
Chapter 6

Finally Lisa went next, she slowly walked up to the First stone the Announcer wrote down the results on a plate like before, Lisa had moved on already to the Martial spirit testing stone the man began his Announcement. "Name Lisa Latrimos, Bone age 16, Cultivation Early 6th Layer Qi gathering." The Announcer took a deep breath and spoke even louder. "Martial Spirit 780 Petal Ice Lotus High Earth grade! Inner sect!"

Hearing the grade of her Martial spirit the remaining student of their school where shocked as there where sure only Kyles sister possessed an Earth grade Martial Spirit.

But everybody went silent when an elder stood up everybody went silent.

Being now able to get a good look at that elder Kyle saw a mid-age fat ugly man with a dirty look on his face, he took a look with his System

[Name: Zam Wardos]

[Realm: Golden Core]

Gaining nothing from checking with the system he Already knew that whatever the Guy would say could be nothing good from the dirty look he gave to Lisa and he was right.

"I'm Vice Sect Master Zam I take you not as a disciple but as my Woman!" he said loud and confident enough for everybody to hear he began already turning around back.

Kyle was already staring at that guy with a Murderous stare giving of bloodlust strong enough for two other students behind him to collapse but it didn't spread any further because of his cultivation and was only able to radiate so far thanks to his Chaos seed amplification, Lisa already Shouted not a second after the announcement of the Vice sect Master.

 "I Refuse!"

Causing him to turn back around and shout like a mad man. " You dare To refuse me I demote you to an Handyman disciple and you get a punishment merit deduction for refusing the Sect Masters order of 50 thousand Merit Points you going to pay back the Merits by Working in the spirit stone mine or you change your mind and comply to the order!" but before he could finish his rant a rock hit the back of his head and a person wrapped in a black cloak appeared in the sky and landed next to Lisa and looked up to the grandstand and yelled. "Vice sect Master Wardos how dare you use my father's name to validate your obscene doings! Did the power already rise to you head in the 4 month since my Father had entered seclusion, do you want me to inform him to come out of seclusion!?"

Wardos quickly said loud "Never mind I retract my saying!" 

Once that was over person in the black cloak turned to Lisa and polled the hood off revealing a beautiful young Woman looking around 20 years old and asked. "I'm Iris, Inner sect Elder and Daughter of the sect Master do you maybe want to become my disciple?" Lisa without hesitation bowed to Iris "Disciple greets master!"

As Lisa came back up from her bow she was already grabbed and brought away by her teacher. Leaving back a big Tumult which calmed down after a few minutes. While these things happened and Kyles rage was at its peak unknowns to him a very small piece of his Chaos seed transformed into a mix of black and crimson red, radiating a aura of destruction for a moment when he calmed down after Lisas new teacher Iris had intervened and unknowingly stopped an severe disaster.

Kyle sensed even after calming down that after his Awakening, his Emotion began fluctuating Increasingly, especially his rage what he already noticed as he killed these people without hesitation after speaking with bad intention about Lisa that it was amplificated to the extreme, but he couldn't think more about it, as the announcer signaled for him to step forward.

Kyle tests gone by quick as he was nothing special with just the announcement and no elder had reacted.

 "Name Kyle Light Bone Age 16, Cultivation Mid-5th Layer Body tempering realm, Martial spirit Golden Fog Low seed Grade. Outer disciple."

Quickly moving on to the path behind the yard he quickly saw a small building at the end of it, as he was entering he discovered only one desc with an older man sitting there, holding a stone tablet similar to the one, the announcer was writing on with stacks of black robes and boxes full of sect tokens with 3 doors engraved with core sect, inner sect and outer sect with a metal plate protruding at the side of the gates With runes all over the edge of the Plate.

As Kyle came closer the man sitting behind the desk asked him in a monotone voice about his name. "your Name?"

After giving his name to the man, he reached with his hand for a robe and token and placed them in front of Kyle on the table and explained with the same monotone voice as before. "This Robe and token has white stripes and is for outer disciple like you, gold stripes for inner disciple and blue for core disciple, you are not allowed to enter higher ranked areas without being brought by someone with access to these, now bind your token with a drop of blood and follow it to your accommodation."

Kyle quickly put a drop of blood on the token and went quickly to the door with outer disciple engraved and held the token at the plate causing the door to swing open while the man was glaring at Kyle from behind for not leaving fast enough.


Once Kyle was out of the door he followed the direction of the string attached to the top of the token was pointing to.

After following the direction of the string he entered an area, where many houses got bild side by side.

Kyle quickly found his accommodation between all of these after following the tokens direction. Using his token to open the door he was greeted by an simple setup with two beds and two chests and two circles with a mat in the middle.

On one of the beds a young boy around Kyles age was sitting which after seeing Kyle entering froze for a second before standing up and greet Kyle.

"Hi I'm Clark Dawn you must be one of the newbies from the school with the incident, what's your name?"

"I'm Kyle and your guessed right where I come from, so i don't know much where everything is and what rules there are and because we were suddenly pushed in groups to a random array and I didn't had the time to see to which sects teleportation circle i was pushed to."

