
Chapter 15

Tricia's POV: I'm Tricia, born into a family of four, I, my mum, my dad and my younger brother.

My parents are stinkingly rich and they always provide everything I needed for me, they over pampered me and showed me extreme love.

Probably because I was the first child or because they didn't plan on having another child till they made the mistake of giving birth to my brother… all I know is, I always got everything I wanted even if it's not convenient for them.

I've always had my eyes on dennis since he started coming to the school I was registered in.

He was a friend to the principal and he always visit often times… I hatched different plans of getting him but everything failed.

I didn't keep it from him tho, I made sure he knew that I was crushing on me…probably he'd look at my side one day.

On one fateful morning, I saw him parking at the school's parking lot… I was expecting him to come down alone as usual, but instead, he came down from his car with a light skinned girl, and I must confess, she was very beautiful.

I wondered what he brought her to the school for, I pokenosed and found out that she'd be registering and staying here as a student of this school.

I scoffed and laughed hysterically…. They had better be kidding me…

I decided to find out more about the girl and see if she's dating dennis or if she likes dennis,

I made my research and concluded that something was between them cause he always drops her every morning and comes back at noon to pick her up..

I was always red with anger and jealousy whenever I see them together…

I decided to hatch up a nice plan….. I came up with a plan with mark, the class most handsome boy and Gloria, my partner in evil deeds.

The plan was for mark to get closer to her, dig out necessary information about her and her background, lure her to his bed and take as many pictures of her as he can.

He didn't agree at first, but I managed to bribe him with a huge amount of money.

Atlast, he agreed to do the job and the next day I saw him swinging into action.

Nobody dares try to take what's mine, I'll kill anyone that tries to take dennis from him…

Gloria always backs me up on all my evil plan….she was like my twin devil.

I was hell bent on getting dennis which ever way I can…I bully Ella most times when I see her just to make her scared of me.

But it seems the more I bully her, the bolder she gets.

Well, I already had a second plan which mark was already carrying out for me.

I can't afford to lose at both ends…..I just want to get rid of her, I don't even know where she came from.

I felt like killing her, but that would lead to something else which I don't want. So I guessed it was better to just teach her a good lesson.