
Riddle Me This, My Lady

A young lady, a child barely reaching 8 years of age, has endured the abuse and scorn by everyone around her. Unbeknownst to her, she was supposed to be the villainess in this story, but someone got to her first and changed the whole story. One day, a day she would normally grieve her life in the back garden near the forest. She meets a peculiar creature. It asked her a riddle, and the answer changed her mangled future.

Divastation03 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Alisha turned and faced her sister, inwardly wondering what Colette wanted from her.

Maybe she wanted the pretty necklace she recently got. Ice poured through her veins. No, her sister couldn't have that. It was hers and only hers. It was one of the most precious things she had ever recieved.

Alisha's eyes hardened in determination, she would keep that piece of jewelry no matter what. Though she knew Colette could have anything she wanted, and Alisha couldn't do anything about it. But still, it didn't hurt to try right?

Colette pompously puffed her chest, and raised her chin to look down on Alisha. Placing her hands on her hips, she said "Stay away from the Prince, you little demon. I don't want you ruining my chances to become princess."

Alisha slumped in relief and disbelief, was Colette serious? She never even met the prince and if the younger does start her schooling in the academy his Majesty would have already graduated.

She looked into her sister's twitching eyes. Why was it twitching? The youngest Magnas squinted her eyes cautiously, before remembering herself. She nodded quickly, and she saw Colette smile unpleasantly. It had always unnerve the little child whenever her sister did that smile, it looked terribly wrong in her sisters admittedly pretty face.

Since her sister seemed to be in a good mood, Alisha took this rare opportunity to ask her sister why people thought of her to be freakish demon. Maybe her sister knew why, and perhaps Alisha could fix whatever was wrong with her.

"Sister may I ask you something?" She looked down, shuffling slightly.

"What is it, brat?" Colette answered rudely, the maids serving the elder looked at her scornfully.

"Do you, perhaps, know why everyone treats me horribly?" She asked after a few hesistant moments , revealing a rare show of childish innocence. This, unfortunately left her vulnerable to her wicked sisters crudely executed attacks.

"You don't know brat?" Colette scoffed haughtily, "Its because you killed mother! You brought misfortune to this family when you were born. Your hair and eyes are unnatural, we think you may have descended from a demon!" She exclaimed dramatically. Alisha shuffled backwards mat her sister's sudden outburst, frown lines appeared between her brows.

Didn't both of them had the same blood? They were sisters, weren't they? Though they looked different, they had the same mother and father. But what made Alisha so different from her sister?

These thoughts swirled around in her head. Both upsetting and confusing her even more. She didn't like where this was going and it confused her even more why her sister denies their blood ties and yet calls her sister.

Colette swept inelegantly closer to the raven-haired girl, breaching the young child's personal bubble.

"You know why your still in our home?" The older mockingly whispered, as if sharing a secret. 'Our' meaning Colette and the Duke. "Its because of that noble blood still running in your dirty veins." She fake gagged."Remember, that is the only thing keeping you here in this lavish and beautiful mansion, you don't deserve it." She shoved a finger to Alisha's frail chest. "A mere commoner would have been more fitting as my sister, instead we had you. Father suffers the sneers of other aristocrats because of you, I have to suffer because of you. We cant get rid of you because if we did the family would be pressured even more for disowning you for 'nothing'. Those two-faced aristocrats whose fingers are so deep into noble society would scrutinize us even more." She said, and added more pressure on her little sisters chest.

Alisha shivered, a tight and cold feeling taking hold of her spine.

"Those stupid old ways are the only thing keeping you here. A form of ancient etiquette protecting you, since you have not done 'anything wrong'." This time, Colette didn't hide the venom in her voice and shoved her own sister.

Alisha crashed to the ground, in an attempt to catch herself she leaned on her right ankle. But her drastic attempt to balance herself, along with the force of Colette's push, her ankle painfully twisted in an alarming angle. Her young body couldn't handle the sudden change of gravity, so a sickening crack cut through the air.

Alisha gasped, and choked to keep her tears at bay. It was never a good thing to cry in public, especially in front of somebody who hated you. It would only add to her ego and solidify her sisters vicious leverage on her.

Marian, who had her arms outstretched to try and catch her precious lady but missed because of Alisha's frantic movements, stared at her child's broken ankle in dawning horror.

The culprit smirked, looking at her sister's twisted ankle as if it was the most interesting thing she had ever seen in her life. She quickly raised a hand, this made the golden eyed child flinch, but her elder sister only went to cover her mouth in mock concern. Even though mirth danced in her eyes like a ranging fire.

"Oops, I'm so sorry dearest sister." She started, the maids behind her thinning their lips to stop themselves from laughing. "I guess this is karma for all the burden you've given us. Don't worry dearest little sister, I will make sure to abolish those old rules so that we'll be able to get rid of you once and for all." She smiled benevolently, she looked the part of the saint. Colette's attended appearance only added to her look. The servants then began to whisper in the hazel eyed girl. She once again smile at the girl sprawled haphazardly on the floor.

"Now it seems I must go I have a tea party to attend in a few hours and I must look my best for the occasion." She the stalked out the dining room, making sure to step on the child on the floor. Her maids followed suit, stepping on her slowly to savor the look of pain the youngest Magnas' eyes.

Marian clenched her fists, unable to do anything due to Colette's status as a Duke's daughter. Once the doors were closed, she then hurried to Alisha's side and saw the tears gathering in her precious daughters eyes. Marian kissed the girls forehead and gently picked her up. She opened the dining room doors once more, and closed it. She quickly walked towards the young girl's room, carefully as to not jostle the and her slowly swelling leg.

Thankfully, they didn't run into anyone. When they made it inside the girls room, Marian gently laid her down on the bed.

The tears the she was holding finally streamed down her face like a river. Alisha wailed softly, hiccuping as the pain in her leg increased by the minute. She didn't even try to move, dreading that if does it would add more pain than what she was already feeling.

This was the first time this has even happened. She wouldn't dare hope that this won't happen again.

Marian froze for a few moments when she heard crying. Sweat began to form in her brow, her heart thudded and panic siezed her body. Her body felt restless even though she tried to calm herself. She kneeled beside the bed, and gently touched the others forehead.

"I-I am going to call for the head butler and for the Magnas' family's personal doctor alright sweetie. J-just be strong okay? D-don't..." She cut herself off when the child whimpered.

"O-okay, I'll be back. I'll be fast." She said, her tone bordering hysterical. The nanny then hurriedly ran out of the room.

Alisha couldn't stop crying, not just because of the pain but because of her sisters words. She already knew this deep inside, but didn't acknowledge it because she foolishly hoped somebody would prove her wrong someday. But Colette's words already cemented itself in her young mind, which made Alisha cry even harder.

Unbeknownst to suffering Alisha, her door opened a few centimeters and wide silver eyes stared at her through the small opening.

I'm not sure how to feel about this chapter...still, hope you guys like it and constructive criticism is welcomed.

Divastation03creators' thoughts