

Shortly after the Chitauri invasion in New York another globally affecting incident occurs, one that Fury manages to keep under wraps however. Nanites are spreading around the world at a slow rate and turning some organisms into EVOs. The only known cure: Rex Salazar Pairing: Rex x Daisy / Rex x Ruby

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11 Chs

a hint of the past

Barely any time has passed after Jemma's return and Rex officially joining the team before the situation appears to get difficult once again when a team of Hydra agents attacks the United Nations while wearing Shield uniforms and claiming to be part of the agency.

"Come on, I know you just joined but this is an all hands on deck situation." Skye tells Rex, waiting in his opened door for him to finish dressing himself, as he's putting on his usual dark attire with orange-red jacket.

"I get it." He replies, walking towards her once he finished putting on his shoes.

"By the way is this coincidence or do you always bring bad luck?" Skye asks teasingly.

"What so you mean?" He asks defensively.

"Well, you join and one day later our organization is back to target number 1 in the entire country." Skye explains.

"I wouldn't know. Amnesia, remember. But this didn't happen before during the year I do remember." Rex informs her.

"Fine, just wanted to know if I should get used to things getting complicated with you around." Skye says with a grin.

"No promises. I mean I do turn into half of a machine on a regular basis." Rex informs her.

"Ah, there he is. Coulson! This wasn't us, right?" Skye asks their leader, spotting him walking up to his director's office.

"No. But we need to take this seriously and get on it immediately." Coulson replies.

"Alright, what shall we do?" Skye asks.

"Skye, Trip. You guys monitor the usual channels. Rex, we're gonna see what you can do in the field." Coulson says, sending Skye and the passing by Trip off while leading Rex to his office.

"Coulson, just to make sure..." Jemma starts to say, following the two to the office with Bobbi who carries a tablet.

"It wasn't us. What can you tell me Agent Moore?" Coulson says, stepping into his office with the three agents.

"Marcus Scarlotti was behind the attack he's an assassin who worked for Hydra before. He almost killed Barton in the past." She informs the others, showing them a video of the attack.

"The bodies just disintegrated. I think I saw something about this when I was in the lab, it was a weapon from a Toshiro... " Jemma says, struggling to recall the second half of the name.

"Toshiro Mori. I've crossed paths with him before. He has a lab in Okinawa." Bobbi says.

"Good, then that's where you're going." Coulson tells her.

"Rex? What is it you look concerned." Jemma asks her savior of two times.

"That name, I think I heard it before. Fury said Mori was messing with nanites in search for a weapon." Rex tells them, trying to figure out why the name gives him such a weird feeling.

"Alright, Rex you go too and take hunter with you. May is taking point on this op, we need to know where the next attack is and stop it. Gear up and meet them in the hanger." Coulson tells Bobbi and Rex.

"Got it. Thank you, sir." Bobbi says, nodding for Rex to follow her out of the office.

"Jemma. I need you to dig through that hard drive you brought back from Whitehall's lab." Coulson tells the remaining woman.

"Of course sir, Hopefully we can find out something about that weapon." Jemma says before leaving the office.

|halfway to Okinawa|

May and Rex are sitting in the front of the Quinjet while the former couple is sitting in the back.

"What's the deal with her? Hunter seems to know her or something." Rex finally asks after the two agents in the back have been fighting with each other for a while.

"She's one of the best. The deal is with them, they were married." May answers reluctantly.

"I see." Rex replies surprised.

"Why are you on this mission?" May then asks directly.

"Coulson asked me to after I said that our target was messing with nanites before according to Fury." Rex answers.

"Fury huh? How long were the two of you working together anyways?" Over a year. Ever since I can remember basically. He and Shield were the ones to help me heal after the nanite explosion.

"You're not telling us something." She presses, seeing his expression from the corner of her eyes.

"I don't know how to explain it, the name Toshiro Mori it feels like I remember it from somewhere else too. Like before my amnesia." Rex tells her rubbing his forehead thoughtfully.

"Why would you have known a known Hydra scientist?" May asks, looking at Rex wondrously.

"That's what I'd like to find out after we got our intel on those disks." Rex says.

The asian woman doesn't respond to him and only glances at him curiously every now and then.

When they are half an hour away from the lab, the four start discussing how to get close to the scientist.

"I may have a way in. He knows me, the only problem is that we can't be sure if my cover is still intact." Bobbi tells the team.

"Then we can't risk you going in." May decides.

"What if she didn't go alone?" Rex asks.

"Who would be going with her?" May asks the youngest agent on board.

"Me. If Mori really is interested in nanites, using me as a gifted prisoner might make him believe she's still Hydra." Rex tells them.

"It could work." May agrees.

"She can do it. Deception is Bobbi's forte." Hunter tells them, receiving an annoyed look from both women.

"What? That's a good skill to have for a spy. I didn't mean it passive aggressively." Hunter says defending himself.

"So what's the call May?" Bobbi asks.

"Let's try it, but we'll come get you two out if something seems fishy." She decides.

|Half an hour later|

Bobby is pulling a handcuffed Rex with a hood covering his head towards the Hydra lab where the two guards in front of the building stop them and search both for weapons while Bobbi asks to see Toshiro Mori in Japanese, pleasantly surprising May who is watching their fellow agents backs, using the Quinjet's surveillance capabilities to do so.

A few minutes later Bobbi is greeted in Japanese by the scientist after she and the restrained Rex were waiting in one of the compounds rooms with guards watching them intensely.

"It's been too long Toshiro." Bobbi greets the Asian scientist.

"It's nice that you came to see me and you even seem to have dyed your hair." Toshiro replies.

"Would you believe me if I said I did it for you?" Bobbi asks flirting.

"No." The man replies chuckling and kisses her, Bobbi responding to the action.

