
Righteous Master of Villainous Gods

https://discord.gg/eEWTerjxzH For those who wanted to join the discord, feel free but warning you an idiot is running wild there I'M GOD, SO WHAT? : Former Protagonist is now my side kick ^^ While you are at it, check out my other novel, it's western fantasy with an overpowered cheat system going on there ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ For people wanting to help me out there__ dewanshsingh72@paytm painfultruth@axl _________________________________________ The world is filled with mortals who seek long life, cultivators who seek Immortality and strength, Immortals who seek Godhood and Godly Authority and the Mighty Gods who seek the and only absolute strength There is no end to their greed and that's the nature In this world, this is true nature, seeking the better things is not only law of nature but also their right Everyone follows this rule, when a normal human does that he's called a hard working and passionate person, When a person with high talent does that he becomes a legend When the protagonist does this he's called a hero and hope for others So when the same thing is done by villains why are they labelled as villain and unrighteous? Isn't it unfair? Why is he the villain only because he is born more talented and has better back ground? Since when was being more privileged a sin? Why are they called bad guys when everyone is competing for same thing? Why are they bad if the protagonist's fiance loves him and not the protagonist? Have you ever noticed a true villain isn't always born strong, it's the process that makes him strong The villain and protagonist both are born weak and have a sad past, but just because the villain stands up on his own he's called a villain And the protagonists are supported by the world and others but he's called a hero! Is that reasonable? It should be changed, this is time for a change, villains need a master, the master who himself is a golden cheat for the villains "That's why I will change that" [Aye! Host!] "Follow me... To the world of Endl- no! True possibilities!"

Painful_truth_ · Huyền huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
460 Chs

Shameful Rebellion (5)

// You people need to comment now, I know there are dozens of you reading this shit, yet see how blank comment section is always, just one dude is carrying ya all's hope//

A strange blue aura started to surround Zhao Fan and a paper in his spiritual sea was seen burning in blue flames

"Shan Yu... You really need to die today!!!"

Zhao Fan suddenly roared as all his bleeding stopped and with a push he once again freed himself away from grip of Shan Yu and roared

Shan Yu saw this and saw Zhao Fan scream in front of him, suddenly the dark clouds over them became much more denser and thunders also roared much louder

Zhao Fan glared at Shan Yu with blood red eyes and suddenly flashed in front of him waving his fist left and right

Shan Yu smirked and blocked a few of fist strikes of Zhao Fan and felt the impact and that left his arms slightly red

"Now that's what I'm talking about..."

Shan Yu suddenly smirked and the fist blows kept rushing over him but at same time people noticed the colour lightning over the dark clouds turning red by each second

And next suddenly a combined thunder from that the dark clouds fell over Shan Yu forcing Zhao Fan to back off dozens of meters away

*True Dragon's Awakening!*

The presence around Shan Yu seemed to have turned mightier and much more strong, Shan Yu's pupils have turned into slit, like some dragon

He breathed coldly in air and as he looked at Zhao Fan, and with his quiet voice he commented

"Come now..."

Zhao Fan heard him and goosebumps ran throughout his body, Zhao Fan's instincts screamed to avoid fighting this Shan Yu right now but Zhao Fan himself was mad for blood

"Don't act arrogant! How dare you provoke death like this! You people should really need to learn to not look down on common people! You think I won't kill you just because of your position!?"

Zhao Fan screamed and and immediately rushed without any second thoughts Zhao Fan swung his fist over Shan Yu which Shan Yu effortlessly blocked with his elbow this time

But the next moment Zhao Fan immediately grabbed Shan Yu's throat with a big grin on his face

"Well guess what... I will kill you!"

Zhao Fan shouted that immediately started to press the throat but before he could do anything serious Zhao Fan's arm got grabbed by Shan Yu and Shan Yu coldly glared dead into Zhao Fan's eyes

"Kill me when you have the capability..."

As Shan Yu said that he pressed his grip crushing that arm of Zhao Fan which was touching the throat

"Gaaaaaahhhh!!! My arm!!! It hurts! It hurts! You Bastard! How dare you motherfucer! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh"

Zhao Fan's eyes were wet with tears because of that rough pain, the crushed bones were not piercing through his arm and on other hand Shan Yu prepared a fist with another arm

"Stop screaming like a bitch..."

Shan Yu just quietly said that and launched his fist like some canon straight on Zhao Fan's stomach



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
