
Rise of Thanatos, Primordial of Death

Follow the personification of death on his journey through myths. this is an A.U of Greek and other myths This is my first novel, so please bare with me as I attempt to convey the story. "I don't know when I'm going to be posting chapters; I won't make promises."

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11 Chs

Birth of a Concept

Consider the enigmatic triad of gods, humans, and primordials. What sets them apart? Some might argue that it's their formidable powers, which is a valid point. But is there more to their distinction? Or are they, in fact, more similar than we realise?

Humans have great greed, and so do gods. But primordials? Their nature remains a mystery, a puzzle waiting to be solved. They all seem warped in their jobs, and we hardly know anything about them.

Humans are subspecies of gods, and gods are subspecies of primordials. But do they have the same capabilities? Yes, all have growth potential, a beacon of hope in the darkness. But humans? They are capable of great evil, but gods are, too.

There has never been a story about gods without the bad. They seem pretty human, don't they? They are made from the same structure, but are they the same beings in a sense? One is like humans with power, and the other is weak and without power.

But what if I have a story for you? It's a story about a primordial-to-be.

His place was that of a servant for a god, a being inferior to him, but he never found it bothersome. The weakest of all humans tormented him to a pitiful state, tricked by deities. This concept is needed to guide life and has the name THANATOS.

A great being, he is indeed benevolent, a little too generous. He is weak-willed and has no mind, but this rodeo is mine to claim. I shall step to the top by great sacrifice or wit, but no one will have the gauge to control me. I am a concept needed for the universe's stability and'll do it my way.

A soul, blank of conscience, unable to see or hear in a blank background, barren of life or structures that seem to stretch endlessly if eyes could see, the silence that's eerie for normal beings that could drive them crazy, a place no man could stand leading to insanity.

But this soul is unique. It has been slowly absorbing the essence of the blank domain, gradually getting nutrients to satisfy its growth.

The soul began to glow dimly as time passed, gradually gaining its brightness. A silver aura began to seep into the soul, and unknowing of the time passed, the soul began to gain a silver colour. The essence gained from the domain began to grow significantly within this soul.

As time passed, this soul began to stir and shake, consciousness began to show, and its aura began to glow. It flickered like a robot springing to life as eyes had developed onto the soul.

A gentle voice that was expected from a singer suddenly spoke, "Where am I... No! Who am I? NO! What am I?" the owner of the voice said with genuine confusion while also exclaiming as if they expected to be someone or somewhere. This lasted no longer than two minutes, as the voice gently spoke again, "I see... No, I feel as if I'm in the gentle embrace of a mother," it talked with clarification and confidence as if sure of what it was.

"But what is a mother? Where am I gaining such strange words and knowledge? Argh!!" The sudden dump of knowledge caused great mental pain for the soul as it gasped as if it had air. With this, the sudden knowledge and memories gained began to change the being's stupor. He began to ask as if he had been kidnapped: "Where am I? Did it work? Is it finished? Have I done it?" with continuous questions seeking an answer to something of great importance.

But with that, a voice boomed, and the soul began to float randomly, trying to find the voice's owner.

"Yes, it has, young one. Be not afraid," the voice echoed as if it had something to bounce off within this blank domain.

Shocked filled the soul as it glanced around, asking, "So does that mean I died in the process of completing it?"

"Yes, yes you did," the enigmatic voice spoke, agreeing with the troubled soul.

"I... I see; well then, I died just as I got the key to cure my sickness. Hahaha..." the soul laughed in pity and acceptance.

"It was as it was supposed to play out. You had expired, as death claims all mortals," said the voice with finality.

"Right... uh, so what now?" the soul asked, seeking guidance.

"How would you like to reincarnate?" asked the enigmatic voice.

"Gladly! Where do I start? Do I need something to start the process? What's the cost?" the soul asked in excitement.

"Calm down, young one, it is but a mere thing, free. Of course, you might think there is a catch, but there is none. I have no need for you."

"I see, so when will we start?" the soul said excitedly, and the shape of their being began to morph with the growing excitement.

"How about now? I'll give you three wishes and one favour since I've grown to like you," the enigmatic voice said.

"Let me think... uhm, hmm..." The soul seemed unmoving.

As time is not a thing within this domain, it's unsure how much time passed. But within the soul, it had been five minutes of thought.

"Since we are great friends, can I call you Liam?" asked the soul.

"Is that a wish?" asked the enigmatic being with curiosity.

"Of course not; I'm merely trying to find a way to address you."

"Yes, you can, so moving on, yes?" Liam asked with impatience.

"Ah, right, yes indeed. If I may, Liam, would it be possible for me to be reborn as a deity?" the soul asked with genuine curiosity.

"Yes, you can," Liam said with assurance.

"Hm, I'd like to be Thanatos," said the soul with finality.

"Granted, moving on," said Liam.

"I'd like to have divine beauty to showcase the inviting aura of death." the soul said with deep thought.

"Granted," said Liam.

"I'd like to gain divinities revolving around death," said the soul.

"Granted. Now for your favour," said Liam in an expectant tone.

