
Rinnegan in JJk

Awakening powers that was said to belong to Gods in the Primordial era, Kenshin tries his very best to survive in a world ruled by evil.

David_555 · Tranh châm biếm
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56 Chs


The city of Manhattan was experiencing an unprecedented and scandalous upheaval in the middle of the night.

In just one night, not only had the most terrifying drug lord of the era, Big T, been killed in one of the most brutal way possible, secret files had been anonymously released to the NYPD, revealing all of his secret partners in governmental positions. From high ranking Secretaries of State to even the lowest ranks of Police officers, they had all been revealed.

In just a few hours, multiple citizens had gathered on the streets, protesting that these scandalous officials be removed from their positions and imprisoned by the state.

All this had been accomplished by one person in a single night, however, at what cost? To him who had been able to get everything done, what had been lost? And what had been experienced?

Within a small apartment in downtown Manhattan, a bloodied figure clad in black stealthily climbed up and entered the apartment through a window on the roof, ignoring the blaring siren wails and sounds of gunshots.

Swiftly taking off his bloodied clothes, and disposing off them, walked to his bathroom and turned on the lights, glaring at the scrawny yet handsome face that flared back at him in the mirror.

His short blue hair was unusually clear like the sky, while his purplish eyes reverted to its natural state, with a pair of glossy purplish irises replacing the black rings that lined his sclera.

Taking off his inner clothes, he stepped into the shower and turned the lever on, but his body shuddered feeling the cold water stream all over figure.

After 10 years, he had finally taken down the person who had killed his family, but he felt no joy; only a solemn emptiness reverberated across his soul. Would his family have wished that he would've taken this burden upon himself? Probably not. After all, he was only five everything happened.

He had traded his childhood and early years of growth for strength and skill in order to succeed on his endeavor for revenge, but did he regret it? Absolutely not.

If time would reverse itself, he would go back and even kill that bastard in even more brutal ways did he did previously.

With thoughts flashing across his mind, he gently closed the lever picked up a towel, wiped himself and walked to his living room.

He walked a bit towards a large family portrait of a handsome Asian man, a beautiful blue haired woman, a young girl about 3 years old and himself at that time, a little boy about 5 years old with unusually beautiful blue hair.

"Mom, Dad, I finally did it. I killed him. I made him choke on his innards. I crushed his heart in my palm.-B- But why do I feel so lonely...and this pain..."

The youth cried out with tears streaming down his face, as his irises vanished once more, replaced by the emotionless pupiless purple eyes with round dark rings that circled the sclera.

Raising his head, he looked at himself, no his previous self in the portrait, feeling jealous of the big smile on the face of his five year old self.

Would he be able to feel this kind of joy or emotion again?....He probably didn't know. Seeing his family getting blown up right before his eyes had been traumatizing, sapping every single bit of emotion from his soul, leaving him but an empty husk. The nightmares had been intense and so was the hellish training that madman had subjected him to.

However glaring at the pair of eyes in his reflection on a small screen before him, he wiped his tears and sighed.

After the death of his parents, he had awakened something — an unusual pair of eyes. At first he didn't know what it was, and scared him, however after reading through his family's history from his dads library, he had found out something extremely interesting.

His dad was a descendant of the Hayato clan, a clan that was said to be descendants of the ancient Gods. He didn't know how accurate that was, neither could he confirm due to the fact that he was the only survivor of the clan. And the pair of eyes was only inherent by the members of the clan, who called it the Rinnegan. Despite it being extremely rare even amongst members of the clan, it was unusually powerful and worked in conjunction with an extremely powerful technique.

Apart from that, from the records, he found out that, in Japan, a mysterious organization called Jujustu Sorcerers took it upon themselves to rid the world of the evil that lurked within the shadows of this world in the form of cursed spirits. How did he know? Part of the hellish training he had subjected himself to required that he hunted those disgusting creatures down with his superhuman physique and prowess.

Sighing once more, his purplish pupils reappeared, as his eyes reverted to its natural state as he picked up a shirt and black pants before putting them on.

Walking to his fridge, he took out what remained of last two days pizza, milk, chicken and rice, and began eating without even bothering to heat it up.


The next moment, he stopped eating and walked to a small table before him and picked up a small burner phone and answered it with an annoyed expression.

"Oi, you idiot!! Didn't I tell you to wait?! Why the hell did you have to rush!! Now they've got your appearance on camera and Big T's crew members as well as the guards from other politicians are searching for you!!!"

Hearing the worried voice on the other side, the youth rolled his eyes and walked to his seat before he placed the phone on the table he was eating on.

"Let them come. Since they like blowing things up, I've got a present for them."

He spoke with an expressionless face and ended the call with another sigh.

After eating, he made sure to wash the dishes, before he put on a pair of pajamas and jumped into bed without hesitation.


At dawn, a few hours after he went to sleep, his eyes instantly snapped open, as his eyes reverted to the rinnegan and scanned throughout the entire vicinity in a single glance.

"They did find me after all.."

He stood up and stretched his waist.