
Rimuru's Suffer: A lifeless World

Rimuru losing everything after the defeat against Yuuki in the Great Tenma war. That's what he has thought until he realized that he had yet to loose someone more precious only to go back in time and correct his wrongdoings or even taking a whole different path?

ParadexTM · Tranh châm biếm
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3rd POV

Inside the Frozen Castle of the Frozen Continent a single individual could be seen eating on a table out of.. yeah ice. Ancient Demon Lord Guy was eating what the Primordial Demon that worked under him created in the kitchen until a vibration could be felt through the entire Castle.

Appearing behind him are the two Primordial Demons Misery and Rain. Guy laid down his fork looking at the Door with folded hands "Seems like she is in a bad mood" He simply said.

As if he would sense the confused mood behind him he added "You two might not really know since she never really loses her control and just uses her [True Dragon Haki] when she's angry but this feeling, remember to never piss her off when you feel this. It's her pure display of annoyance"

Misery and Rain nodded "We will remember Guy-sama" they said in union

The door opened and Velzard entered well for the Primordials it was more like a silhouette coated with magicules, tiny ice elements and glowing eyes. Her aura displayed that she was enraged and Guy wondered what the reason could be for this to happen 'Maybe Velgrynd? No… Veldora? Did she go there?' Guy thought

"Welcome back Velzard-sama" Misery and Rain said bowing as soon as they made eye contact with her.

"It would be better if you calm down now, Velzad. I don't know what made you angry like this but you'll destroy the Castle if this continues and think about those low level demons here" Guy spoke in a calm voice

It seems like it worked as Velzards aura began to fade. Guy let out a silent sigh of relief even though he is an Ancient Demon Lord and one of the strongest Individuals on this planet but there was no way that he would go against a fully enraged Velzard even when he was a battle junky.

That's just where his race's potential stopped… in front of the highest being, the True Dragons.

"Misery bring Velzard something to eat and you sit down and explain what got you riled up this much" Guy said but Velzard immediately replied "No need I'm not in the mood for it at the moment"

"I see, anyway I heard that Demon Lord Clayman is doing something in the Great Jura Forest… it's neutral territory but your brother is sealed the-" Guy explained and was surprised at the sudden change in Velzards face

"I'll go to my chamber now, don't ever think of disturbing me" Velzard said and teleported away

'There is no way that Clayman angered her right? Even that idiot would at least have some brain cells to know not to fuck with her. No that can't be… the Puppet nation wouldl have been erased by now if that was the case' Guy thought




Back at the Ogre Village the day has arrived that once was the start of their doom. It was the Majin that controlled the Orc Lord and Benimaru simply drove him away just like in the past where they denied his offer to name them.

"Shouldn't we just kill him? Maybe we could stop the Orc Lords evolution from happening then" Shuna who was hiding her anger about the fact that they had let him live and leave this simply

Benimaru sighed and caressed her hair "Remember that those Orcs may be Lord Rimuru's subordinates in the future. Who knows what would happen to Geld or the others if we would stop this from happening" he explained

"Still…" Shuna gritted her teeth in anger

"So it was true hm?" It was their Mother who walked up to them "And here I hoped it wouldn't happen again, after I heard everything from you"

"No worries mother the six of us are enough to deal with 20 thousand ants that is not comparable with the war against the Empire" Benimaru said

"I wonder what they are doing right now… do you think their might be a chance that they"

"Remember who their Master is?" Benimaru finished Shuna's sentence and answered immediately "I don't think so as we are the only ones who were brought with him here at the same time"

"Who are you talking about?" Their father suddenly joined the conversation

Shuna answered with a smile as if it would be the most ordinary thing in the Cardinal World "Primordial Black, White, Purple and Yellow as well as the demons in their lineage"

Both the faces of their Parents paled and they stepped back under shock, a scene that was seen often in the past years.

"I should go back now and prepare Rimuru-sama's dish" Shuna said and walked away while the other 3 were looking after her with a saddened expression.

"She never forgets this hm?" The father mentioned and got smacked by his wife instantly "Shut it you Idiot" she said with glowing eyes. Benimaru watching this was reminded of Ciel who would destroy Rimuru in argumentations from time to time if he did something stupid.

