
Chapter 56: Scolded

Rosario found Sigurd and Andromina and gathered them in his current house. After excitedly explaining his plan on building the fortress city to them he was cussed out by both. Apparently Sigurd had to completely redo his design for the city, and it would mean he needed to re-plot all the areas again. Andromenia for her part wasn't as annoyed by the change as Sigurd, but she did let Rosario know that he should work on accessing the library all Nobles are entitled to as she would need access to it to research runes to use.

Rosario, agreeing that getting access to the Collective Library was a high priority, set off to find Tormund to see if he could provide any insight into accessing the library. Rosario found Tormund working on a watch schedule for the next week. Waiting till the man finished his project, Rosario decided to take a slight nap reclined in a chair while waiting.

Tormund finished after about an hour and woke Rosario up to find out what his Clan Leader needed.

"Tormund, I decided to have a change of plans. Instead of this plateau being our main city I want it to become our Clans greatest fortress. I have hired five earth mages to build the city by raising the marble that the plateau is made of Sigurd is currently working on a new design for the city and Andromenia is going to help create runes for us to engrave the city with. The issue is she knows the runes exist but needs access to the library to study them. So. Do you know how to access the library."

Tormund having listened to Rosarios verbal diarrhea, sat down with a deep sigh.

"Reincarnated to die by stress, that's what my grave will say." Rubbing his eyes to stave off a headache Tormund continued. "Okay, so start from the beginning again, you want to make this a fortress city for our Clan?"

Rosario excitedly explained his thoughts and his plans for the city to Tormund over the next hour. After going over everything he waited for Tormund to give him his own thoughts about what Rosario had come up with.

"I believe the pay in essence crystals is definitely in our favor, for the housing benefit you offered them, we will need to come to an agreement on the dimensions they are allowed to build their homes too as we don't need massive mansions in a military fortress city. As for your idea I believe you will want to include Havresh, as he was half dwarven he might have some insights into the construction of an all-stone city. The library you are talking about is only something you can obtain for us as a Collective Noble, you are allowed to build a main branch of the library called the Grand Library and then smaller offshoot versions in your other cities."

Walking to the door Rosario looked outside and saw Julie walking not far away.

"JULIE!" Getting her attention with a loud shout Rosario motioned for her to come to him when she turned to face him.

"Julie, can you please go find Havresh and tell him to swing over here to Tormund's house. Let him know the sooner the better."

"Yes sir." After a quick salute Julie ran off to find Havresh as requested.

Going back inside Rosario retook his seat.

"I sent Julie to go get Havresh, while we wait for him can you tell me if you were given the knowledge on how to unlock the library?"

Tormund looked at Rosario weirdly. "When is the last time you looked at your notifications from the system?"

Rosario paused and thought about it, now that Tormund asked. He hadn't looked since they attacked the mine. Clearing his throat Rosario answered.

"Not long maybe a day or so."

"A day or so? When was the last time you looked? Is your ellipsis not flashing still."

Clearing his throat Rosario shifted in his seat. "I, uh, I might have updated my "settings" so that the ellipsis doesn't flash anymore."

Rosario had seen the look that Tormund was currently giving him before. It was the look he always gave Rosario before asking if Rosario was an idiot.

"When. Was. The. Last. Time. You. Looked?"

"Before we attacked the mine."

As Tormund was about to say something more there was a knock on the door and Havresh calling out.

"I will go speak with Havresh, while I am gone look over your more important notifications."

Left alone Rosario decided might as well look through his notifications to not piss Tormund off any more than he already had. He just hated having to sort through them all, he honestly thought it was the coolest thing when he first had seen it, but after weeks of having a notification for every kill he got while hunting he had gotten tired of reading them. Now it was more of a chore.

Looking through them he was hit with tones of kill notifications. He hadn't harvested any of the goblin bodies, that had been left to his subordinates to do, but he had a lot of notifications that he didn't bother going through them. There were a few notifications that stood out to him though that somewhat explained Tormund's annoyance with him. The first was:

[You have destroyed another Nobles Summoning Gate. When destroying summoning gates, you ruin the chance for the Noble to regain their status unless they are able to capture and take over another summoning gate. Each time a Noble destroys or subordinates another Noble with their gate they are given more benefits. Subordinate or kill the previous noble for an upgraded reward.]

[Rosarios Gate Achievement:

Destroyed Gates: 001

Subdued Gates: 000]

[Current Achievement: Destroy or Subdue a Gate. 1/1, Complete]

[Current Achievement: Destroy or Subdue another Noble. 1/1, Complete]

[Reward: Random Item Box]

After Rosario finished reading his reward notification, there seemed to be a convergence of mana in front of him. After a buildup of around thirty seconds all the mana collapsed on a singular spot bringing into existence a one cubic foot ornate square box. The majority of the box was made of a type of black leather, the clasp was made of gold, and all the edges and corners were lined with a decorative gold trim. What stood out was that on all sides, but the bottom of the box was a figure of the Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper was made of a purple smoky-like crystal embedded into the sides and top of the ornate box.

Forgetting to read the remainder of his notifications Rosario unclasped the box, and slowly opened the lid to look in.