Clark smiled and put a hand on Kyles shoulder. „Sure buddy, i can call you buddy right, as we are roommates from now one?"


"We are here in the Dragon blood sect and there are to be honest not many rules there is just no fight outside of official sparing matches overseen by an elder or death matches in the arena and the rest of the rules are standard like no stealing and stuff, but it's easier to show you the rest instead of explaining it, but first you should change into the sect clothes. In your chest are also some pants and more robes as damaging one isn't rare together with a rule book and a book with general knowledge stuffed into a space bag for easy transportation."


After Kyle had changed they went outside, Clark explained many more things while walking." Here to the left, we have the training field where you can train your techniques and also test the strength on the stones standing there you can see an exact number of your strengh on the plate on top of it, but this plate is still very new as till two month before today, the strengh was measured on the stone changing color under the applied strength, where you could only see when it was glowing green up to 10.000 pound of strengh the peak of the body Tempering Realm where the color changes up to 100.000 pounds to blue, 500.000 pounds to Lila and 2.000.000 pounds to gold each expected as the peak strengh of the following realms but this wasn't accurate as we could only see these Milestones but thanks to this special plate we can now see an accurate strengh Display making it possible for those who are not as talented to know the exact value as most cultivator have a base strengh of 7 to 8 thousand pounds in base and by using Techniques about 9.000 which couldn't be seen before but also in the later stages most people are falling far behind there realms Limit."

Hearing this Kyle wanted to directly test his strengh, but held back to not reveal his strengh in the open right now, he quickly followed Clark who had already began to move again.


Next on their path was the Cafeteria. „This is the Cafeteria and the food is great, but the one merit point cost for eating there is very expensive as each moth we only receive 30 merit points each month and only gain more by completing missions unlike inner disciple who can go to there for free."

"Where can i see my own merit points?"

Hearing this Clark began ranting about the one handing out the things, while shaking his head with his palm on his forehead. "Did he again not explain anything while handing the stuff out, take your token and swipe down in the middle for it to display your name, rank and below that your Merrit points."

Kyle quickly took out his token and swiped down words slowly appeared on it

Kyle Light

Outer Disciple

Merrit points: 30

After Kyle thanked Clark they moved on again, with their next stop being a Tower.

"This Body tempering tower with 10 Floors, a treasure left from the Old age. It generates a strong gravitational field in each floor and its gets stronger with each floor but to be honest it was first placed in the core because it's a high grade treasure, but its only really beneficial for the body tempering realm cultivator and in higher realms the effect is negligible so it was quickly put in the outer sect shortly after the sects Founding but let's not get into the details there is still much to show."

Kyle who was looking interested at the tower was quickly dragged away two other buildings close by buildings.

"Here to the Left we have Martial Library where you can as a new disciple can enter for a time span of 2 hours to choose one cultivation technique and one technique from the first room and every entrance costs Merrit points which increases more if you enter the other halls behind the first one and to the right we have the weapon hall where you can chose one weapon for free Let's get you a weapon first before you chose a technique."

Clark walked with Kyle into the Weapon hall where all kinds of weapons where displayed, they were walking through there looking at the weapons they got monitored by an person who sat at the entrance, Kyle ended up on the sword section where he began trying some using practice swings, but he found them all to light until he discovered a one handed great sword hidden behind some other swords he was trying out, after making some swing he felt that this sword felt just right in his hand with its weight. Turning around to Clark who was also looking at the swords for him and told him that he had found his weapon. "Kyle can I take a look at it for a second?"

"Sure." Kyle handed the sword over to Clark which received it with both hands, he almost fell over because the unsuspected weight of the sword.

"I was right it's an peak Qi gathering weapon but, its weight is just too heavy with around 9.000 pounds of weight and would slow me down to much in a fight if I would use it even with my mid-9th Layer Body tempering cultivation but I'm sure you realm is lower than mine so I would advise you to choose better another sword than this one." He handed Kyle the great sword back.

"You think so? I thought the weight was just fine and what do you mean with peak qi gathering weapon?" asked Kyle, causing Clark to look shocked when his expression returned to normal and said. "I forgot that you come from there where you use the Grading system of the Martial spirits on everything but here and most other places we use the Cultivation system to grade everything as its more accurate. Also what kind of freaky physic do you have to say that the weight is just fine while possessing a lower cultivation than mine."

Hearing Clarks question he realized that he just unintentionally revealed some of his strengh.

"I just have a strong body but nothing more." Kyle answered to not arise more suspicion over his strengh.

"Oh so you have innate strengh, so then its fine, so let's bring the sword to the front to sign it out"

The two went to the elder in the frond and handed him the sword and Kyles token, the elder took a look at both and handed it back to Kyle and said " Another mid body tempering cultivator who is blinded by the Lava source steel used in the sword even if it's too heavy to use." He shook his head.

As both of them walked over to the Martial Library Kyle asked Clark if he knew what so special of this material that the elder would say that I got blinded by its worth.

Clark answered "When I remember correctly the Lava source Steel is an Material out of the depths of a Vulcano and is of the Foundation establishment grade and is considered to be one of the hardest materials in its grade, but it has a draw back if forged into a weapon it will accumulate heat and will randomly releases it into its wielders body."

