
chapter 18

Bai Yu turned on the communication watch on his wrist and clicked on the map. He looked at it carefully and chose a place. "The next target is County 095 100 kilometers away."

According to the information on the map, most of the monsters in County 095 were H-class, and a small number were G-class monsters. It was suitable for middle and low-class warriors to go there.

However, there were very few warriors who would really hunt H-class monsters. Because of the existence of firearms, even low-class warriors could hunt G-class monsters as long as they found a few reliable teammates.

After all, H-class monsters were too poor. The materials obtained from killing a H-class beast soldier might not even be enough to buy bullets.

Therefore, rookies and lone wolves did not dare to go to County 095, and warrior squads were unwilling to go.

The number of monsters in the county was very high, and the harvest was not proportional to the danger. It was not worth it at all.

However, for Bai Yu, this place was a good place to go.

Although he was alone, as long as he did not encounter a large group of monsters and relied on his Refinement level movement technique to hunt monsters, as long as he was careful, there would not be any danger.

In addition, Bai Yu didn't come here to kill monsters to earn money. He didn't even bother to deal with the materials for the H-grade Beast Weapons. Instead, he threw them all into the Spirit Pool to convert them into Spirit Points.

He only kept some G-class beast soldier materials that were slightly more valuable. One or two thousand was still money, and it would be a lot in the future.

Of course, there was another important reason. Bai Yu did not want to attract attention. Although the harvest in the middle and advanced areas was higher, the probability of his secret being exposed was higher.

It would be better to find a remote area with no one around and hunt for low level beasts. After all, the Spirit Pool would not reject items of any level.

After walking along the remote and broken asphalt road for 40 minutes, he finally saw the scattered houses on both sides of the road. County 095 was already in front of him. Looking into the distance, he could already see many tall buildings in the county.

Bai Yu did not care about the buildings on both sides. Although there might be a few monsters, compared to the large number of monsters living in the county, it was a far cry.

This was because most of the monsters lived in cities, especially in places with densely packed buildings. There would even be groups of monsters.

Bai Yu also didn't dare to get close to the city center. Although he had a machine gun with him, if he used it, it would cause too much of a ruckus. It would easily attract more monsters. Only in the outer areas where the density of monsters wasn't high would he have a chance to use it.

Bai Yu quickly skimmed across the rooftops, killing a few alarmed Grade-H beasts along the way. Finally, he found a relatively good target.

This was the location of a public square. There were about fifty low-level Black Mountain Goats. He had also used his binoculars to observe the surrounding area. There were no other groups of monsters, but there were quite a few scattered monsters around.

"Let's get rid of the monsters within three hundred meters first. Then, we'll return to the square and use the machine gun to get rid of the Black Mountain Goats." Bai Yu thought about it and came up with a plan.

Only after he cleared the small area around him and used his machine gun to create a ruckus would he have enough time to move the monster carcasses away.

For the next two hours, Bai Yu started searching the houses one by one, starting from the rooftops.

When he encountered monsters that were far away and obvious targets, he would directly use his rifle to kill them. As for the monsters inside the buildings, Bai Yu would use his Extreme Shadow Sword to deal with them.

Right now, he only needed one slash to kill Grade-H beasts.

After three hours of searching, all the Beast Soldiers within three hundred meters were cleared. A total of 82 Beast Soldiers were harvested.

Compared to the harvest in the small town, this was definitely much faster.

One of the reasons was that the density of monsters here was much higher. The other reason was that Bai Yu's efficiency in killing monsters had increased.

With his current speed, killing two to three hundred monsters in a day would not be a problem.

"Time to act." Bai Yu quickly jumped on the streets.

Although the harvest just now was not bad, it took him a lot of time. On the other hand, killing these Black Mountain Goats would only take a few minutes.

After approaching the public square, Bai Yu chose a suitable combat position. Then, he took out his machine gun from his grotto-heaven. A long chain of bullets was already stuffed into it.

"It's time to lure them over." Bai Yu thought as he jumped out. Then, he took out the silencer and went to a conspicuous position facing the public square. He immediately fired a few shots.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three consecutive shots immediately alerted the Black Mountain Goats lying on the ground.

They also immediately discovered the enemy's position. One by one, the Black Mountain Goats let out bleating sounds and madly rushed towards Bai Yu's direction.

"Damn, they're running so fast!" Bai Yu immediately jumped back and returned to his predetermined position. He then picked up his machine gun and aimed it forward.

The moment he picked up the machine gun, the Black Mountain Goats had already appeared in his field of vision.

"Start attacking." Bai Yu laughed and pulled the trigger. The machine gun immediately let out a "Da Da Da" sound.

He had already adjusted the machine gun's firing rate to the highest of 200 rounds per minute. Therefore, from the moment the Black Mountain Goats appeared to the moment they got close, more than 100 rounds had already been fired. Half of the Black Mountain Goats had already fallen on the way forward.

When the Black Mountain Goats got close, Bai Yu lightly jumped onto the platform on the second floor and continued to shoot at the Black Mountain Goats below.

In less than a minute and a half, more than 50 Black Mountain Goats were all killed.

"I have to hurry up and collect the corpses."

After killing these Black Mountain Goats, Bai Yu did not waste any time. Instead, he quickly entered and exited the grotto-heaven and sent the Black Mountain Goats one by one into the grotto-heaven.

This was because he could not guarantee that the sound of the machine gun's firing and the sound of the Black Mountain Goats' attacks did not alert the monsters in the surrounding area.

Fortunately, White Feather had already cleared out all the monsters within three hundred meters, giving him some buffer time.

In less than a minute, Bai Yu had already collected all the monster's corpses. Then, he ran to the roof of a building and hid in the grotto-heaven.

It just so happened that he could rest for a while and also organize his harvest this time.

"A total of 153 Level H Beast Soldiers have been killed. I have gained 172 Spirit Points." Bai Yu looked at the value and smiled.

Of course, his Spirit Points were still not enough to exchange for a Yellow Scarf Strongman. However, it would be soon. According to his current hunting speed, he should be able to exchange for a Yellow Scarf Strongman by tomorrow.

Bai Yu rested for a while in the grotto-heaven. After drinking a bottle of Spirit Water to replenish his strength, he left the grotto-heaven and continued to hunt.

Following the pattern from before, he hunted the Beast Soldiers in the houses and streets while looking for Beast Soldiers that lived in groups.

After all, no matter how fast he hunted, it was not as fast as the machine gun's firing speed.

Just like the results from a few minutes ago, it was already close to the results of a few hours of hunting.

In the past two days, Bai Yu only found three places where he could use the machine gun to kill three groups of small Beast Soldiers. The rest of the time, he hunted the scattered Beast Soldiers.

When the night had completely fallen, Bai Yu found a safe place and returned to his grotto-heaven.

Although he could rely on the Spirit Water to quickly recover his strength, his mental exhaustion could only be temporarily relieved. If he wanted to completely eliminate it, he would need to have a good sleep.

In addition, the vision at night was poor. Compared to the Beast Soldiers, the vision of a human was much lower. Therefore, the Beast Soldiers at night were more dangerous.