
Riddle Me This, My Lady

A young lady, a child barely reaching 8 years of age, has endured the abuse and scorn by everyone around her. Unbeknownst to her, she was supposed to be the villainess in this story, but someone got to her first and changed the whole story. One day, a day she would normally grieve her life in the back garden near the forest. She meets a peculiar creature. It asked her a riddle, and the answer changed her mangled future.

Divastation03 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

The soft and tranquil light of the moon gently cast their rays into a barely furnished room. The walls, bed, lights, and wardrobe were the best quality of course, but that was all there was. There were no personal or decorative items in the dreary room.

The small black haired girl sat on the side of her bed, staring at the sky, blank eyes shifting from star to star. Absentmindedly cataloging the familiar constellations she noticed.

The moon is especially bright tonight, she thought to herself.

Her head lolled to the right almost lazily, catching sight of the simple brown wardrobe. She thought of the 4 dresses she owned, dresses that only consisted of a one piece dresses, 2 that were arms length and 2 more that were with poofed up sleeves, the last two were were gifts from Marian.The colors were blue, red, white, yellow, respectively. That was not including the only formal dress her family ever given her. But even that dress lacked the usual frills her sister had in hers, it was a bit on the thin side. Along with her dresses, were her two pairs of shoes. The ones she usually wore earlier in the town and in her everyday life. The other pair were for formal events that she rarely brought to, they were simple pink flats. They were her favorites, they were the prettiest thing she ever owned, until now.

Alisha jumped onto the cold ground, walking towards the wardrobe and opening the small drawer ay the bottom of it, she took out the a thin golden chain with a flower. It was the pretty necklace that old lady had given a few hours earlier.

The little girl returned to her previous position, staring intently at the beautiful object. She unclasped the lock and struggled to put the latch back in. After a minute or two it was finally locked.

Alisha smiled at the flower in her chest and tucked it beneath her thin nightgown. She scooched onto the center of the bed, lifting the frail cloth of her blanket and settled in for the night. Alisha curled up onto her side, facing the curtainless window before finally let the sweet embrace of sleep swallow her.


The next day she woke with the sun streaming down her window, but that was not what actually startled her from her sleep. It was the loud bang of her door.

Alisha winced at the impact of it to the wall, she could already imagine the scrape and dent of the impact to the wall. She shifted her attention to the head maid stomping her way to her bed.

"Wake up already, you lazy brat!" She yelled, startling Alisha even more and breaking her from her drowsy state. The young girl only nodded at the fuming head maid.

The other sneered at the nod the girl gave her. Alisha knew why the woman acted as such, she often hears the maids gossiping. They all thought she was unworthy of the noble blood running through her veins. That was the only thing keeping her here at the mansion.

According to the maids, she was 'privileged only because she have noble blood. The Magnas family have always treated her horribly, it was practically a family tradition that whenever they all were invited to a social gathering they would try to see who would humiliate her more. Most of the time, her sister won because of how adults and children in their age range would believe every single thing she says.

Alisha felt her mood drop even lower, when she thought about the barely subtle insults the maid purposely whispered when she was near. They say she was different. How her eyes were unnerving. How she would bring misfortune to anyone who meets her eyes. With the country being lead by the church, it was no wonder why they were wary and hateful of her. The problem was the origin of these horrible rumors. They had just suddenly popped up when she was very young.

Alisha was so deep into her thoughts that she didn't notice the head maid had already left her room, she didn't even bothered to close the door.

"My lady!" Marian exclaimed frantically, carefully closing the door and frowning deeply at the chipped paint it had clearly left behind. She shook her head and focused on Alisha after locking the door.

"Ali are you okay? I saw head maid Patricia walking out of your room. She didn't touch you like last time did she, dear?" She asked, hinting at the time head maid Patricia had chosen to quietly sneak into her room and slapped Alisha awake.

