
Rise of Power: Journey of Kingdoms

In a world where the strength of a knight is determined by their mastery of unique breathing techniques, transmigrator Ethan finds himself inhabiting the body of Ethan Darkwood, a newly crowned king of a weak kingdom. With memories of his previous life, Ethan must learn to navigate this strange medieval world while trying to understand his new identity. The kingdom of Verdant Vale is on the brink of collapse, plagued by internal conflicts, external threats. As the young king, Ethan is initially overwhelmed by the enormity of his responsibilities and the intricacies of the medieval political landscape. His saving grace is the discovery of a mystical system that would help him and his kingdom grow stronger and become more powerful. As he grows stronger, he begins to turn the tides for his kingdom. He introduces revolutionary laws, leads his knights to victories in battles, and fosters alliances with neighboring kingdoms. The once crumbling kingdom of Verdant Vale starts to flourish under his rule. As Ethan Darkwood charts his journey from a transmigrator to a beloved and powerful king, he redefines the concept of strength and leadership in the vast medieval world. With his kingdom building system, he not only saves his kingdom from ruin but also leaves an indelible mark on the annals of its and the world's history. ------------- My 2nd book: Legacy of Eldric.

Warrior_Blade · Kỳ huyễn
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165 Chs

Chapter 21: Princess Luna


After dismissing the soldiers, the next order of business was a meeting with the newly formed Agriculture Council. The council was led by Jones Whiteflame, a seasoned farmer with decades of experience in the field. He was elected head of the council on a unanimous vote. The room was filled with a variety of characters, each representing a different aspect of agriculture. 

Ethan looked around the room, his gaze steady. "Jones, the report," he began, his voice echoing in the spacious room. 

Jones, a burly man with roughened hands and a warm smile, nodded. "The harvests have been bountiful, Your Majesty. The wheat fields yielded a record-breaking harvest, and the vineyards bring plentiful fruits, and the gardens are thriving as well." 


Ethan nodded; his expression serious. "Good, we need to keep our granaries filled, especially during the winter months. How are the livestock doing?" 


"Sales have been steady, Your Majesty," Jones replied. "Cattle and poultry are the most popular. We're also seeing an increase in demand for mutton and goat milk." 


Ethan leaned forward, his attention keen. "Interesting. We need to capitalize on this. How much gold are we making from these sales?" 


Jones shuffled through his papers before responding, "After deducting the costs of nurturing and raising the livestock, we've made a substantial profit." 


Satisfied with the report, Ethan moved on to his next point. "As you all know, blackthorn kingdom has been integrated into Verdant Vale and became a vassal town. Their agriculture is subpar compared to ours. We need to expand to the towns. Although their agriculture is subpar their soil is fertile and untapped. We can set up additional farms there." 


The discussion went on, with Ethan and the council members delving deep into the intricacies of agricultural development. Overseas trading was briefly mentioned, but Ethan dismissed it for the time being. That was a topic for another day. For now, the focus was on strengthening domestic agriculture, ensuring that the kingdom was self-sufficient and prosperous. 


After the delegation was completed, he retired back to his chamber to rest and summoned the system once more. 






Name: Ethan Darkwood 


Level: 3rd – Stage Apprentice Knight 


Equipment: Lord Guardians Cloth 


Breathing technique: Celestial Life 


Money: 100,000 Gold 




Kingdom Status 


Kingdom Ranking: 5th-Tier 


Kingdom Vassals: Blackthorn town. 


Military Strength: Conditions not met 


Conditions not met 

Unable to level up. 




<Mall > 


<Inventory > 





He first noticed a few changes to his panel. His strength changed to the 4th stage and his equipment got updated. Scrolling down he saw a brand-new column under the kingdom as 'kingdom vassals. This is the first time he even heard of a Tier 5 kingdom having vassals, he was surprised as he knew of vassals, but he thought that only tier 3 kingdoms and above had them. 


Ethan, seeing as everything was going smoothly started cultivating once more. And soon 3 days passed by. 

Ethan sat cross-legged on his bed as a mouthful of foul air was exhaled. "Finally stage 4" he screamed internally. After a long cultivation session Ethan was finally able to break through to the next level. To celebrate his advancement, he decided to enjoy a luxurious meal made by the chefs and to take a long relaxing bath. 

