I took the initiative and told my story to Hugo. I left out the part about me being reincarnated and some minor details here and there. However, I did make it clear that I wanted his power in order to go against the Stroheim family and later the Board of Education.
"You were banished because you got a wack ass class!" Hugo laughed at me while holding his sides. "I've made some wild mistakes in my life, but that has to be the most outrageous thing I have ever heard!"
"Thank you for your unwanted input," I sighed.
"I'm sorry. I just didn't know that the Dragonborne clan was so… strict," He resisted the urge to laugh.
I was beginning to regret entertaining this skeleton. I should have just forced him into submission. I sighed.
"And your professor reminds me of a young lad I was taught when I was alive. His name was Momo Equinox… He was an odd one. He also wore heavy makeup," Hugo rubbed his chin.