
Rimuru Tempest-An OP-SI Fanfic

RedRest0 · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Setting up the village and Naming

I teleported right in front of them. The goblins, an entire platoon of them, an entire platoon of weak ass goblins. I sighed and walked up to them releasing a bit of my aura.

"Oh, strong one! What is it you desire of us weak goblins? We have nothing to offer you!" Said Rigur, well he wasn't named yet.

"Hmm, you can offer me a place to stay right, Mr.Weak Goblin was it?" I said/asked.

"Yes, we can strong one and I have not been named yet. You'll have to come with us and meet the village leader." Said Rigur.

"Sure! Let's go." I said erasing my aura and giving them a smile. Oh, how I always wanted to do this. I'm not gonna be a hero, and neither am I gonna be a villain. I'll just do what I think is right for me and my kingdom.

We reached the village in around 15 minutes. I did talk to the goblins and was surprised to hear they did not ask me for my name. Well, they didn't ask me anything, poor souls are probably too scared to offend me.

The village for one looked the same as in the anime. It wasn't much but it would do quite well, there were people and a good location. I'm gonna name them all today as I need them to evolve. I won't shut down either, the magic breeder would have my back.

I was asked to seat myself in one of the cottages. A sickly old goblin came in with rigur by his side and both seated themselves in front of me.

"Welcome, visitor. I am the village elder." He said in a very shaky voice.

"Greetings Elder, I am Rimuru Tempest. Pleased to make your acquaintance." I said with a shallow bow and a smile.

I saw both of them and the goblins trying to hear us freeze instantly.

"R-Rimuru T-T-Tempest, As in the Demon slime and new True demon lord!?" Asked Rigurd, I could finally see his eyes. God, he was old!

"Hmm, Yea you got a problem with me?" I asked with my cheek resting on my fist.

"N-No Ofcourse not you great one!" Rigurd said touching the ground with his forehead. Rigur followed his example.

"So, can I stay here?" I asked.

"Absolutely! but may ask you a favor?" He asked looking up at me.

"Sure! So what is this favor you talk of?" I asked. He and rigur looked at each other, contemplated something mentally, and nodded at each other.

"You have heard, I trust, that the monsters have been more active around here as of late?"

"Yes, I have." I replied.

"Our god has protected the peace in this land for generations, but about a few weeks ago, he hid himself from us. That has allowed the nearby monsters to start meddling with our lands once more. We do not wish to let this continue, so we have fought back…but from a raw-power perspective, we face an uphill climb." He continued.

"Sure, but if you want my help, I want this to be my kingdom. So you'd have to join me and accept me as your king." I stated while releasing my aura, only for him to burst into tears. Did I overdo it?

"Thank you! My lord. We will happily accept you as our leader!" He said touching the ground with his forehead again. Oh that's why he's crying.

I took my aura away and walked up to the 2, "How many of our people have died?" I asked while placing my hand on rigurd.

"A lot of them lord rimuru, even my own son and he was our strongest fighter. Most of them have fallen to the Direwolves! They are ferocious and way too strong for us." He said while shedding a few tears for his son.

"My son died while getting intel, he fought to his last breath." He continued.

We heard a loud howl outside the village, both rigur and rigurd ran out to check what's going on. I followed suit. Everyone was panicking about the wolves coming to attack them.

"We really are gonna die this time!"

"Let's run away!"

"What are we gonna do!"

Were some of the yells of the various goblins. Rigurd tried to calm them. I sighed and walked up to the group of goblins.

"Calm down everyone!" I said using voice enhancement. "Your village elder has told me what you have been through and has promised your loyalty to me if I help you out. So there is nothing for you to worry about!" I said. There was silence for a good minute before all of them fell to their knees and thanked me for helping them. They went on to pledge their loyalty.

We used the rest of the day to set up the fence, it was better and more durable then the one shown in the anime as I used wood to make a wall with spikes on the outside. It's so easy if you have a skill that allows you to make skills.

Talking of skills I had 2 Ultimate skills right now. Ultimate skill: Creation and Ultimate skill: Evolve. While I had a plethora of Unique and Basic skills. I had used the afternoon to creat skills for every cause I could think of, Flying and breathing under water being 2 of them.\

I also healed all the goblins that were hurt during the fight.

Soon night came and so did the wolves. There were 108 wolves and in the anime I think around 35-40 of them died including ranga's father and leader of the Direwolf clan. They were quite close to the village so I decided to announce it.

"They are here you guys! Get into position!" I yelled out my orders.

-Somewhere close by with the wolves-

"What a great night! Veldora's divine protection upon the forest is no more. Now, there is nothing to fear." It was the leader of the wolf pack looked down at his pack, addressing them directly.

"We shall destroy the goblin village today and create a foothold in the Jura forest!" To which the wolves howled loudly in agreement.

"Thus we shall reign over others in this forest!" To which his fellow brethren howled again.

"Our fangs shall sink deep within our enemies!" He howled loudly and his pack followed him by howling just as loud.

