
Rise of Demonic sect

A man who leads a boring lives got reincarnated in the world of Cultivation with a lot of twist and also hardship will he be able to rise to make himself the greatest sect leader and the real villain of the stories

Matagiri · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

1. The transfer

on a sunny day in the middle of some office building a guy with a handsome face blonde hair and stunning blue eyes, is a guy sitting comfortably in his chair, he is Edward Fermount or known as the CEO of his own company he lives a good life with a lot of privilege, he is the son of the previous owner of the company and after inherited from his father he has been making the company one of the super company in the US.

he has a lot of hobby from training in sword and also bow, but his most talent is in game of strategy, he have a great mind which make him stand out even in gaming community.

"hahhhh, life is good and all but I think I was born in a wrong era" lament Edward, he have been writing a lot of novel where he tells the story of reincarnated person in a fantasy like world, where sword, magic, cultivation or many other dominates the world.

after doing his basic duties of watching the employees so they do their work properly he went to take a nap, when he got a sudden heart attack, he was trying to take his phone to make a call so that someone can get to him to help him to no avail

"FUCCCCKKK, do I really die with a stupid thing called heart attack, damn I was still a fucking virgin damn it" said Edward hating that fact he was a virgin in his 29 years of life.

he woke up in place unknown to him where he were faced with a guy with a beard, "umm are you jesus?" said Edward confirming the fact that God is real.

"well, I am God, but Jesus? oh thats one of the name that you humankind gave to me huh? well lets say yes, Firstly I will need to apologize" said God

"what for? uh? do someone make a mistake of killing a different person and than you need to compensate me for killing me not in the right time? and that I need to be born to a different world where I will get a gift from you so that I have the power to survive?" asked Edward knowing the plot because he has read a lot of isekai novel and wrote one himself.

"huh? oh yeah something like that, but unfortunately your karma is just average and the fact that your luck has been good in your previous life, I can't give you anything special" said the God a bit surprised by the fact that the Human soul in front of Him know so much about the rules of the world

"well I can gave you natural comprehension where you can easily comprehend anything with short amount of time and also Godly Reflex, knowing you will be born in martial arts world you will need them, so the off you go then, hope you have a great life and good luck" Said god before sending him to the slumber of darkness.

~On a land Known as the death land

a boy with a black striking hair, red eyes, and a bit of scar on his left eyes are laying down on his bed, the boy have been knocked down by his own father because of his incompetence, the boy is quite handsome even though he looks a bit malnourished.

"This... ugh, so this world is cultivation world and I was born as the fourth young master of the Demonic cult called the Heavenly Demon Cult, my new name is Cheongug Kwon, hmm this body is really weak for being the fourth young master, I guess thats to be expected, the god said that I will have a rough start" thought Edward or now Cheongug Kwon.

"young master, Bless the Heavenly demon, you wake up, I was so worried that you may not wake up after the Cult leader Knock you down again this day" said a elderly man with a genuine worries in his eyes.

'hmm, at least I understand the language, who is he again? ah, he is the servant who serve me since I was born huh, he was the last remaining vassals from my mother which haven't been purged or deflected, so he is the most loyals' Thought Kwon <I will use his new name from now on>

"I am fine butler Kang, can you leave me alone for a bit? I need to stabilize my body first before I got back to normal" Kwon said.

"very well young master, do call me if you need anything" Said the butler or Lee Kang Ho known for Butler Kang.

after the butler left, Kwon start to inspect his whole body, from nook and crany he observe them all, he also search in his memories of what kind of cultivation that he uses in the past, he need to grow stronger because the fact that in this world strength rules everything, and with the fact he was born in a sect full of cruel and harsh people that may kill him the second he shows weakness give him more reasons to grow stronger.

'it seems my body is normal, compared to before my body is a bit stronger, and it seems the boy haven't start to follow any cultivation art and haven't learn anything useful while he was alive, hmm, I guess I need to ask the butler to bring me to the Demonic Library so I can choose some Cultivation manuals for my self'

"butler Kang, are you there?" asked Kwon hoping that the butler is still near his room.

"yes young master, what do you need? are you really okay?" asked him again with concern in his eyes

"yes, and yes you do not need to worry Butler Kang, can you show me the way to the demonic library today? I want to start to cultivate, after the beating that Father gave me, I realize that I need power to be respected" asked Kwon

"this... well yes, I can but are you sure Young Master? Cultivating is a harsh path and with how these years, even if you did not want to cultivate I will still serve you as your vassal young master" said butler Kang

"no, being weak is not a sin, but staying so is one, I refuse to stay being weak, so do help me to become strong, to the point where I will show the world that Cheongug Kwon of the great Cheongug family of heavenly demon is worthy of his name" said Kwon with a fire in his eyes.

realizing that his body is weak and knowing the fact that being weak in this cultivation world will become his biggest setback, Kwon start his journey with improving his own martial arts and gathering many allies that will help him in time of need, he is cold yet he know that he need more people to dominate the world and to realize his own dream.

after that short speech with the elder butler, they set them self in the demonic library where every known martial arts of the demonic cult is held, with the privilege of being the fourth young master even if he was the most useless one, he was still given special authority where he can choose anything raging from the weakest art to the strongest, well except for something like forbidden one or the secret technique one where only select few can see or learn them.

'first I think I will see for anything relating sword arts, or maybe spears, but first I need to strengthen my own body first so that I will be able to use the art more easily, hmm lets see' thought Kwon as he browse trough the thousand manual in his eyes

he spent quite a long time there reading trough all the manuals, "Heavenly Flower of dark moon arts? if my memories serve me right, it should be one of the cultivation manual used by the late Heavenly demon, but why is it here? it should be in the restricted area? who would place it here?" as he talk to himself, he read trough how the manual is describing how to use it.

"so its like that, its here because even if they try to use it, the effect would be abysmal by the fact it need an empty body without any effect from any previous manuals, but it really suits my body as of now by the fact that this body never learnt anything and also by knowing that my body don't have any particular base of cultivation, it will be more impressive combined with the Dark Steel body cultivation, IMPRESIVE this two arts are made for me hahaha" Kwon laugh out loud after finding the two manuals.

Its the first chapter and I was still thinking should I go with this or should I go with something else, if some of you read it please give it some thought

Matagiricreators' thoughts