"Well even when Rimuru-sama has barely touched, everytime he did it she was happy smiling and in a good mood, those are the only times I see her like this since we came back" Benimaru said and then added "I better go do my job too"

Rimuru POV

It seemed like Shuna visited me again even though her mother went by some time later they both said that soon everything would start. I don't know what they meant with that but it's not like I have to know.

I have been repeating the moment where I lost her over and over in my head. Why… why is she smiling every time? Why… why aren't you angry or sad? Why aren't you crying?!

I've felt like it was just yesterday that she killed herself for me to be evolved and brought back in the past. This new energy in my Imaginary Space, it's not stopping from getting bigger.

I've never been in my [Imaginary Space] since that… I've only looked at her soul from here. Am I allowed to enter… her resting place?

I looked at the shattered pieces of her Soul and silly ideas kept entering my head such as 'Maybe I can revive her if I pick up those shattered pieces and set them together'

Silly, isn't it? But at the same time I had already entered the [Imaginary Space] walking through it and picking up the pieces as I finally sat down on the black ground while the [Nithility Energy] I think that's how it's called kept circling around me.

Carefully I rebuild her soul slowly but piece for piece. I felt nothing, not a single feeling while I touched her soul but as soon as I realized that there were shards missing I remembered the second she died.

Anger rose up in my body. i didn't imagine it… oh how I wished that i imagined it but it was true… At that moment I couldn't catch all of her shattered pieces.

I created a temple in the imaginary space in the matter of not even a second. It was a place I remembered Ciel liked in the Cardinal world, I added furniture, flowers, trees and everything else that she liked and placed her not complete soul on the altar.

I looked through the room 'The necklace is missing' once again anger rose inside me. Just what were I doing… it was clearly here after all she didn't want to lose it.

I stood in front of the little altar "I'll find a way Ciel and along that way I will bear the pain and sin for letting you die"

Suddenly I heard a voice… that's right my body is still there. Well not that I care it's just Shuna's Mother anyways.

"It seems like today is the day that my children will fight what once destroyed our Village… I think his name in Gelmud is a Majin and…"

Wait, did she just say Majin Gelmud? Suddenly my mind went black

Gelmud > Majin who planned to destroy the Great Jura Forest > Plan to destroy the Great Jura Forest > Demon Lord Clayman > Demon Lord > The beginning of everything.

Anger rose inside me as I repeated Clayman's name over and over again… but… I soon realized

Clayman > Clown Troop > Kazaream > Demon Lord Leon who killed Kazaream > Demon Lord

No that's not right…

Kazaream > Yuuki > Rudra > Michael

I need to kill them.. all of them.. kill…

My mind went crazy but suddenly it stopped completely as I saw something in front of the altar where I just placed Ciel's broken Soul.

And that someone was the silhouette of her… Ciel…

"Ciel.. is that you?" I asked with a shaking voice but there was no answer. That's right I'm imagining this… she clearly died in front of me. The silhouette flew towards me and I kept smiling.

A smile buried under tears wishing that it would be real. She hugged me but I felt no contact… as expected, it is not real. I closed my eyes as I simply couldn't look any longer… it is not real! don't try dreaming of beautiful times! Stop it!

<<Love your family, Guard those worthy of Protection be Merciless to those who have been walking down the wrong path and kill those who have wronged you once>> I heard Ciel's voice… it was definitely hers!

My eyes opened faster than light could travel but there was nothing. Her silhouette is nowhere to be seen but I sensed something in my closed hand and as I opened it I saw another piece of her Soul.

Without saying a single word I went to the altar and brought the piece back to its rightful place.

3rd POV

Shunas Mother was told to hide in the Village even when she was training the past years to be stronger. It does not really matter as long as she doesn't evolve, only her skill adaption and activation as well as her power will get stronger by a tiny bit.

Regardless of her desire to kill those who once gave her children a really hard time she went back to Rimuru's house. His aura got somewhat denser, something seemed to have changed.

She kneeled on the floor until her head touched the ground and talked freely about the events happening at the moment and her opinion on it as well as the wish for him to wake up.

As a mother it was hard for her to see her daughter only showing fake smiles to the others and hiding her emotions often even in front of her. She had no problem with kneeling as her dignity as mother long reached the bottom.