"And what have you brought with you?" Toshiro asks, looking at the hooded male hold captive by the attractive woman.

"Oh, this is for you. I heard from a birdie that you're interested in nanites and this guy was running his mouth about having them." Bobbi says, yanking the hood of Rex, who looks towards Toshiro, suddenly squinting his eyes and his body tensing up, no sound escapes him however as some memories seem to come back to him due to the ducttape covering his mouth.

"Rex? You survived. I'm glad to see it." Toshiro says, pulling off the ducttape from him.

"It's been a while." Rex replies calmly.

"Did your parents make it too?" Toshiro asks curiously, lighting himself a cigar while motioning for Bobbi to release Rex.

"I don't think so. When I came to, I was alone." Rex replies.

"Shame. They were among the brightest minds in Hydra. Even Whitehall was trying to get his hands on them all the time." Toshiro says, while Bobbi uncuffs the young man, hiding her worry that Rex might sell them out and was playing them.

"Hmm they never told me about that." Rex replies, sitting down with Bobbi across from Toshiro.

"What brings you here and why did you hold a fellow promising Hydra member captive?" Toshiro asks.

"That's not her fault. Well it kind of is, I never got the chance to say who I am before she had me gagged and bound." Rex says looking at Bobbi.

"Yeah, she's good with that." Toshiro says while a servant brings them some tea.

"We can talk about old times later Toshiro, first I'd like to talk business. The attack on the UN. That was your tech wasn't it?" Bobbi asks.

"How'd you know?" He asks proudly.

"Who else can could have made something so spectacular?" She replies.

"Well, that is true. But what is your interest in the weapons I call Splinterbombs? Because rumor has it that you are really a Shield agent." Toshiro says, laying a gun down on the table to prove a point.

"Aren't we all Shield agents? We used to carry that stupid eagle as well to stay undetected. I would have thought a smart man like you known when a girl is just covering her tracks." Bobbi says.

"What do you think Rex?" Toshiro asks.

"Well if you knew what she did to capture me you wouldn't need to ask, I mean talk about excessive violence and leaving a trail of dead bodies." Rex says calmly.

"Fine, if you vouch for her. I'm sorry to say though that the last of the bombs have been shipped out yesterday." Toshiro says.

"And how long would it take you to whip up some more?" Bobbi asks, trailing a finger on his hand flirtingly.

"Hard to say, the disintegrating component is some kind of alien metal which I don't have access to. Whitehall has monopolized it for his research." Toshiro explains.

"Hmm too bad I was hoping for some new toys." Bobbi says.

Suddenly two shots ring out and one of Toshiro's men fall down dead while Rex turned his hand into massive gauntlets and shielded the blonde agent from getting shot in the back.

"You too Rex?" Toshiro asks angrily, grabbing his gun, but the Hispanic man swats it away with his large range.

"Sorry, but I don't work for Hydra." Rex says, backhanding the scientist into a wall, who slumps down appearing to be knocked out.

May and Hunter storm the building, starting to shoot at Toshiro's men and take them out one by one.

While the two help their undercover comrades, Rex loses his transformation and tosses Bobbi Toshiro's handgun, before his feet are covered in huge metal boots and he literally kicks through a wall into the next room. Another one of Toshiro's men flying unconsciously into the room with the three other Shield agents through that same hole.

"I'll look for his lab." Rex informs the others, peering into the room through the hole before he runs through the compound with loud thumps and a trail of destruction.

"Are you OK?" Hunter asks Bobbi, fighting back-to-back with her as they are taking out the last of Toshiro's men with impressive synergy.

"I was until you blew our chance to get intel." Bobbi says annoyed.

"I saved you from getting shot and you complain?" Hunter asks in disbelief.

"I can handle myself. I knew he was there." Bobbi answers, facing hunter with everyone taken care of.

"Yeah? Great so you knew that a bullet was flying towards your head." Hunter says, both shooting Toshiro simultaneously when he took aim at them silently with a gun he had hidden in his sleeve.

"See I saved you again." Hunter says.

"Again? I was doing fine." Bobbi replies insistently.

"Where is Rex?" May asks the two, breaking up the shouting match.

"He went looking for Toshiro's lab." Bobbi answers.

"Let's go." May tells them nodding and they follow the trail of destruction to a room filled with advanced technology, where Rex is standing at a workstation, watching a video of himself with a middle aged Hispanic couple meeting Toshiro, all of them wearing Hydra clothing.

"I'm downloading his database." Rex says silently, watching himself and the two who appearantly were his parents in the video.

"I think you need to find a way to restrain me on the way back." Rex tells them saddened before retrieving the drive with the information and hands it to May, who looks at him with slight pity, taking the drive before shooting him with an icer, the young man falling over unconscious.

"Get him on the jet." May says, before leading them back to their ride.

The group silently make their way back to their base while icing Rex every hour or so.

Halfway back Coulson redirects them to assist their team in Belgium, where the minister baited shield agents by stating he'd give them asylum.

The minister turned out to be a Hydra member however, being the grandson of one of Hydra's original scientists. Who developed the idea for splinter bombs in the past.

When the three conscious agents get there the Shield members are already all dead and they capture the responsible Hydra members, handing them to Talbot so he can clear Shield's name.

The even more depressed agents fly back and arrive at their base half a day later, Hunter carrying the unconscious Rex out with him as they head to Coulson's office to give their report and tell him about the development with Rex.

Once his team told him about the Hispanic man's past, he tells them to lock him up in vault E in another cell like the one they keep Ward in.

"What happened to Rex?" Skye asks when she sees Hunter and May carry him through the base's halls.

"Coulson can fill you in." May replies before continuing on her way, leaving Rex in the high-tech prison cell.