He decided to take a long leisure walk to relax, he disguised himself and started visiting the shops in the capital. He looked around and could not help but tear up a bit as he saw everything that he had tried to build before him. Verdant Vale could not be described as a castle anymore, since Ethan started improving everything the castle expanded and now it could be described as a city as it could accommodate around 15,000 people. 

Ethan had been strolling leisurely through the streets of his city, taking in the atmosphere. The cobblestone streets were bustling with activity, the lively chatter of his people filled the air. He couldn't help but smile as he saw the faces of his people brighten up at his appearance, their eyes gleaming with admiration and respect. The smell of freshly baked bread wafted in the air and laughter echoed from the city square. This was his home, his people, his responsibility. 

He leisurely walked through the crowded and bustling streets. It was late afternoon and he decided to slowly walk back to the castle as he found himself in the outskirts of the city. 

Ethan was humming and enjoying his evening stroll when, a shrill scream tore through the air, shattering the peaceful atmosphere. Ethan's heart clenched as he heard the sound. Without a second thought, he rushed towards the source of the sound, he donned his armor just in case, his bright white armor gleaming under the evening sun. 

Upon arrival, his eyes widened at the scene unfolding before him. A small group of four people was being cornered by a pack of Verdant Timberwolves, ferocious beasts known for their strength and ruthlessness. The Alpha, a huge beast with emerald, green fur and glowing yellow eyes, was a late-stage rank 2 wolf. Four other wolves, each a formidable rank 2 beast, circled the group, their eyes filled with predatory hunger. 

The group consisted of a middle-aged woman, two middle aged men, and a young girl, all in the apprentice knight realm. The woman, dressed in simple light brown cloak, was desperately trying to protect the others. The two men, were also wearing a brown cloak, were holding onto fine iron swords, their hands tightened around the hilt. The young girl, in a tattered grey cloak, was huddled behind them, her eyes wide with fear. 

Without having time to consider who they were, Ethan rushed to their side. The group of four was shocked as they did not think that someone would suddenly rush to their aid. The girl screamed at Ethan as he rushed forward, "Run away! They're too strong!" Her voice was filled with terror and desperation. 


But Ethan couldn't back down now. He couldn't let these people get hurt. He couldn't let these beasts wreak havoc near his city. "I won't let you hurt them," he declared, his voice echoing through the silence. 


He drew his sword, the cold steel shining brilliantly in the sunlight. His heart pounded in his chest, but he didn't let his fear show. He had sparred with his knights when he had time to spare, so that he would not be a burden but would be able to fight side-by-side with them. 


Ethan Knew he could not win as the enemy was too strong, but they were not far from the city. If he could make enough noise for reinforcements to come and hold on, they would be saved. He quickly slashed at one of the weakest members as it was already injured after the constant fighting. As a result, Ethan was able to seal a fatal blow to it. Without confirming if it died Ethan dodged to the side. He was still too slow as a wound was formed on his waist. The stronger wolves had reacted. Ethan dodged and while he did, so he struck every tree when he passed, cutting them in half as they tumbled down making deafening sounds. 


As she saw Ethan fighting, the young woman said to the other 3 to help him. They rushed into the fray. As the wolves were fewer in numbers and strength than before the two men ganged upon the last early stage, the wolf was quickly dispatched after the barrage of attacks from the two men and now only the alpha and the two middle stage wolves remained. 


As they were fighting Ethan, and the group could hear shouting coming towards them. Not long after a few soldiers arrived on scene but as they were not able to join the battle Ethan shouted for them. 


Quickly go get the Knight Commander, there is a late-stage rank 2 wolf, Hurry!!" he shouted. The soldiers were frightened and one of them quickly turned around to relay the news. 


As Ethan gave the command, the alpha wolf he was fighting slammed his claw into Ethan's side. Ethan was sent crashing into an old oak tree. The middle-aged women saw this and wanted to come rushing to help. 


Ethan, lying against the tree, saw this and quickly said. "Don't, quickly finish of the rest of the wolves." The women hesitated for a moment when one of the wolves pounced on her from behind. But as a knight she had incredible senses and dodged the attack. 


Ethan coughed up a mouthful of blood. He slowly stood up with the help of the tree and wiped the blood from off from the side of his mouth. He looked at the wolf and he could swear that he saw the wolf looking at him with a mocking expression that said, 'come ant, fight'. 


'Wel not surprising since the higher the go the more intelligence they gain.' Ethan thought. 