"No, Marian. I'm fine, she didn't do anything this time, she just yelled at me to wake up." Alisha answered, managing to muster up a small smile to her beloved second mother. She looked at the older woman, Marian was in her late twenties. Her husband had left her to elope with a younger woman. She couldn't understand how such a man would abandon such a kind and compassionate woman like Marian. Although she wasn't the most gorgeous woman out there, Marian had a smile that could blow away any man. With her soft eyes and heart shaped face, her nanny was definitely pretty.

"Only yelled at you? Dear, that is unacceptable. I know unnaturally smart for your age, but it is not right to treat a child like they are some pest to be squished." Marian huffed angrily, inwardly cursing every person in the household, especially other daughter in the household.

"It's really fine, Marian." Alisha giggled quietly, hopping out from her bed and revealing her necklace in the process.

"Ali, where did you get that necklace?" The older asked slowly. The younger looked up and smiled widely before answering.

"A nice lady gave it to me when I got lost yesterday." She continued to softly explain how pretty the neclace was and how it had a flower she had read from the library.

Marian smiled fondly, feeling relieved at how Alisha showed a rare expression of childish happiness. With how fast she was forced to grow up, Marian along with Beau had grown concerned if their little Ali would have a good memories of her chidhood at all.

"I'm sure the lady was glad she could give it to a nice and beautiful girls like you." The nanny said before freezing when she saw Alisha looked down. Marian sighed inwardly.

Yes Alisha was forced to grow up too fast, she knew how to worry about things children aren't supposed to be worrying about even if she is a noble.

"Alisha..." Marian kneeled down in front of the child, settling her hand on Alisha's dainty shoulders. "Do not doubt my words, no matter how many people say otherwise, They are wrong, and in the eyes of the goddess I am sure they will recieve their punishment in due time." She said, petting Alisha's head. She then cheerfully added,"Let's get ready quickly now, breakfast is about to start." At the asnwering nod, Marian stood up and began to prepare the bath.

Alisha looked at her skin, finally feeling the grime that covered her from yesterday's trip. She took off the necklace and set it on the pillow as she got ready to take the bath. Once done with her bath, her nanny helped her into one of the long sleeved dress, it was blue with no frills. The sleeves were a bit loose, probably from the little food she ate the other day, but other than that it was just a cleanly sewn one-piece dress, held by the bodice.

She put on her everyday shoes, with Marian scolding her in the background about how this was her job. Alisha waved at her dismissively before plopping down onto the bed. She felt it dip beside her, the young lady turned her back to the maid as Marian proceeded to brush her hair.

"My goodness, they couldn't have at least provided you a vanity! They waste their money to do whatever your sister wants. The master has been neglectful ever since the Mistress has passed away. How could he believe these outlandish rumors, not even bothering to confirm them." She nagged, setting the young girls hair into an elegant low bun.

"Marian, it's not father's fault..." Alisha trailed off. She heared an irritated huff behind her, that made her giggle.

"Of course it is, the Master provides all the money for his eldest and buys her whatever she wants. Meanwhile he neglects to even check on you." Marian answered sadly, with frustration burning in her eyes.


"I'm sorry,dear. I keep bringing up these things because I hope you see that how wrong they treat you as a part of their family." Marian hugged the poor child from behind, careful to not mess up her hair. "Believe me when I tell you, you are beautiful. Those who can curse such a wonderful face are born blind."

"Thank you Marian, but I'm fine really. I know how different father treat me. And how bias he is, but we can't exactly change that withoit possibly angering him. It would seem like we are questioning his dicisions." Alisha jumped down once again from her wooden bed, "Let's stop talking about such heavy topics in the morning, it'll ruin the mood for the rest of the day." She pointed out, trying to act happy. Ignoring at heavy pit in her stomach. She looked at the necklace, she had thought about wearing it to breakfast but decided against it. She shoved it under her pillow. Alisha looked back to her second mother.

