
Rimuru In Ninja World

It's been 910,000 years since their final battle against Yuuki Kagurazaka. Rimuru has already retired as the king of Tempest and have been traveling around the world and Universes. As the successor of Veldanava and the supreme deity, he is able to travel in other world and universe. But as for the hundred of years of travel, his power got stronger and stronger with his boredom. That's why he decided to live in the world of Naruto. A/N: Please don't take seriously if I suddenly stopped writing this or slow to publish the next chapter but I just write this cause this is the story that comes up on my minds out of nowhere. There are some inspirations that is on my 'Tensura' reading list but It's not the same. I'm also just a manga and anime reader so I don't know what happened after that an in the end of series. I just read the Web Novel profile of them so I don't know the others. I have also came up the other skills that is unknown to you so don't take the name seriously.

RIP666 · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs

Boredom Is My Greatest Enemy

Rimuru's P.O.V

It's been exactly 910,000 years since my last battle against Yuuki. Because of my [Perfect Memory], I'll be able to perfectly remember it even if it's been centuries ago. It's also been a century when I left the tempest. It's not like I abandoned them. I just know that they already have the power to protect the tempest without me. I'm still visiting them when I finished traveling.

My also reason why I left the tempest and that world is because I want to travel many world and discover many new things that my world didn't know about. Because of me being a real god, I am able to travel through worlds easily. I have already visit 83, 938 worlds and by the time past by, I am already getting bored with it.

It is not like the worlds that I have visiting are not pleasant or whatever, but most of the world I had visit are all the same. It is just those world's god are all the same. That's why I have visit the last world, I decided to build my own world. Year by year, I'll be able to build 5 or most world and after I build the 1,000th world, I got bored again.

After that, I have decided to continue my journey again and again until I got board again them build again then travel. Most of those travel I had is me, being ended up killing a god. I almost couldn't count how many gods I have killed but I don't have anything to do against it. If I didn't ended those gods, those world will probably not exist now.

Then after those centuries of non-ending boredom. By the time comes, I've realized that boredom is my greatest enemy. No! I realized that being god doesn't mean anything. Even though I have already have those I want, doesn't mean I'll also have what I need. That's why sometimes, I wish that the world in the Manga's are real.

[It is possible. Also, Master's wish doesn't have any connection with the topic.] Ciel interrupted.

'Don't ruin my summary, Ciel! Wait, is that really possible?' I asked.

[Of course. There are two possibilities. First, find the world that Master want to live in. Second, I'll create the world base on Master's memory and use the [Time Manipulation] to fast forward the world's time base when Master want. What will Master choose?]

'Hmm... Both are fine but I'll choose the second one. I don't want to ruin the future just because I want to, right? I'll stick on the second option, Ciel.'

[Understood. What world do Master want to live in?]

'Hm... I don't have anything in mind. Do you have any suggestion?'

[I suggest the world of Dragonball. That world are all full of god-like and strong beings. That's why Master will surely never get bored in it.]

'N-No! It's a nice world but I don't want to kill people almost everyday! That world also involves many worlds so no. Also, that manga is still ongoing! I want a world that's milder than that and already finished.' I deject.

[This world is perfect, Master. The world of Naruto. This world is also 5x milder than my previous suggestion. This world is involve killing but there are peaceful times there too. This manga is already finished except the upcoming next generation. How about this?]

'It's great! That world is one of my childhood favorites and I always want to meet Naruto that time! Ciel, can you create that world?'

[Yes. Using [Ultimate Skill: Creation God Ariel] to create the world Master want. Process..... Successful. Process proceeding. Using [Space-Time Lord Yog-Sothoth] to advance the time... Failed. Retry... Failed. Will abandon the [Space-Time Lord Yog-Sothoth] and replace by [Space-Time God Yog-Sothoth]. Process..... Successful.]

[The world Master want to live in is now created. The time is seven years before the actual series. Do you want to change it or not?]

'The time is alright. I still can stop that major incident in that timeline. Thanks, Ciel.'

[It's no problem. By the way, what name will the world will be?]

'Hm... Earthen. It's base on my original world called, Earth. It's kind of nostalgic.'

[Yes. So when will Master go in there?]

'Now... Wait! it doesn't have any meaning if I still have this power I have now! I need to create a new body with few of my abilities first!'

I then created a clone of mine that has an age of 5. I just selected some of few important abilities of mine and let Ciel decide the others. After an hour, I then finished the abilities I need and also will need. Ciel already picked the other abilities and resistance and we are now finished.

After that, I transferred my soul on the clone and smiled. The height is a little awkward but I'll get use to it. The gender I chose in this body is still genderless cause I already have used to that. In thousand of years I've spend using that body, I didn't have much care anymore.

[Master's original body is in [Imaginary Space] with me now. I'll sure take care of it so don't worry and enjoy your time, Master.]