Ethan gathered his sword that was flown to one side and rushed forward once more. Ethan was fighting blow for blow with the wolf, but he could not make a hit. He only saw the wolf block and dodge with ease as it wore a disdainful expression on its face. 

As they were fighting Ethan could not help but hope the reinforcements make it in time or all of them would die. 


As time passed it looked like the wolf had become bored and it slashed at Ethan once more. Ethan was once again sent rolling, luckily at the last moment Ethan was able to turn his body which caused the almost certain fatal attack to only stab into his shoulder. 


Ethan kept lying down and tried to get up but could not. As the wolf saw this, he turned around to face the group of people. Seeing that the wolf turned their attention to them they were frightened and looked around only to see Ethan lying on the ground not too far from them. 


Ethan's consciousness began to fade as he thought he would die, he felt aggrieved for as a king he could not protect the people. The last thing he saw was the wolf steadily walking toward the group, he almost lost hope of saving them, when he heard a loud shout coming from the forest. "YOU DARE!!!" 


The last thing he heard was Magnus's voice echo and the thought flashed through his mind. 'Looks like they'll be fine' and he passes out. 


A few hours ago.... 


< Barracks war room> 


Magnus was reading reports on the construction of the Dawnbringers headquarters, which he decided to build on the mountain in the west as it was spacious and would give people an imposing, suffocating pressure as they looked upon the grand building. 



He was interrupted when the door was pushed open and a Trainee came stumbling in, short on breath. 


"Speak, what would make you storm into the barracks war room so rudely." Magnus shouted sternly. 


"Timberwolves... ambush... forest, Late.... stage rank 2... soldiers in danger" the soldier tried to say as he grasped for air. 


Hearing the information Magnus's pupils constricted, and he ordered his Knight Captains under him to follow as they rushed toward the forest. 

< Ethan's Chamber > 


On a luxurious big bed, a young man was laying still with a very vague breath coming from him. People would have thought the man is dead if not for the vague breath that he breaths. The young man lied motionlessly when one could see his fingers begin to twitch and his eyes slowly opened. 

Looking at the familiar roof above him Ethan could not help but sigh in relief. 'Not dead I presume' he said to himself softly. 

He slowly started to move his body, but with every movement came excruciating pain as his wounds were not completely healed yet. '' Agghh'' he cried out in pain. 

As soon as he cried out the door came swinging open and a middle-aged man with black and white hair came rushing in. It was the butler, William. "Your Majesty, thank goodness you are fine. We thought you would not be able to wake up." William said with tears almost falling. 

"How long was I out for William?'' Ethan asked slowly. "You were unconscious for 5 days your Highness." William replied shortly. 

'F-five days?!" Ethan said uncertainly. "Yes, five days your Majesty." 

'Sigh, and what happened after I fell unconscious, anything important." He asked. "Not in particular, everything is going smoothly but there is a guest that wants to see Your Majesty." 

"A guest?' Ethan asked confused. "A small group of four would like to meet your Highness.' 

"Oh, very well. I also would like to meet this group." ''B-but your majesty your wounds..." 

"No wounds would ever stop me from greeting guests. Let the chefs make breakfast and after I am ready let them meet me in the throne room." 

"As you wish" William bowed and left. 


< Throne room > 

Ethan was sitting in his throne and listening to Magnus telling him what happened after he showed up. It took Ethan a while to calm down the captains and commander, after their relentless persuasion he could only reluctantly agree to their condition which is for a Lieutenant to accompany him at all times. 

As Magnus was finishing his story the throne room doors opened slowly, and a group of four people walked in. The two middle aged men was at the back dressed in silver armor and the middle-aged woman was standing behind the young woman in an armor suited for female combatants. 

Ethan slowly looked at the group, but the young woman attracted his attention. Thanks to it beginning to darken that night Ethan could not get a good look at the group of people. As he gazed upon her, he could not help but stare dumbly at her as she was the most beautiful, he had ever seen in both his lifetimes. 

Her countenance was a symphony of exquisite features, as if each one had been delicately crafted by a divinely inspired artist. Her eyes, as vibrant as sapphire gemstones, were windows to ancient wisdom. They sparkled with an inner light, reflecting a pure world for all to see. 


Her hair, a cascade of shimmering moonlight, flowed down her back in waves of silver, glowing with an ethereal luminescence that seemed to echo the northern lights. It framed a face of such purity and grace, it could make a star seem dull. 


