
Rise of Chaos (RTS)

After dying on Earth, Killian reincarnated into a new world as the dark king of the chaos civilization that was part of the RTS game he used to play in his previous life. This is a war between civilizations.

Krisa124 · Kỳ huyễn
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87 Chs

Chapter 64 God of Death

Killian was surprised. However he remained expressionless.

"Please forgive us from offending you. We have no choice since it was the command of the holy lord.

The elven kingdom will serve under you from now on. We will do anything you command. Please take us as your servants. We will fulfill any of your desires."

Killian's eyes twitch. He didn't expect Alerian to sell out Sam so easily.

'Is this guy professional bootlicker?'

He is even selling out his own body. Killian was quite surprised.

Actually the elves were not pleased with Sam taking away their legacy treasure. Without the seed of life, they won't be able to protect themselves from various attacks.

The humans will invade the elven forest as soon as they heard the forest lost its power. After all strong warriors like Alerian are very rare.

Although the elves can win against normal humans one on one, the population of the elves was too little compared to humans since the elves have low fertility rate.

The whole race will be enslaved by the humans. The situation might even be worse than the situation back then when the player of monster civilization enslaved them.

After all the player of monster civilization didn't allow his minions to mate with the elves. He took all for himself.

Thus the elves can still accept. The elves legacy treasure, the seed of life can even kill the monster player if he got off guard.

The holy lord was many times better than the monster player, however he took away their legacy treasure.

Now that they don't have any insurance if protection, they have to jump ships and compromise with Killian who is currently strongest in the continent.

They were used to subservient life. Even if they were used sexually, its still better than the whole race fallen into the hands of humans.

Killian was also amazed at the submissive mindsets of the elves. He thought the elves were arrogant and considered themselves as superior race.

He didn't expected them so be so submissive. So not all elves are as stupid as this elf princess.

"No I'll kill you!"

Alana gone mad as she raised her wand. Countless spirits of different elements appear one after another.

The alliance army also prepare themselves. They were not like elves who can give up their independence.

They all heard about the situation of people in the kingdoms of Laria and Dethyra. They were no different from livestocks.

They also don't have dazzling beauty and body like the elves to exchange for their freedom and protection.

Because of Sam they will all going to die and their kingdoms were going to perish. Sam dragged them down to the abyss with him. They all regreted for joining the holy war.

However it was too late to regret now. It was inevitable that their kingdoms will fall into Killian's hands. They all became worse sinner of their kingdoms.

Killian sighed. They were just delaying the inevitable. Sooner or later they will all die by his hands anyways.

'God of Death!'

Killian used the ultimate skill. The darkness surround him and form a dark armor. His surrounding began to fill with death energies.

Killian feels his strength rising into tremendous rate. He feels as if he can do everything. The raw power alone is too much.

"What is that..... thing?"

The surrounding alliance army shocked and back away from the death energies. They quickly released attack. Various magic spells and arrows flew towards Killian.

However the attacks all turned to dust even

before hitting Killian. Seeing this scene they all gasped. Some soldiers turned around and ran away.

'Mass Life Drain.'

Killian activated the exclusive skill. The life force of every living creatures within the range leave their bodies and goes into Killian.

"Ahhh..... help..."

Cries and screams of the people echo through the battlefield. This is not even a battle. This is a one sided slaughter.

Killian felt his life force getting stronger.

"Ma... Master."

Lukia and Devlian also affected by the skill.

"Oh yeah. I forgot."

Killian control the skill not to absorb from Lukia and Devlian.

This is not in the game. So friendly fire is a thing here. He had to be careful in the future since he doesn't want to kill his own people accidentally.

Killian didn't plan to use Erosion. This is his base and he don't want to destroy his own base. Life Drain was enough to kill all of the remaining alliance army.

After some minutes, all of the humans died. Their corpses were sucked dry. Even Eylans archmage was helpless. He lost all of his life force and died.

However the elves are still alive. Their life span was longer than humans. Although they lost part of their vitality and weaken, they are still far from dying of old age.

Alerian was still kneeling in front of Killian. He is gasping weakly but he still maintaining his attitude. Killian deactivated his ultimate skill.

The dark armor disappears and the surrounding dead energies also faded.

'That really cost a lot.'

Killian check his chaos powers. Even with double chaos powers, the ultimate usage is really bleeding him.

Alana weakly look at Killian. She was way weaker than Alerian in terms of vitality and endurance. Killian can still see anger in her eyes.

Alana weakly raised her wand and attempting to summon spirits to attack Killian. However before she summoning anything, she was struck by Alerian.

"Stop Alana. Sam is already dead. If you continue, we will all die. You will doom our whole race."

Alerian persuades and hold his sister down. Its meaningless if Alana keep insisting to take revenge on a dead man.

Because of Sam, they even lost their legacy treasure. Without the protection of the nature, the elves are very vulnerable. They need a strong backer to protect them.

"Brother, let go of me. I will avenge Sam."

Alana was struggling and trying to break free from Alerian.

"Don't you have any shame brother? Sam saved all of us before. How could you do this?"

Alana said as she struggled from Alerian.

Alerian sighed.

'Yes. However because of Sam, we also lost our only mean of protection. He took away the seed of life knowingly.'

"That's enough."

Killian said and walked in front of the elf siblings. Alerian lowered his head and Alana was still angrily looking at him.

"My lord, Alana was still naive. Please forgive her. She can be a great use for you."

"No! I rather die than being used by you demon."

Alana didn't give in as she shouted.

"Don't worry, I don't want things that were already used by others either."

Killian calmly said and raised his hand. A red cluster of chaos energies form.

"Back away if you don't want to die."

Killian reminded at Alerian. Alerian hesitated a little and back away. He realized his sister's fate. He done everything he could. There is nothing he can do now.

"You bastard. I'll haunt you for eternity even if I became a ghost."

Alana grit her teeth and said.

"Don't worry. I won't let you even become a ghost."

Killian said and shot the chaos beams. The beams directly destroy Alana's body and even shattered her soul.

Death and chaos powers can attack and destroy the souls. Reincarnation is impossible if one's soul was shattered and destroyed.

Alerian can onlh sighed as he watch her sister's death.


The elves wanted to help Alana. However they were all stopped by Alerian. They can only clench their fists secretly.

Its meaningless. Even if the whole elven forest came, it will not make a difference. They can only watch their princess brutally killed by Killian.