Rimuru's presence suddenly vanished completely and so Shuna Mothers raised her head in confusion only to see an empty chair. She didn't hear any noises and panicked that he had vanished but then she heard a cold voice from the door and quickly looked at the direction even though it made her shiver.

"Stand up and never kneel in front of anyone else again" His words may have sounded rough but it was crystal clear what he was telling her with that: As her mother you should stay with confidence not crawl in the dirt.

Benimaru POV

We began to hand out weapons smithen by Kurobe alone that should be enough to easily get through their armor. I looked over the warriors that had gathered to defend their home.It was such a nice day why did something like did turn out to be the day my family would die.

"Souei" I simply said

Immediately after Soeui appeared behind me as expected from him. His skills as a spy are top notch and he was the best in Tempest, even those Dragonewts did grew into top assassins under him.

"When are they gonna arrive?" I asked "And where is that Gelmud guy" I added as I turned around to face him.

"It's a matter of minutes as for Gelmud he is currently by the Orc Lord's side. They are slowly on their way to the marshlands bypassing our territory… it seems like their plan got carried out faster" Souei reported

"I see we will have to change our plans than I guess, well not that it matters" I said smiling a bit as I remembered my team as the General of the Army of Tempest.

Souei and I then walked down to the others. Shion and Shuna were standing next to Father. I could see that both of them would like to just teleport there and go on a kill spree.

I decided to tell them first about our changing plan before I explain it to the others "Gelmud seems to have noticed something… well at least he suddenly has fire under his ass and is proceeding with his plan already" I said

Both of them flinched and their gazes were pointed directly at me "Now now, it's not my fault anyways our plan is changing so listen well as we-"

"I'll take care of those ants who are walking around in my Forest" A cold voice suddenly could be heard behind all of us. There were no emotions in it but at the same time it made us all flinch as we could feel the sheer domineering pressure in it.

I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes no… it was clearly his voice even without those emotions. His eyes still were cloudy but he was clearly walking straight towards us even when his eyes were probably focused on the enemies approaching a few miles away.

Before I could say something Shuna and Shion shouted "Rimuru-sama!?!" But stayed silent as they noticed his eyes.

"Lord Rimuru as those are simply Orcs and a Orc Lord there is no need for you too-"

I stopped instantly as his head moved towards my direction, his eyes facing me directly. There was no need for words.

"I understand Rimuru-sama we will await your victory" I said bowing slightly

My Father was confused as there was nothing to accept or understand "He didn't even said something" he said by surprise

I closed my eyes and sighed shortly "He said enough" as I was focused on my Father Rimuru-sama was already standing on a teleportation circle he just created and vanished.

The others were confused but already knew that his motives always have a reason and as such they decided to ignore his sudden appearance and began to hug themselves. Especially Shuna and Shion. Both of them laughed,cried and smiled as their emotions let loose saying things like "thank you" and "Rimuru-sama is back"

3rd POV

Rimuru appeared above the Scouting force of the Orcs. He teleported to the exact space he wanted to without Ciel's help which means that he had been giving all her knowledge. Rimuru didn't hesitate as he looked down on them from above. Just how nature has decided those under his feet would be crushed.

"There is no need for me to be stopped by those who simply walked down the wrong path in this cruel world, begone" Rimuru said as he stretched out his hand.

Massive waves of magicules were radiated from his hand while a dark violet near dark colored magic Circle appeared beneath his palm. It was a large scale [Soul Consumption] combined with Rimuru's own Energy similar to [Stardust Energy]and yet completely different called {Turn Null] or [Nithility Energy]

The Skill completely ignored space and time as Rimuru was the one to rule over it and as soon as they came in touch with it, which they didn't even notice, their existence within their souls were erased from this world.

There was no way for him to store those souls in the place where hers is resting. If his subordinates would need souls in the future they should simply farm them on their own or he would give this job to one of the Onis or Demonesses/Demons.

A generous death given by Rimuru.

But this was just the Beginning, he long has sensed their presence in the swamp and what was the most important thing the Leader of those Ants is there. The King of the Ants if you wanna say so but an Ant King is still just an Ant.

And that's what Gelmud's fate was as soon as the Orcs suddenly stopped abruptly at their endless march for food and the desire to fill their stomachs. Their mouths were filled with ecstasy thinking of eating the person in front of them. But even with the effects of [Starved] not a single one of them dared to make a move against this person.

