
Former Head of Research


Soul Transmigration? What the hell is that? Now I see why Anon was confused. Rin's story didn't seem to change at all, though. Most of the time, when someone makes up such an elaborate lie, they tend to mix up details. However, Rin is very consistent. This Dr. Nelson stopped asking stereotypical questions and started asking about specific details about this Misha guy's life. He seems actually to believe him. Dr. Nelson is definitely hiding something. We need to talk to him. 

"Hey, Come with me. My Uncle wants to talk to both of us." Anon shouts from the end of the hallway. 

Rin is sleeping right now anyway, so I should let him rest. 


"I know Dr. Nelson personally. He and I both worked at Lao Labs back in the day." Dr. Quin says. Dr.