'Yes!' I answered with a smile.

But before I leave, I need to check my status first as it's important. My goal here is to have a fun life in that world. That's why I need to lessen it as much as possible. Being overpowered in that world in good but I want to be overpowered in that world using the power of that world.

Name: Rimuru Tempest

Age: 5

Gender: None

Class: Human, Slime

Magicules: 100,000 (1,000,000) locked (Regenerate 100 per/sec)

Stamina: Physical Limitless


Manas: Ciel

Ultimate Skill/s: [Hell God Gehenna]

-All of the skills have a limit. One of their similar limit is the skill need some magicules to activate.

[Atharoth] D: It is the small black flames that if once touch by something or someone, they will going to be burned to death until nothing left to them. It will take 10,000 of magicules for it to activate and it will only last for 1-1/2 hour.

[Hell Armor] D: Blue fire will surround the whole body of the user but it is not there to burn them, but to protect them. Once something touch the fire, the fire will immediately spread through them in a matter of seconds. I will take 30,000 of magicules for it to activate and it will only last long for 30 min to 1 hour.

[Nirvana] D: nirvana: The nirvana skill is activated when the host dies to burn the body, once the body is ash it comes back to life with rainbow flames surrounding it. It can't be use for now as it will take 500,000 of magicules for it to activate.

[Hellfire] D: Ignite a spinning whitish blue hellfire upon an area/target, dealing burst damage and stunning them for 2 seconds but it is depends how much magicules you will used. damage depends on energy spent. the least magicules to activate it is 1,000 magicules per 5 minutes.

[Flame God Transformation] D: Become the embodiment of flame and bend all flames to your will. Create flame clones with only 45% of your original power. You are immune to all flames and can use your flames to heal those injured. After ending the transformation the user will have 50% of their magicules grained. It will last for an hour at least.

Unique Skill/s: [Gluttony] [Merciless] [Degenerate] [Analysis] [Copy]

Extra Skill/s: [Dark Flame] [Teleportation] [Multi Teleportation] [Multidimensional Barrier] [Replication]

Intrinsic Skill/s: [Flight] [Intimidation] [Endless Regeneration] [Dissolve] [Body Armor] [Vampirism] [Ultrasonic Waves] [Thought Transmission] [Thread Manipulation] [Paralysis Breath] [Noxious Mist Breath]

Other Skill/s: [Heat Detection] [Magic Perception] [Cloning] [Law Manipulation] [Telepathy Control] [Elemental Alternation] [Martial Arts] [Poison Manipulation] [Elemental Manipulation] [Water Manipulation] [Earth Manipulation] [Fire Manipulation] [Wind Manipulation] [Gravity Manipulation] [Ice Manipulation] [Electricity Manipulation] [Light Manipulation] [Darkness Manipulation] [Master Swordsman] [Dimensional Storage] [Enhance Senses] [Power Bestowal] [Statistics Amplification] [Telepathy] [Creation] [Shapeshifting] [Inorganic Physiology] [Accelerated Development] [Regeneration] [Healing] [Memory Manipulation] [Absorption] [Power Absorption] [Duplication] [Weapon Creation] [Summoning] [Information Analysis] [Information Manipulation] [Sound Manipulation] [Soul Manipulation] [Heat Manipulation] [Power Nullification] [Power Modification] [Corrosion Inducement] [Sleep Manipulation] [Dream Manipulation] [Photographic Memory] [Heat Detection] [Magic Aura] [Perception Manipulation] [Shadow Step] [ Power Mimicry] [Soul Corridor] [Illusion Warping] [Magic] [Attack Reflection] [Illusion Manipulation] [Absorb] [Cloth Creation] [Target Lock]

Resistance/s: [Physical Attack Nullification] [Holy Magic Resistance] [Abnormal Status Nullification] [Natural Elements Nullification] [Manipulation Attack Nullification] [Corruption Nullification] [Sealing Nullification] [Magic Attack Nullification] [Poison Resistance] [Pain Resistance]

'Almost all of this are when I was just Reincarnated. I'll probably not going to use the ultimate skill cause it's overkill.'

[Yes. As Master's want. This is the weakest that your clone can get. I gave Master one of your ultimate skills, just in case.]

'Thank you, Ciel. Then, I'll just also use the Sword of Tempest this time. My clothes are also the same as my first one but smaller cause this cloth is comfortable enough for me. I can't just use my demon lord outfit cause many people will notice me easier.'

[Yes. So, do you want to go now?]

'Yes. I'm already ready.'

[Then. World Transporting Process..... 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%. Then. World Transporting Begin.] Ciel declared as my whole vision went black.


What do you think about this story plot? Is there any plot holes or none?

Please comment here about what you think.

I really don't know if I'm improving or not.