
RFA: Thorns of Journey

Turpis wakes up in an unknown and terrifying cave with nothing but his phone. The stench of death and decay assails his senses as he struggles to get up. As he explores his surroundings, he encounters scenes of unimaginable horror - torture, mutilation, and death are commonplace, and the sounds of screams and growls echo through the darkness. As Turpis journeys deeper into this new environment he encounters monstrous creatures that he never thought existed. With every passing day, Turpis becomes more desperate to escape this nightmare. Will Turpis be able to overcome the horrors he faces and find a way back home?

Chupaghett1 · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 5

Turpis thought that this was the end for him, so he had not noticed that something had formed beside him.

However, the nearby orc had noticed it and was left bewildered, the orc was warry and took a moment to process what was going on, he was pretty sure that the wildlings couldn't have done it as he didn't feel a magic fluctuation from him

However, the orc's wariness grew as he noticed a slight movement in the shadows. As he took a step back to gain a better view, he heard the approaching footsteps of his three comrades. Quickly, he signaled for them to be on guard. They arrived just in time to witness Oriak's grim expression.

"What is going on?" questioned one of the orcs in their native tongue.

"Goddamn it, can't you see?" barked Oriak. "Orlan is dead. He was killed by that wildling."

At first, the three orcs thought Oriak was joking, but as they noticed his bloodline being activated, they knew he was telling the truth. Though orcs were known for their savagery once their brother was killed they still wept and honor them.

 The other orcs approached Oriak, their expressions turning serious as they saw the anger and grief etched on his face. They knew that Oriak was not one to joke about something like this, and they could sense the powerful aura of his bloodline rising within him.

When they saw the portal and the energy emanating from it, they took a step back, unsure of what to do.

"Oron go call the shaman and alert everyone"

Oron nodded, his eyes wide with fear, and turned to run as fast as he could. As the youngest member of his family, he was not yet a skilled warrior like his brothers, but he knew the importance of getting help as quickly as possible. He could feel the danger in the air, and he knew that something terrible was about to happen.

As Orlan disappeared behind their back, a slender and graceful hand suddenly emerged from the portal, and with a swift leap, a figure materialized before them.

The orcs were caught off guard by the unexpected appearance of an elf. Its green eyes seemed to glimmer with amusement and excitement, sending a shiver down their spines.

The three orbs attached to its transparent tails gave off an eerie glow, and the orc's instincts told them that their chances of survival were slim.

"F*ck, a goddamn three-tailed octopus," one of the orcs cursed under his breath.

"Octopus?" the elf spoke in a fluid orcish language

Oriak was surprised that the elf in front of him can speak their tongue but he quickly barked orders to his comrades, "Immediately use your bloodline to the fullest"

The orcs knew that their only chance of survival was to unleash the full power of their bloodlines. The other orcs quickly followed Oriak's lead and their skin began to crawl with tattoos as they tapped into their bloodline powers.

Although the amount of power they could summon was minuscule compared to Oriak, they knew they had to try their best to survive.

As for Oriak, he pushed himself to his absolute limit. His muscles bulged as steam poured out from his body, and his eyes glowed with an intense red hue. He could feel his bloodline surging through him, granting him immense strength and agility.

The elf seemed unfazed by the orcs' display of power. Instead, it stared at Turpis, and then to the other wildlings then back to Turpis. The elf was confused, but time was of the essence as he could sense that Turpis is dying and his soul is about to be dragged by the damned if not treated immediately.

'let's end this immediately' the elf thought.

The orbs began to tremble and the elf positioned his two hands like he was holding a crossbow in just a millisecond a big glowing crossbow emerge from his hand and immediately fired.



Several heads fall down including some of the wildlings. 

"Oooopps sorry about that" the elf spoke in amusement in wildlings tongue. 

The remaining wildlings were now frozen in terror. some of them had heard stories of the elves' fighting prowess, but witnessing it firsthand was a whole different level of fear. As the orc's bodies hit the ground, their heads separated from their necks by the elf's enormous projectile, the wildlings knew that the orc's were no match for the elf's skill and power.

The projectile was not just any ordinaryprojectile, but a deadly sword that the elf had fired from his crossbow that materialize in his hands. Its speed was so blinding that the orcs didn't even have a chance to react before their fate was sealed. The remaining wildlings were shaking with fear, wondering if they too would meet the same fate as the orcs.

The elf lowered his weapon and approached Turpis, who was lying on the ground, clearly unconscious. The elf knelt beside Turpis and placed a hand on his chest, closing his eyes in concentration.

The elf could feel Turpis' life force ebbing away, and his heart was weakly beating. He knew that time was of the essence, and that he had to act quickly.

He focused his mind on the surrounding`s mana, drawing it to the three orbs that were still hovering around him and then convert it as his own mana energy. He could feel his mana energy flowing through his body, filling him with power, and with a complete mastery he turn his mana energy as healing energy

As the elf channeled his magic into Turpis, he could feel the injured wildling's body begin to respond. His breathing became slightly and more regular, and his heart rate began to pick up. The elf could sense the healing energy coursing through Turpis' veins, repairing damaged tissue and knitting together broken bones.

The elf's ears suddenly twitch and he frowns as he hears multiple hurried footsteps, one have even strong magical pressure.

He knew that the process of healing Turpis would be slow, and that it would take some hours for Turpis to fully recover, but he was confident that he could save the wildling's life.

However, due to the incoming orcs he immediately stood up, although the thought of fighting them all cross his mind he immediately reject it as there is a possibility of Turpis losing his life at any seconds.

"What a shame" the elf muttered in disappointment.

The elf stood up and Turpis's body began to levitate beside him and then the orb began to slowly spin in a clockwise direction. The elf's eyes glowed brighter as he concentrated, the elf could hear the orcs' footsteps growing louder and more frantic.

He knew that they were getting closer, and that they would not hesitate to attack him if they found him, the tattoo on his right hand began to glow as its intricate lines pulsed with power. With a swift motion, the elf swiped his right hand across the air in front of him, and again a spatial tear formed.

With that, the elf and Turpis disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the wildlings to tend to their own fate.