As the army of Orcs slowly came to a full standing there was a single Majin in midst of them enraged as to how they stopped walking.

It was the Orc Lord who answered "There is a strong person that they cannot eat" Geld who knew it thanks to the connection between all the orcs of the unique skill [Starved] a similar bond that the direwolves had.

But Gelmud didn't understand what he was saying, how could he? A Majin that has long lost his clean mind while being under the control of Clayman. The reason why they didn't attack the person because of the effect of [Starved] was a simple reason… Rimuru was an Ultimate Skill user and he let that fact out on purpose as he lifted his defense a bit.

Unique Skills are simply too weak to go against Ultimate Skills, they don't even compete as it is the Law of the Multiverse and Cardinal World.

Gelmud enraged that the Plan for his Lord would be delayed rushed to the frontline of Orcs, water splattered where he landed "Who dares to get in the way of the Great Gelmud!" The Majin shouted

The Orc Lord who still felt the need of protecting Gelmud as he helped him and his tribe out arrived not long after. Rimuru wasn't faced at all… of course he wouldn't be, but on the inside he was enraged.

"Dare to ignore me you worthless person huh?! I am not like those Orcs such weaklings! You dare to ignore me, the Great Gelmud, die! [Death March Dance]"

Rimuru who was still mentally tired because of the events that happened and his long rest decided to not even move one part of his body. His [Multi-Dimensional Barrier] wouldn't even feel the impact of such a lowly Skill from an A ranked Majin.

The projectiles hit their target creating a huge explosion "Haa… what a waste of my time for such a thing we delayed our-" Gelmud couldn't finish his rant as his neck was being grabbed by the person's hand that he thought was killed by his Attack.

How was this possible? How did he appear in front of him? Teleportation? Flying? Why isn't he dead? Such thoughts runned through Gelmud's mind but then he shouted "Orc Lord help me? What are you standing there for?!"

Rimuru turned his head to the Orc Lord who had picked up his weapon "I have no use for you so just die for me" Rimuru spoke and as soon as he summoned his [Tempest Sword] it was over for the Orc Lord.

He was cut into tiny pieces without mercy to the point where you couldn't even see anymore that it once was an Orc or a Monster at all. Blood and organic matter splattered in all directions painting the ground dark red. It's not like Rimuru had really used any skill more like normal sword slashes. The huge difference and the seemingly instant death was caused by Rimuru's [Thought Acceleration] that was of course a lot times higher than that of his current enemies.

Gelmud lost his mind "Impossible… Impossible… you didn't move… how… you MONSTER!!!!!" He shouted as loud as he could while still having his neck grabbed by Rimuru.

But then he seemed to have found out something as his face shined bright "You didn't kill me like that Orc Lord, right? Right? So you still have use for me haha!"

Seeing this Rimuru felt many emotions at the same time like happiness, disgusted by him and the pleasure to see this until all of them ended in emptiness again.

A wicked smile formed on Rimuru#s face while his eyes widened "Your only use is to be killed by me! Isn't that fantastic… but it wouldn't be nice if it would be over so fast again… that's why I spared you"

In that moment Gelmud's mind snapped completely seeing the terrifying person in front of him… he didn't say any words anymore only screamed in pain as Rimuru was slowly ripping his body apart… part for part as slow as he could.

Of course Rimuru gave Gelmud some [Thought Acceleration] so that he still could think and feel the pain despite being dead already. Rimuru then picked Gelmuds already beheaded head up and showed him what was the rest of his body

"Doesn't this look delicious Gelmud heee?" Rimuru asked smiling he hold his head right in front of his own "Cmon say something" Blood still dripped out of his opened throat

'Please kill me already' That were Gelmud's thoughts as his head no longer had the ability to speak as it wasn't connected to any muscles or organs despite his brain.

Rimuru who suddenly felt disgust from his thoughts crushed his head with his hands alone [Unmeasured Strength] was used for it "Tsk… still begging for mercy? Your soul will bear your sins forever" Rimuru said to himself.

He then turned around and cleaned himself from that bastard's disgusting blood, the next thing he did was summoning a mask, Shizue's Mask and put her on.

"Submit or die" were the words that led to the new beginning for Rimuru and this World who should soon feel the true meaning of Cruelty from someone who was and needed to see someone being absorbed by it once.