
REWRITTING NARUTO: Reborn as author

Hey guys ! This is fanfiction I am writing in order to fix plot holes in og canon series . I am also adding few ideas from other animes and manga . This is an imagination of how would have wanted the show to be . I don't own any of the franchise or the rights on the show.

Blaze_56 · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Releasing and Reviews


I just returned to US to check the movie for the last time. The final take , you can say before we release the movie. I have already advertised the movie in public and it seems pre advance tickets booking in movie theatre is selling quite well . My own popularity is one of the factor contributing the movie as well . For people I am the guy who basically wrote script for an Oscar winning movie and a people favourite novel, so people have quite expectations from movie . I also talk to movie theatre to keep the price ticket cheap enough so that even a middle class family man could afford it .

George and the entire crew have given there best and we're satisfied with the result. On 1 January 1984 , the movie premiere is about released . All big wigs across the globe came to LA . After giving the speech on podium about the movie thanking the crew for hard work , I return back to seat.

Movie began and been watched by people through the LA. By end of the movie clapping resounded through out the theatre. Well people had some hope from this movie because of my previous movie ' the lion King ' which is still popular among people but this movie surpassed all exceptation there's imagination. It's just that the celebrities were racist about me being an Indian and brown before which I am proud of .

They have never watched such a movie as it was first of its kind. By the end of the movie all of that racism they had for me being indian , someone from current third world country according to them went down the drain . Some kept it but most of people across the industry being audience looked at me in a new light .

During the production time , I had used temporary upgrade on all cameras to meet its best quality. VFX is as good as any would be if skillfull done like in 2010s movies . After the movie I got invitation from all kind of actors, actresses , directors and producers professionals about working with them in nearby future. Some came with a copy of Harry Potter volume 1 in there hand mainly the teenagers to get an autograph.

It was a tiring day.

Within a week , it became most selling movie though out the world. In a month, the movie earned more than it cost for production. Throughout the movie production was 13 million and we earned around 890 million from it as per increasing rapidly with time. I received all my money back with huge profit and became quite a known man. With George I do talk to him about the sequel of star war for near future .The movie was put in nomination for Oscar as the best movie of the year catagory.

In meanwhile , I got a call from Japan about the one short Naruto manga in shonen monthy. The one short have started gaining it's popularity, so the publishers contacted me if I am interested in turning it into a new series. Took a flight to Japan, had a meeting, came to an agreement and finalize the dates for its production. In agreement I came up with the point of an India - Japan cooperation in manga production. After many debates I was able to convince them to agree on it . I took my time in meeting higher authorities and govt employees to work on opening a cooperative company in order promote manga and employment in both countries. Using my money I made from my other projects , opened first branch of company in Japan. Nirvana entertainment limited co India in partnership with Shueisha limited in Japan. The company would be bases for me to spread my manga in both countries then in international scale. Recruited and hired artist from both countries for my plans . In Japan it was easier because they understanding of the thing but in India there is no base to create manga. That means I have to create one.

In India I have to open the second branch of company.

In order to begin I need to recruit Sanskrit speaking people for translation of manga in India. Yup you got it right Sanskrit speaking people. In my previous life, India almost extincted it's motherland language Sanskrit . Until 2032 , no one realised it but from 2033 government declared Sanskrit as a dying language and to save it , laws were made for people to compulsory learn and speak Sanskrit instead of English every where . Although in current time , this laws are yet to pass .Maybe this way I can create awareness of the language and speed up to come up with this law as it is our own language before been hampered by foreign invaders . Within this whole ordeal time had passed.

To start up the second branch of the company I took a train ticket for Mattur, Karnataka. In India , Mattur is one of the village in which about 100% population know how the speak and write Sanskrit. And what other place can come in comparison for set up of a company other than the place where the language is already used frequently. In this all , 2 year have passed from the day I was given task.*sigh I still have yet to change my apartment. Seriously the fear of penalty all the time had stress me out that even simple things like shifting to a better place which I planned slipped out of my mind .O well while laying on upper sleeping compartment in train trying to get some sleep. System popped up .


Congratulations host....

The popularity point recieved by host is counted to be 900 million.

Rewand : 10,000 popularity points + level up by 4 + Tireless perk

The system have upgraded to level 6 . Perk shop is now available. Tireless peak have been placed as primary perk in benifit table.

To be continued.....

(A/N: Hey guy please comment below and vote me . Also share your ideas for future chapter)