
Chapter 3 Learning The Truth

"The moment you touched my consciousness your physique and talent were displayed to me, and you have B- grade physique and High level fire manipulation talent." He slowly and clearly states.

"What?!" I think I misheard, I got to have right?

"You heard me correctly" he confirms his previous statement.

"The clan magic tool said th-"

"I didn't choose an idiot I am sure you can connect the dots" as he is giving me this 'figure it out' look.

Physique grades from C- to C is like how a man can crush a small pebble in his hand and a man crushing a large rock in his grip, that takes me a little bit of effort to hold with one hand. From C to C+ is like a man punching a large boulder into smithereens, and from C+ to B- is crossing a threshold that multiplies many times in power, B- lets you turn a large hill into a fairly deep pit with one punch.

The talents are just as exaggerated, if low-level talent lets you shoot moderately sized fireballs then medium grade lets you raze the area around you into the ground, with high grade an entire forest will be burned down in a short while.

My mind is blown once again with this knowledge, but I don't doubt a god, yet what our magic tool said otherwise, the truth I was constantly told, the scathing painful truth I was constantly reminded and demeaned with was wrong? All my suffering I went through was a lie after everything?

The magic tools everyone used were never wrong though, the only way it can possibly be wrong is if someone tampers with it. But only people with the rare enchanter talent and achieved high attainments and knowledge in enchanting like my . . . Uncle.

Realization hits me like a ton of bricks to the gut, My uncle lost the succestion of clan leader to my father since the position demands the person to be one of the strongest in the clan if not the strongest. Enchanters are not powerful fighters, he still had a great position as his rare class can create powerful weapons and contraptions. Like the magic tool used to check the talents and physiques.

So he that means in order to make his son, the one that bullied me most, clan leader instead he had to get rid of me the, sabotaging the tool and then having his wife, my aunt, who also has a rare dreamer talent, that deals with the minds and dreams worked hard to slowly make everyone forget me afterwards when no one wanted to deal with a weak loser making things easier for her.

My cousin who had good, but not as good as mine, talent and physique would become the head of our clan and I would disappear forever.

Looking back I ran much faster than the other kids and the wind slash probably was a more deadly attack that wound butcher normal kids. My physique was even better than the wind leopards and so when I continued to run and walked through the forest and eventually make it here it showed me my incredible physique where any kid with even a C+ grade would have long passed out from exhaustion and blood loss.

I believed them when they said I have C- physique and believed them so much I ignored all the tell-tale signs of my real physique. I am such a fool, I never questioned it if I did then things might have ended differently.

In the end, if my parents actually loved me then things wouldn't have ended here either, no one cared about me. Only the benefits people can get counts with those in power. Maybe not all, but most are just greedy power-hungry hyenas.

Turning my head back to the nameless god he smiles and speaks "The barrier was only put up long enough that we thought would make the void ravagers leave the area of the void our realms are residing at, and there are only five more years left." My heartbeat quickens when I realize what is the means and the future i envision.

"You want me to take the next five years to become stronger and not be able to have the other gods and god kings representatives take me out early and become the hunter instead right?" I smile as excitement starts pumping through me.

"HAHAHAHA OF COURSE! MAKE YOUR NAME AND MINE RESOUND ACROSS THE REALM, MAKE THEM NEVER FORGET US AGAIN!!" His voice thunderously sounds out shaking whatever space I am in.

"YEESS!" I shout back in return with all the gusto I could muster. The fire of ambition burning in my eyes. I want to change my destiny to make them remember me and never forget again!

"I have prepared three gifts to you and they will help you grow to great power, greater than any other before you, what they are will be revealed when you receive them." He explained.

"How will you give me them?" I question him. Wondering if there is some ceremony I have to do like in the olden days.

"Like this" and then I return back to my body in front of the glowing orb, then the orb, melts into me? Pain covers my whole body before I hear my new god's voice ring out for the last time.

"My name is Volaris God-king and Ruler Of The Sun, Maker Of Light!" Before I blacked out from the pain.

I awoke after an unknown amount of time, when my mind groggily came back into focus I was hit with a ton of information about my gifts. Giving me another splitting headache almost knocking me out again. After what felt like forever, the pain subsided and I started to digest everything and sorted it all out.

Representatives were usually given one gift with some rare occurrences two. Yet he gave me three, the first one is a gift of protection I can heal faster and create a powerful shield of light that will grow in strength with me. The second gift is absorption, I can absorb the essence of the things I or someone else killed to increase my physique grade or speed up the training of my body and magic.

The physique and talent grades say what your upper level is and training your body and magic gets you to that limit. I can increase my body limit and training speed with this gift, and the last one is the greatest. Volaris increased my fire talent to low-level Lord Rank and gave me light magic of the same rank.

The reality of what just happened and my new future takes a moment to sink in. Then I started crying not from sadness, but from relief, joy and relief. While laughing the whole time. When I calmed down eventually and stopped crying I got up from the ground and bowed towards the direction Volaris's orb used to be "Thank you for holding your hand out when the world forget me"I thanked him.

"I will rise up higher than anyone before me and carve our name into the entire world forever!" I promise aloud even if his consciousness is already gone.

I start looking around the shrine hall that takes up almost all the space except for a door on the far right wall, so I take a few minutes to walk over there. I notice my wound is healed and my body feels better than its been in a long time.

Finally reaching the door after traveling through this massive hall of pillars, the double doors open by themselves once again. Walking into what looks like storage space with a few chests in the center of this room.

Moving over to them I find a paper written in neat writing that says "There is some essence you can use to advance the strength of your body and manna pool. There are also some basic and intermediate great sword arts"

"Stay in the misty forest for six months to absorb the essence of the strong forest creatures and practice your hammer arts and gain battle experience. Find proper body and manna training manuals, after, you decide what to do and how to get stronger."

I smile and thank him once more to find many small green glowing balls and a fine-looking great sword. It's sleek with a beautiful carving of the sun shining rays of light down on the world.

I try to pick it up, but I am not yet strong enough to even move it out of the chest. Checking the other two chests are filled with just more essence. They are about the size of a chicken egg, but the chests are almost as tall as mine and almost twice as long.

He really spoils me with this, but I am just even more thankful because of it. So I grab a handful of them sit down cross legged and start absorbing them.