
chapter 3 the leveling

"ok I think I'm done" he says wiping to sweat off his face " I'm at level 5 I still need to get stronger and more powerful and I rather do these alone" he says before maggie walked up to him "hay hru Michael" she says smiling " oh hay Maggie nice to meet u and what brings you here" he Sayed confused " oh I'm here to help u get stronger" she says " I don't need help I can do thes on my own" he says walking off but Maggie still following him " wait I wanna come with u " she says running to him but he egnord Maggie and keeps walking " come in Michael plss let me come" she says out of breath "fine just don't slow me down " Michael Says " I promise I won't get In your way" she Sayed standing up and following him "so we're we gonna" say says "a dungeon somewhere we can get stronger" he says glaring at her "bc I wanna tack over kingdom of light" he says " ok I'm right with u" she says following him in Thay defeated the monsters and whent to the guild to give them what thay found "here thes is what me and my apartment found" hands to her Emily says " thx vary much" gives them there reword and smiles "thx" Thay walked out and wants to one of the ins to sleep*