
Rise of nomads

what is a barbarian? for those haughty city dwellers everyone outside their walls is a barbarian from hill forts of ispala to the nomads of black stepp, from the savages of Nung marsh to the raiders of the cold north everyone is the same to them but I am not the same I am Viktor Novigrad a former war soldier, commander and war criminal now reborn as a son steppe I'm here to lead my people into prosperity and I will not fail this time

viktorsov · Kỳ huyễn
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"I am Viktor Novigrad I was 14 when the war started, I was 16 when I joined the armed forces and for the last 20 years, all I have seen is a brutal war where foreign invaders ravaged our sacred motherland and kill her sons and daughters in the name of peacekeeping and you dare to call me a war criminal."

"Mr Viktor this does not excuse your use of nuclear weapons banned by UNO on troops and civilians."

"It was justified have you seen our cities, bombed to rubble millions of our people dead and millions more starving, homeless and hopeless I had the chance to stop that madness and I took it."

"Mr Viktor UN doesn't care what is correct only what is legal and your actions of using nuclear weapons were illegal and this court finds you guilty of stealing, smuggling, and using nuclear weapons on civilians and as well as breaking a total of 118 rules of 2026 Berlin convention and for this, you are sentenced to death."

"any last words prisoner"

"I have committed great sins and I won't ask for forgiveness but may the sky father watch over my people and this sacred land "

"don't you have any regrets"

"even if I were to be given a second chance I'll fukin do it again "

as the cocktail entered my veins I felt peaceful for the first time, at last, it's all over no more suffering no more hate it's all over now as I accepted my fate the dark took me over but it was not the end as for death is only the beginning