not going to let him get put on to the ground. Adrian grabbed Joshua's shoulders and began to push on them causing the man to loosen the grip on his legs. Joshua was still trying to step his feet in to close the gap and re-establish his position. It became a struggle match as the two men were trying to not get moved from where they stood. It looked like Adrian was winning as he was getting Joshua away further. Joshua then tried to back out of the situation but Adrian followed him. Joshua got his distance away from Adrian and both men went back to them circling each other. After some time of both men throwing jabs at each other, Adrian noticed that Joshua was starting to slow down a little bit. Before he could take advantage of that, Mr. Syvone stepped in to end the second round. Both men walked away back to their corners. Adrian felt fine, not exhausted from Joshua trying to beat the shit out of him. Joshua however sat down on the chair, placed his hands on his knee, and began to start taking deep breaths.

"Getting tired old man?" Adrian asked Joshua as he was getting some water to hydrate.

"Hell Nah," Joshua said after he swallowed the water he had in his mouth. "I know you are probably tired, stop trying to be tough."

Adrian gave him a shrug as he let the trainer take care of him. Both Joshua and Adrian were staring at each other for a while until Mr. Syvone stepped in. Adrian walked up to the middle, and Joshua followed through. Both of them were not as face to face as they were in the last two rounds.

"Are both of you men ready?" Mr. Syvone asked. Both men kept staring at each other. Mr. Syvone shrugged his shoulders. "SET, GO!"

Adrian threw a strong right hook that barely missed Joshua. Joshua stepped back but noticed that the smiling face that Adrian tends to have was completely wiped from his face. It was a frigid stare that made Joshua concerned. Adrian kept his pressure on his opponent as he kept moving forward and occasionally threw a strong punch in with his series of jabs. Joshua was doing a surprisingly good job at dodging given how tired he looked to be. Adrian kept moving forward with his punches and moving side to side to make sure that Joshua would feel tired from this. Joshua was beginning to slow down with his movement. Adrian was taking advantage of his slowly increasing fatigue. He began to punch as hard and as fast as he could to take out his opponent. Joshua was then beginning to get hit in the face, it started with a jab to the left then slowly more power was added. Adrian was not going to let Joshua get a single chance to try to get out of this. During his punching Joshua in the face, he quickly kicked his leg and it caused him to lose a bit of his balance. Adrian after seeing it was working, raised his leg high to drop his heel into Joshua's face. It was a miss because Adrian overestimated how far Joshua was. As Joshua got his balance back, Adrian immediately fired a strong right hook punch that landed. It connected as Joshua's face quickly moved to the right hard as it caused him to hit the hard metal cage. After the thud, Joshua slumped down from the cage with some scratches slowly appearing on his cheek. Adrian then walked away with his hands raised as if he won a match that would determine if he lived, like a gladiator. Mr. Syvone walked over to Joshua to check up on him, after some time Mr. Syvone stepped up.

"After some time, Joshua is deemed unable to continue this match, Adrian is the winner thus completing our tournament," Mr. Syvone said to Adrian, being excited about what he accomplished. Adrian turned around and began to walk back over to Joshua, Mr. Syvone stepped in between them.

"What are you doing," Adrian asked his superior.

"I will take care of Joshua," Mr. Syvone said as he walked back to stand by Joshua. "Just head over to the locker room and begin to finish your last bit of testing."

"You got it," Adrian said as he began to walk out of the ring.

He runs out to the hallway with the sound of everyone cheering him on. When Adrian gets by the door, he sees Adam waving his hands for the big man to hurry up. As Adrian walked in he was immediately given a cup by Tony.

"Ok, this is what is going to happen," Tony said with smoke exiting his mouth. "You are going to take this cup and go to one of the urinals and take a piss in the cup so we can check it," Tony said pointing to the urinals. "But first we have to take your blood."

"Ah ok," Adrian said before flinching unexpectedly from Adam shoving a needle into his left arm and the blood being sapped out of him. After some time, the needle was pulled out of the arm and a bandaid was put on him. Adrian then went to the urinal and put the cup in range for him to complete what was needed him to do. After some time, the cup was filled enough for it to be tested. Adrian gave the cup to Adam and he pulled out a little handheld microscope. He poured a little drop on a part of it. He looked into the eye whole of the microscope and was studying it for a bit.

After some time Adam walked over to the urinal and poured out the remainder of the urine into it. "Alright, Adrian you should be good."

"So what do I do now?" Adrian asked as Greg pointed towards the door. "Ok so just head out then?" Scott nodded and Adrina walked out of the door.

As Adrian is out of the hallway and back to the main part of the room, he sees Mr. Syvone standing on the stage. "Ok, I will announce who will be representing us for the tournament in two months." Everyone in the crowd looked a mix of excited but with a small hint of envious and maybe anger. "At Flyweight we got Landon Harris to represent us," Landon walks up to the ring standing tall and proud. "At Bantamweight Jeremy Gritham locked in for that spot," Jeremy skips onto the ring pointing at his glass eye. "Featherweight, it is Aaron Levi with Lightweight being Demetrius McCoy who sadly will be in the hospital for some time," Aaron stepped into the ring before doing a cartwheel to his spot. Demetrius was the most normal and just walked in with no expression. "Welterweight will be Nico Coleman," Nico walks in and stood a little bit further from Demetrius. "Middleweight will be one of the two new guys we have here is Martin Cambio," Martin walked in with his chin up high and his hands up in the air. "Light Heavyweight is Issac Wallace," Issac walked in, kick the cage door open, and stood directly next to Martin. "Heavyweight is the other new guy Adrian Parro," Adrian walked next to Issac and stood next to Issac. All of them formed a line from each weight class. The crowd cheered for the fighters and normal gymgoers that watched the tournament from start to end. In the hallway, Scott stood there with his cigar lit and smoke blowing out of his mouth with a smile on his face as he seemed to enjoy what is going to happen.