
Rinnegan in JJk

Awakening powers that was said to belong to Gods in the Primordial era, Kenshin tries his very best to survive in a world ruled by evil.

David_555 · Tranh châm biếm
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56 Chs



Right around dawn, a few hours after getting to bed, his eyes instantly snapped open, and reverted to the rinnegan, after sensing a couple of movements within his room.

"Right on time.."

Simple glancing around with his eyes, he immediately captured every single detail within a 10km radius in an instant. Not only did his rinnegan possess immense ocular magnification which allows him to see matter in much detail, the range was clearly exaggerated making it impossible for almost anything to escape him.

He simply got out of bed, took off his pajamas and quickly put on a clean black shirt, a leather jacket, black pants and boots, before he covered his lower face with a mask. After dressing quickly, he walked behind the bed and picked up a black bag, slung it over his back and cracked his neck.


Meanwhile outside of his apartment, about 30 plus well armored men, stood ready for infiltration and assassination.

"You know the deal boys. The higher ups want him dead or alive, to prove to the world that he is indeed the son of Hiruma Hayato."

In the lead of the men was a middle aged man with a fat cigar in his mouth, holding onto a pistol and a sharp knife.

Snapping his finger, they instantly burst into the room, trying their very best to remain stealthy and bring the element of surprise, however unbeknownst to them, the target was already aware of their movements and had made preparations long ago.

"Search everywhere!"

Putting on a pair of night vision goggles, the Captain gestured, as the men entered searched every hook and cranny of the house.

The first three men to enter the bedroom were a two white soldiers and a black man holding onto a rifle. Aided by their night vision goggles, they quickly searched the room, finding no signs of the target.

Seeing no one home, they instantly relaxed their guard, as the white man in lead tapped on his earphone and reported.

"No signs of the target in the bed-!"

However, before he could even finish his statement, a long blade was immediately thrust into his throat out of nowhere, while blood spurted out, as his body collapsed to his knees.


The two other soldiers turned around, however the next moment, a fist crashed into the face of the black man, and the assailant grabbed onto a pistol from corpse of the first man with a skillful spin of his body and fired twice, ending the lives of the two soldiers who had no idea what had hit them.

Soon, a figure holding onto a katana and a pistol walked out of the shadows with murderous eyes, as he took a step back and melded back into the shadows like a ghost.

Fuck!!!! Everyone head to the bedroom!! And stay alert!! The target is even more troublesome than we thought!!"

The Captain roared out as he flicked out the cigar from his mouth and bolted forward into the bedroom.

Meanwhile, within the kitchen, two other soldiers heard the command and right as they turned around, wanting to head to bedroom, they gazed landed on a ghost like figure glaring at them with a pair of unusual eyes.

Holding onto the short katana in his left hand, and the pistol in his right, his figure resembled that of a grim reaper, as the mask added a bit of mystery to his overall appearance.


Clearly having time to react, one of the men immediately fired round after round from his rifle, and meanwhile, the figure instantly utilized superior agility, far greater than any normal human could pull off.

He bolted and flipped himself like an experienced parkour artiste, effectively dodging the rounds, however unluckily, one stray bullet found itself lodged in his arm as the other soldier began firing.

Instantly he slid across the ground and hid himself behind the kitchen counter, as he hissed in pain and bid his time.

The moment both of them run out of bullets, he flipped himself and hurled his katana like an arrow towards one soldier before he fired multiple shots at the other with frightening accuracy.


The next moment, two corpses slumped to the ground; one with a katana lodged in his brain, and the other with his chest riddled with bullets.

Sighing, he looked at the wound on his arm, before he sighed and summoned a flare of an unknown ethereal energy which closed his wound, to prevent bleeding, but didn't absolutely nothing to heal it.

Raiding the corpses of the two soldiers, he took out about four loaded pistols and placed them in his bag, before he took out what looked like an explosive device, fiddled with it for a moment and plastered it onto the kitchen wall, before he walked out stealthily.

"There He is!!!"

Meanwhile after hearing the gunshots from upstairs, almost everyone began heading downstairs as they spotted him right after he had killed the two soldiers in the kitchen.

Without hesitation, the soldiers began to fire multiple rounds, after identifying the target, as he instantly bolted out of the house at full speed, and crashed into the glass window, before he landing on the ground skillfully.


Just then he immediately spotted a van full of more and more armored soldiers heading towards his apartment. He immediately rushed to his garage, dodging the stray bullets that shot towards him.

Sitting on a motorcycle, he immediately sparked the engine, as he accelerated out of the garage at full speed, not forgetting to fire rounds at the soldiers who were rushing towards the garage.

"Shit!!!" "Get in the van!!!"

Seeing the target escaping, the Captain roared out and signaled to all the soldiers, however just as they were about to escape the building, a beeping sound echoed, as a large explosion set off, engulfing almost everyone and everything in a burst of flames.

Meanwhile seated on the motorcycle that was riding at full speed on a highway, the youth instantly flung away a remote control in his hand before a murderous light flashed in his eyes, seeing the second van of armored soldiers still hot on his tracks.

"Fucking hell!! We've lost all communication with team 1!!"

Within the second van, a soldier spoke to another middle aged man who had a menacing scar on his face in a disturbed tone.

"What a sneaky little brat!! I'll skin him alive myself!!" The captain spoke in fury, as he opened the top of the van, grabbed a gun and began to fire multiple rounds at the motorcycle that was only a few meters away from them.