Her features were harmoniously balanced, a testament to nature's perfection. Unearthly and yet so familiar, she was a beautiful enigma, a captivating embodiment of magic and mystery. 


Ethan was woken up from his stupor by a light cough. He laughed lightly trying to hide his embarrassment as his eyes turned toward Asher full of gratefulness. Asher had made the cough as he realized that Ethan was staring in a stupor, he laughed inwardly as he thought. "Haha, even thou the king is mighty he is still a young man at heart" 


Ethan regained his calm and his regal appearance as his voice echoed through the room. ", I am Ethan Darkwood, the King of these lands and I would like to welcome you to the Kingdom of Verdant Vale." He calmly stated with a friendly smile. 

The young woman bowed in the manner of a royal and introduced herself. "Your Majesty, my name is Princess Luna Iceheart from the Kingdom of Frostfall. I give my thanks to your Majesty's generous hospitality. I would also like to take the time to express my deepest thanks for Your Majesty coming to our aid" 

" It is my duty as King to protect those in my lands. As such Princess doesn't have to think thank me" He said with a smile. Princess Luna looked upon the young man and her impression of him had increased as she listened to his words.

"Forgive me for being blunt princess but as far as I know none of the surrounding kingdoms hail the name of Frostfall" Ethan said to clear his doubts. "Yes, your Highness. The Kingdom of Frostfall is beyond the sea north from here, in the winterlands of Valoria." She calmly stated. 

"Oh, and what would make your princess travel across the continent to the east??" 

  "For trades your Highness. We travelled to the neighboring continents to seek a trade alliance, but we were unfortunate in our journey as rejection and dangers from war beasts made it so that we are unable to return to our home of Frost." 


"I would like to ask what the trade goes about Princess?" Ethan asked calmly. "My kingdom is in dire need of resources. Due to our harsh winters and barren lands, we lack basic necessities like food and clothing. We have, however, an abundant supply of ores and precious stones." 

Ethan leaned back in his chair, intrigued by her proposition. "And you propose a trade alliance?" he asked, his emerald eyes studying her carefully. 

"Yes," Luna replied, her voice unwavering. "We offer our ores in exchange for the food and clothing." 

"Princess I cannot make the promise, but I may be able to help you." 

"Really," Princess Luna, shouted visibly gladly. "If it is in my kingdom's best interest, I will make a trade. 

After meeting the Princess, Ethan called a council meeting. His advisors gathered around their expressions varied. Some were skeptical, others intrigued, and a few were visibly excited. "What do you think?" he asked. 

"We must consider this opportunity," said Sir Cedric, an advisor known for his wisdom. "Such a trade alliance could potentially benefit both our kingdoms." 


"Yet, we need to be wary," countered Lady Rosalind, her brow furrowed in thought. "We need to know more about the Frostfall Kingdom and its people." 






Hours later, Ethan summoned Princess Luna and her entourage to the lounge. This time, the atmosphere was more relaxed, the ambiance enhanced by the warm glow of the fireplace. Settling into comfortable chairs, Ethan began his inquiries. 

"Princess Luna, for the moment I cannot agree to the trade, but it could change if Princess would be so kind as to tell me more about your Kingdom." 


Luna's eyes lit up as she began to describe her homeland. "Frostfall is a realm of eternal winter. The air is crisp, and the snow covers the land like a white blanket. The people are resilient, hardened by the harsh climate, yet warm and welcoming. The frost-covered trees glisten in the moonlight, and the frozen lakes shimmer like glass." 


She went on, sharing anecdotes about the Frostfall winters, the resilience of her people, and the folklore that was woven into their culture. The conversation flowed smoothly, with Ethan asking questions and Luna responding, her voice filled with pride and love for her kingdom. 


"And what about the ores?" Ethan asked, shifting the conversation to the proposed trade. 


Luna nodded; her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "The ores we possess are unique to our kingdom. They are rich in minerals and can be used to create powerful weapons and armor." 


Ethan leaned back, taking in all the information. He could see the potential benefits of this alliance, but he knew he needed to tread carefully. 


"Thank you, Princess Luna," he said finally, his voice firm. "Your insights have been invaluable. We will take all of this into consideration and get back to you with our decision." 


As Luna and her entourage left, Ethan sat in the quiet lounge, his mind filled with thoughts about the potential alliance. He was intrigued, yet cautious. The decision was a weighty one, and he knew he needed to consider all aspects before making a final call.