"Please grant me the ability to control my thoughts and emotions," said the soul in a begging tone.

"Fine, it shall be rewarded to you. Safe travels, my friend Thanatos," said Liam in a tone of friends saying goodbyes for the last time.

"See yo—" Thanatos was interrupted as he got sucked up by a black hole, immediately turning his soul into noodles winding through a vortex.


The silence was deafening in a castle as dark as midnight, where you could hear your thoughts echoing through the hallways. As the light from the stars gleamed through the windows, the shadows of the trees danced on the walls, mesmerised by the calm night wind.

[Image here]

But that's not what we are here for; it's for another reason: the birth of two Divine Concepts: Sleep and Death.

Thanatos and Hypnos.

"I see. Yes, his eyes are quite mesmerising," said Nyx as she lost herself within his divine marbles as if in a trance.

Only to snap out when a man as pale as the snow came into the room, appearing from the shadows to glance at his sister-wife's children that she birthed herself.

"They took your looks, my dear Nyx, but this little one...his aura is very defined as if he holds the essence which upholds Khaos. But they have similar auras, silver, and greyish bronze, likely to hold concepts related to the other," Erebus stated matter-of-factly.

"As it may seem, Erebus, it does not matter; they are mine, so they are bound to be great. But I don't want my children to be great. I want them to be safe, not involving themselves with the cursed problems of 'her,'" Nyx said spitefully.

Because of the Law of Names, gods should not be named for fear they might be listening, but this is different for Nyx; she doesn't want to bring herself into the hatred curse brought by Gaia.

The originator of the family killing family, Gaia will forever bear the curse of a Kinslayer.

"Yes, but you cannot stop them from what they want; you should guide them. I'll help with the process if you let me," said Erebus, knowing he might've overstepped, knowing Nyx and her newborn children were possessive.

"NO!! Absolutely not!! My precious children are mine to guide; their beauty is mine; they are mine only mine," Nyx said maddeningly.

Erebus stepped back slightly, not expecting her to go off like that but quickly composed himself.

"Yes, my dear. I'll take my leave now. But remember, you have a role to play. It's our time to start soon, so say your peace and let's get to it. The quicker we finish, the faster you get to see them," said Erebus, urging Nyx.

Nyx stared for hours, which felt like seconds for her, but her expression soon became disappointed since she had to depart from her children, who were both sleeping peacefully.

One last glance, and she walked out of the chamber majestically.

Time Skip

Quite some time passed, and within these times, both children began their priesthood ritual, which required them to breastfeed from their mother. Nyx, with her great obsession, gently held them still while they fed from her.

After the ceremony, one of the children begins to form their inner conscience; that child is Thanatos.

Upon his awakening, his aura filled the world with dread; the occupants of the overworld began to feel fear, not knowing what such aura meant; thus, decay began. The ones recovering from wounds began to die one by one, creating sorrows and misfortune upon the victims' families, but within these reaping of the sickly, copies of a being began to pop up around the globe depicting a young male with platinum blonde hair with tanned skin and, most importantly, his silver eyes that seemed endless as if peering into one's thoughts or soul.

He stood still as his copies began their work. His words provided insight into the genuine fear of the unknown among the occupants of the overworld and other dimensions.



His speech echoed throughout Khaos. Beings who did reckless things with their lives, knowing they would heal, died immediately upon impact. Seeing this happening, beings who were alive after the creation of the universe playing recklessly died, playfully using real weapons for entertainment, died from killing blows, and witnessed the death of friends began to feel loss; these became the norm within these times.

Most began to feel the lust for killing and used it to their advantage to plunder, but all actions have a causality.

Those who unjustly murder when claimed will forever repent. Their irreversibility is a curse they themselves placed upon themselves.

All materials, including cells, will gain the attribute of non-functionality; thus, weakness comes to be.

And Death, universality shall be shared among the cosmos.

All within the blessing of Thanatos.

Nyx stared dumbly as Thanatos began his speech throughout Khaos. The idea that her baby had that much power over beings truly excited her. His unmoving body stood as if he were a statue while using his divine eyes to see through his blessing passed throughout the cosmos.

Feeling his aura seeping within the trees and wildlife, Nyx could not help but stare with shock, wondering if his abilities were going to affect her, only to see it stop in front of her as if an object was forced to break immediately. Seeing this, she could tell he held her in the utmost importance. The same thing happened with Erebus and his brother Hypnos.

"My precious baby," Nyx whispered as she slowly walked closer to his figure, trying to gain his attention. He remained unmoving as he continued his observation, his silver eyes staring like a vortex had been placed as his iris.

A/n- all chapters will be 2000, nothing less; tell me your thoughts.






Hey everyone,

My brain is really overworked right now since I'm juggling two summer jobs. I'll only be able to post once a week for the time being. Once I can drop one job and focus on the other, I'll have more time to work on the story, which should help boost chapter releases and earn enough money to buy what I want. I'm saving up for a new high-spec phone.

Thanks for understanding!

Dao_Of_Shamelessnzcreators' thoughts