Arriving in the Martial Library they were stopped by the elder at the entrance they handed there tokens over. Clark told the elder to deduct one hour for him, before they were let trough Clark pulled Kyle toward the Cultivation Techniques Clark quickly explained "the cultivation techniques are only up to the qi gathering grade but that's only so because they are incomplete and the next parts a stored in the inner sect Martial Library and have a mark at the back if that's the case and if you already have a good enough cultivation technique you should still choose an auxiliary one before coming to the techniques where I will already go to." Clark left Kyle standing there.

Kyle quickly gone to the shelfs with the Auxiliary cultivation technique and browsed through them after going for around twenty minutes when he finally got his hand on a technique catching his interest called Dragon blood Transformation having no grade written on it.

Even though it has Dragon written in its name it had nothing to do with them, it's allows the user possessing any living creature as martial spirit the technique creates a Bloodline in the users body until the three body's blood essence is completely changed they will gain the ability to transform into their martial spirits race but the benefits vary with each martial spirit. Having decided on it Kyle went over to Clark who was browsing through them and started browsing again himself.

After Kyle went through over 17 Techniques, Clark put his hand on his shoulder while holding two books in his hand. "Read this one, I think that one would fit you, with your innate divine strengh and heavy great sword." He went to the front with the other technique he held together with the one he held with the one he gave Kyle where he checked out and waited in the door.

Opening the technique called Tyrant crushing great sword Clark handed him and flew over it.

For the technique a strong and Flexible body together with a solid sword able to carry the burden of this technique as it absorbs the power of each swing and collision and release it at once to deal a strike or shatter the opponents weapon by releasing the stored energy in one blow, but only the first level was available at the moment, but the following chapter where available in the inner sects Library. His great sword fulfilled the condition for the sword and the first chapter of his Primordial universe creation Technique not only allowed his body to be abnormal strong but also keeps it flexible by developing it to the most perfect state.

This all makes this technique very suitable for him, finalizing his decision on this Technique he went to the front.

After giving the overseer his token and technique he gave Kyle a warning while returning the them to him. "The borrowed Technique are not allowed to be given to others or brought outside the sect, but if the these rules are Brocken punishment will be ruled by the Hall of punishment."

Going outside Clark brought Kyle on another path when he asked him about his Martial spirit. "What exactly is you're martial spirit that you would chose the Dragon Blood Transformation Technique, the benefits are low if it's not of a strong race that even I with my six legged lizard martial spirit it would grant me barely any benefit and as you're here in the outer sect I can assume your martial spirit is also below the earth grade where the races are not distinct enough for the technique to have a great effect?"

"your right my martial spirit is just a mid-seed grade martial spirit Golden Mist but it has the ability to imitate other things and I want to attempt if I can create a bloodline of an imitated species."

"So you theoretical wasted 1000 Merrit points for an attempt which might not work?"

"You can say it Like that."

Finally approaching a building with an constant flow of people going through Clark told him that it was the mission hall where he could take mission to gain merit points or exchange them for merit points.

After that he told Kyle to wait right where he stood and went inside and kame back outside holding a pill bottle and handed it to Kyle. " A small welcome gift, in there are two body Tempering pills and we should get going before its gets dark that I can still show you the arena."

Before Kyle could ask why Clark would give them to him just like that Clark was already walking in the direction where they got tested and walked past it and stopped a few meter behind it and pointed somewhere, where Kyle discovered a Colosseum like arena where Clark pointed to, when he was already began walking away again.

After a while they ended up back at their accommodation and went inside Clark turned to Kyle and said "You are probably asking yourself why I begun acting so strange and why I'm so nice to you and gift your Body tempering pills."

"Yeah I do ask myself why you would act so weird?"

"Let me explain. First I really just wanted to befriend you and didn't have any other thoughts about it because what I'm about to tell you. Since birth I can see the Luck of people and can sense if there good or bad people to some extent. The Average person possesses Luck in form of a snake followed by an Python, these two are those seen everywhere followed by flood dragon which I only seen on the sect Masters daughter, but you are on a whole other Level that I froze in shock after seeing it, as your Luck manifests as a dragon and devours all the Luck in its path to grow bigger, so you potential is above anything I have ever seen before on anybody. Also the reason for me becoming so hasty is because i discovered the Luck of a person I wanted to avoid at all cost, the nephew of Vice Sect Master Wardos. He is a horrible person, which missuses his standing as inner disciple and high ranking enforcer of the Punishment hall to steal from outer disciple and force female ones to accompany him and silent those who oppose him and even if something gets revealed his uncle gets rid of the evidence for him, and I'm one of his favorite targets to rob, so I didn't want to get you in danger."

"I understand all of this but this still doesn't explain the Body Tempering Pils? Asked Kyle back.

"I got You the body tempering because people with great luck also suffer many calamities and the faster you get stronger the easier you can overcome them and I wanted to support you as a new friend."

Kyle was very grateful to Clark for revealing this this and didn't keep this hidden, allowing Kyle to lay some trust into his words, but he still was careful enough to not reveal his strengh until he was sure doesn't have some hidden intention beside befriending him.