They took off at great speed with their leader leading them towards the goblin village.

-Goblin Village-

"Not bad for a bunch of goblins." Said the wolf leader, appraising the fence/wall protecting the village. "Although, It won't stop our claws!" He roared. His son gestured to the front of the village where lied a slime. A mere slime was leading them! How Insulting of them to believe a slime could stand up to their pack

"If you turn around and leave now, I'll let you go without any reparations!" Yelled the slime.

"How insolent! A mere slime ordering us Direwolf clan! Destroy that fence!" He ordered his pack.

As the wolves made their way towards us, I turned into my human form and raised my hand. The blast of wind pushed back all of the wolves. I ran towards them and raised my hand again instead of a gust a thin, yet sharp blade of wind blasted towards the leader and before he could realise and asses the situation he had been beheaded.

"I just defeated your leader all by myself and all I had to do was raise my hand. Are you sure you wanna continue this battle?" I asked.

There was a bit of silence but slowly the wolves made their way towards me with ranga leading them. They kneeled in front of me.

"WE SHALL PLEDGE OUR LOYALTY TO YOU!" They yelled in chorus.

I looked back at the villagers and than to the wolves. "I guess this battle is over. Let's celebrate now!" I yelled out.

What followed was an entire night of partying. Their booze wasn't bad either and don't get me started on the food. It was simply amazing. The wolves and goblins interacted quite well. It was a bit awkward in the beginning. It was way to funny when a wolf digged into his food after sitting next to gobta, who simply forgot the fighting was over and almost choked on his food.

-Next day-

The morning began with me lining up the goblins who were awake. The children and elderly watched from the side. They couldn't help but stick out, given the lack of any homes to hang out in.

Next to me was the village elder. He wanted to help me out somehow, I guess, but there wasn't much an old goblin geezer could do for me. Well for now, after the naming ceremony he'll end being one of the main admins.I summoned the direwolves and rounded them all together.

I began, "from now on, I'm gonna have you all form pairs and live with each other, all right?" They didn't see to understand at first but after a quick explaination, everyone found a partner. Now they stood in front of me in pairs.

"Yesterday's enemies are today's comrades! So from now on you all will work together." I stated. After getting nods from both the groups. I began again, "Now, I'll be giving you names!" I said. All of them gasped in shock before celebrating and cheering loudly, howling in the wolves case. Even the sickly rigurd started to celebrate by dancing and yelling.

"Hahaha, get in line you all. How else would I get to naming you." I said as they quickly fell in line making a queue in front of me. Rigurd was first, I had already asked him his son's name.

"Elder, your name will be Rigurd, after your martyred son Rigur and you his younger brother shall take his name, So you will be Rigur!" I said naming them. There was a gold glow on them before they moved out of the way and started dancing like idiots celebrating their evolving.

Before I could continue, Rigurd spoke up.

"Sir Rimuru," the newly christened Rigurd plaintively asked, "we are so, so appreciative of this, but, Are you sure?"

"About what?" I asked.

"I mean, I am fully aware of the extent of your magical powers, Sir Rimuru, but, providing all of these names in one go, Will you be all right?" He asked with heavy concern.

"Mhm, Don't worry about me! I'll be just fine!" I said knowing I wouldn't be affected.

"Your name will be Gobta!" I said to my favoraite goblin.





Soon I was done with the goblins. I looked at Ranga and gestured him to come close. The pack followed him. 'Guess the consider him a leader already' I thought.

"Your name will be Ranga! You all will be the Tempest Wolves from now on!" I said, to which all of them started wagging their tails and howling.

"Hahaha." I laughed at their antics, I turned to my slime form and sat on top of Ranga's soft fur.

'Everything should workout just fine!' I thought.

-In a gloomy mansion-

"A new demon lord! In Jura at that! What's going on!?" A man in a pure white suit yelled to the empty room.

-To be continued-

-Omake: Raphael-san I love you-

Who said the voices in your head could only hurt you. I fell in love with mine. Getting high on goblin booze was not the best of plans.

"Raphael-san can you hear me?" I asked her after everyone fell asleep.

[I am always here for you Master!] She said like the lovely lady she was, I thought.

"Raphael-san may I tell you a secret?" I asked her with a bit of a slur.

[Of course Master] She replied.

"I really liked it when you fussed over me, How you told me to be careful with the wolf fight. How you told me to watch my drinks. It's been a month since we've known each other but you care so much about me!" I continued to talk with the slur increasing.

[I am always here to help you Master Rimuru!] She said though I could tell she was hiding her happiness.

"I love you Raphael-san!" I slured out. I could hear silence from the other side and before raphael could say anything I fell asleep.

[You fell asleep, I guess you won't know how I feel Rimuru] She said, Raphael unknowingly developed feelings she should never have been able to.

That's the second Chappy. Dworgon next!

Thank you for reading cuties! Stay safe and happy

-Red Out-

RedRest0creators' thoughts