Her nanny sighed, nodding and smiling hesitantly. "Let's get you to breakfast." They finally left the room, the chain of the necklace glinting dully under the pillow.

The pair went through the hall, an elegant deep sea blue carpet was placed on the floor, they passed an occational maid who ducked when they caught sight of her. Their eyes looking at her hatefully

They finally reached the informal dining room, Alisha looked up at Marian who smiled reassuringly at her. With a deep breath, she nodded. Then Marian opened the door, he posture once again cowed into a submissive pose.

Just another day, Alisha reminds herself, just another day.

The first thing she saw was the bright light of the crystal chandeliers, and righ below the gigantic and pompous object was a large mahogany rectangular table. It had carved flowers on the sides, with an expensive looking cream table cloth. On the center was a large and barely touched roast. She saw a few plates of shrimp, hesselback tomato caprese, a few tarts, and a blueberry lemon trifle her sister's favorite.

She looked at her father, who's hard eyes focused on her. Flinching slightly, Alisha hurried to sit down onto a chair at the opposite of her sister, who sat beside their father, who sat at the head of the table.

"You may leave." Alisha's sister said to Marian.

"Lady Colette, Duke Magnas. May the Goddess favor you." Marian bowed, walking backwards and closing the doors with an audible click.

"What took you so long?" Duke Magnas, their father, asked blandly. Once again ignoring the other girl, focusing on his meal. His hazel eyes blinking lazily under his dark hair.

"I woke up, late." She murmured hesitantly, unsure how to answer her father since she barely interacted with him. The most positive social interactions she's had were with Marian and Beau, most left a bad taste in her mouth.

"My, then you should go to sleep earlier, we wouldn't want to miss the rare times father can dine with us, his daughters."Colette cut in softly. But in her mind, her sisters words were mocking. Like they always were when it concerns her, beloved sister. It was always followed by a little giggle, that made others follow her example in tea parties Colette made her tag along to even though Alisha herself was not invited to. With Colette's bright hazel eyes and silky blond hair, it was no wonder why people often fell to her feat even at this early age of 13.

A deep chuckle cut through the air, the younger girl looked at her father.

"Your sister is right, Alisha." He said with finality, as if daring her to talk back.

"Yes, father." She answered back, looking down at her meal, which looked like leftovers from yesterday. Yet, she ate it anyways.

"Ah yes, Lettie your going to be 16 in 3 years, yes?" The Duke asked, smiling fondly at his daughter. "Then your Belle Ball is almost here, preparation will soon start."

The Bell Ball, the dream of every noble girl when they reach the appropriate age of 16. In other words, a young womans coming of age. It's where young ladies interact with others, make social circles, and meet potential suitors for the young lady. Where a girl becomes a woman.

The lady conducting the ball is called the Belle, they manage the ball and entertain the guests to the best of the Belle's abilities.

It is often unsaid that it is also a place where other families judge your worth, other ladies judge you if your compatible for their sons, examine your weaknesses, and see how you react to their anxiety inducing stares, young men observe your worth, if they are interested they will ask the lady of the hour to a dance, some will exploit their worth.

If, for example, no one asked the Belle for a dance the lady's worth would go down in the eyes of society.

It's rare for the Royal family to join one, but if they do it's mostlikely because they came to observe if the Belle is suitable to become the queen. If they are promising, the crown prince would dance with the lady.

Alisha wasn't sure if she would get a Belle Ball in this lifetime.

"Yes! Thank you very much, father." Colette yelled happily.

The words exchanged went on just like this, with her father and sister chatting about Colette's upcoming Ball. While they made no indication to include the other person in the table, and Alisha mad no move to join either. Just eating food, making sure her manners were on point.

Yes, just another day.

Hi! Here's another Chapter, and to anyone wondering the Bell Ball is from the scientific name of the Daisy flower and from the actual Belle name. I hope you guys like it, constructive criticism is welcomed.

Divastation03creators' thoughts