
Rise of Rakshasa

An Empire that grows from ashes with fight between brothers and kings with unimaginable power. A man travelled to a parellel universe from earth ,with no strength .How will he survive and establish his empire.

moore420 · Huyền huyễn
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34 Chs

Extreme Cultivation Method

Using the waterfall's immense power of impact, he completely scattered his own kalari, while also withstanding a substantial amount of trauma that was being dealt to his life force. Then, under this near burnt out state, he exploits and teared apart the limits of his body and Profound Strength.

Bali had always been fascinated by the raw power of nature, and it was this fascination that had led him to develop his unique method of cultivation. He had spent years studying the natural forces that surrounded him, and he had come to the conclusion that the key to unlocking the full potential of his body and mind lay in harnessing these forces.

His method was simple, yet extreme and frightening. He would stand under the waterfall for hours on end, allowing the immense power of the water to beat down on him with incredible force. As he stood there, he would completely scatter his own kalari, the energy that flowed through his body, until he was left feeling completely empty and vulnerable.

But Bali was not afraid. He knew that in this near burnt out state, he could tap into the full extent of his physical and mental abilities. And so, with his body battered and bruised, he would begin to exploit and tear apart the limits of his body and Profound Strength.

It was a grueling process, one that would push him to the brink of his endurance. But Bali was determined to succeed, and he refused to let anything stand in his way. He would push himself harder and harder, ignoring the pain and fatigue that threatened to overwhelm him.

And yet, despite the incredible risks he was taking, Bali continued to practice his method of cultivation with the idol every day. For him, there was no other way to achieve his ultimate goal: to become the strongest warrior in the land, capable of facing any foe and emerging victorious.

As he stood beneath the waterfall, feeling the water pounding against his body, Bali knew that he was closer than ever to achieving his goal. He could feel the raw power coursing through his veins, and he knew that he was capable of accomplishing things that would have been impossible just a few short months ago.

It was a dangerous path that he had chosen, but Bali was willing to take the risks. For him, there was no greater thrill than the challenge of pushing himself to his absolute limits, and he was determined to succeed no matter what the cost.

As he emerged from the waterfall, battered and bruised but victorious. He had pushed himself further than he ever thought possible and broke through martial novice level 9, and he was more determined than ever to continue down this path, no matter how extreme or frightening it might be.