
REWRITTING NARUTO: Reborn as author

Hey guys ! This is fanfiction I am writing in order to fix plot holes in og canon series . I am also adding few ideas from other animes and manga . This is an imagination of how would have wanted the show to be . I don't own any of the franchise or the rights on the show.

Blaze_56 · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Continuing where we left of


Sakura along with hinata are left in charge of protecting Tazuna while Naruto and Sasuke continued their training. As Naruto began to catch up to Sasuke, Sasuke casually asked to know what advice Hinata had given Naruto, but Naruto, determined to beat Sasuke, refused to give it away. During dinner one night, Sakura asked about a torn picture that Inari, Tazuna's grandson, had been looking at. Tazuna explains that the two men in the missing portion of the picture was Kaiza, Inari's "father", whom Inari had idolised and thought of as his biological parent, though Kaiza had adopted him and other one being his younger son , inari's uncle. One day, years prior, a flood had threatened to destroy the village, and Kaiza had single-handedly managed to close the floodgates, earning him the title of "hero" amongst the villagers. Once Gatō came to the country, however, Kaiza's heroic deeds angered Gatō, and therefore Gatō had him executed in front of the villagers, including Inari and took his son as slave along with many men to work in mines near the island close by . From that day forth, the villagers lost hope, and Inari was crushed, disbelieving the possible existence of a "hero". Naruto, determined to prove to Inari that there was such a thing as a hero, rushed off to continue his training.

As Naruto rested in the woods one day, he encountered Haku, though he was unaware of Haku's identity and thought her to just be a pretty girl. The two discussed their dreams: Naruto wished to become the Kage of his village, while Haku wanted to protect the person most precious to him, explaining that, when one was protecting a precious person, one's strength reached its maximum. Naruto agreed with this statement, remembering all of the people who had protected him. With that, Haku left, though not before confusing Naruto to no end by asserting that she was a boy.

Training for Naruto and Sasuke continued, and eventually the two were able to climb to the very tops of their trees, though Naruto was exhausted as a result. Kakashi teaches Naruto ' wind breakthrough ' ( he haven't see any of there affinity still) , sasuke with some taijutsu pointers , hinata with ' wind plam' and Sakura with 'mud wall' along with 'mud bullet'. Seeing Naruto in this condition, a tearful Inari proclaimed that Naruto was wasting his time and that Gatō would still defeat him. Naruto replied that he will win, and sarcastically congratulated Inari for always crying and thinking that he defining him as universal scale of suffering as others out in don't suffer as much as him do they ?, calling him a brat.

As Inari sulked, Kakashi explained to Inari how Naruto had also grown up without a father, and that he also had no mother, and therefore had a sad life. Kakashi also mentioned that, despite these conditions, he'd never seen Naruto cry, and theorised that Naruto one day grew tired of crying over himself. This explanation, and the suggestion that Naruto and his teammates are the only person present who knew what Inari was going through, touched Inari.

The next morning, Kakashi, Sasuke, Hinata and Sakura escorted Tazuna to work at the bridge, leaving Naruto behind to rest. Upon arriving at the bridge, however, they found Tazuna's workers to have been attacked, and the area quickly became covered with a veil of mist. After a quick defeat of Zabuza's water clones at the hands of Sasuke, Zabuza , a masked Haku and another masked companion revealed themselves, confirming Kakashi's suspicions. Back at Tazuna's house, two of Gatō's thugs arrived to kidnap Inari's mother. Inari, inspired by Naruto's story, attempted to save his mother by himself. Just as he was about to be cut down by the thugs, Naruto appeared and defeated the two single-handedly. Naruto congratulated Inari for finally standing up for himself, and left to join the rest of his team.

Back at the bridge, Sasuke battled with Haku, while hinata kept eyes on the other companion and Zabuza was surprised to find that Sasuke could keep up with Haku's speed. Haku, also noticing Sasuke's capabilities, decided to use his trump card, Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals, which trapped Sasuke in a cage of ice. Haku proceeded to pummel Sasuke with wave after wave of senbon barrages, which were made effectively undodgeable as a result of Haku's technique. Eventually, Naruto arrived and managed a sneak attack on Haku. Just as Zabuza was about to attack Naruto, Haku asked to be the one to fight him, to which Zabuza agreed. Sasuke began to formulate a plan, thinking that it would be easier to defeat Haku with Naruto attacking from the outside. To his dismay, Naruto entered the cage of ice to see how Sasuke was doing, and he too became a prisoner of Haku's technique. While on other hand hinata built up her courage to fight the other companion who turns out to like haku adopted by zabuza , named Siff. While protecting tazuna with Sakura.



Here it is first part of my Naruto's land of wave arc is completed. Now I can rest , I thought and posted it to my publisher.

Without expecting any reply I went to sleep as due to my work , its already midnight. 

Next day ,woke up in afternoon after all who can deny me of good sleep after so much work . 

The publishing dates has pass by and the response is about same as previous ones . In USA , George had some problems in directing the movie we are working on. I contract and within a week took a flight to US not before giving the sequel to land of wave arc second part to the publisher.

To be continued.....

(A/N : Hey guy please comment below and let me know of your ideas I should input in story further)