

Riya is a young girl who lives with her family, her mum and dad and her little sister who is only two years, she is seven years.

Mum.....Riya honey, your dad is going to take me and your sister to buy your birthday cake so please wait for us, okay?

Riya.....Okay mum, but i want a chocolate one and a big talking doll.

Mum.....Okay honey, i will get you anything you want.


They went outside but forgot their phones, Riya picked them up to take them to them, she went outside but they had already left.

Riya.....I will wait for them i guess, cant wait to taste that chocolate cake.

She waited for them but they never came back, it was night already but they didnt come back.Riya sat outside the whole night waiting for them, but they didnt come back.

She fell asleep and she was woke up by a police man.

Officer.....Hi, are you Riya Mendes?

Riya....Yes, why? Where are my parents, i didnt even know when i fell asleep.

Officer.....Come with me.

Riya.....Huh? Why? But my parents are not home yet, they told me to never go with strangers.

Officer.....Dont worry, am taking you to them.

Riya.....For real?

Officer.....For real, lets go.

She went with the officer to the station, her dad and little sister were dead and her mum was in the hospital, they had an accident.

Riya.....Where are they?

Officer.....Your dad and sister went to heaven, you wont see them ever again.

Riya.....Why? But anayway, heaven is a good place, right?

Officer.....Ofcourse, your mum is somewhere waiting for you, so, why dont you stay here with me for awhile?

Riya.....Okay, as long as i see my parents.

The officer walked with tears flowing from his eyes.

Policeman.....She will be fine.

Officer.....She is too young to face this rough world, what if her mum doesnt make it? What will happen to that poor girl?

Policeman.....Lets all pray for her, her mum will make it out alive.

Officer.....I really feel sorry for her, but no matter what, i will catch that murderer.

Policeman.....Am sure the woman knows who was after them.

Officer.....Its all because of the man's job, am sure he has a treasure that he hid from them, thats why.

Policeman.....Your right, being an explorer is one hell of a shit job, now he lost his life.

Officer.....I will take care of the girl until her mum wakes up.

Riya's dad was an explorer, a treasure hurter who worked for a rich man.After a week, Riya's mum woke up and the officer took her to see her.


Mum....My princess, come here honey.

They started crying and the officer too, he decided to give them privacy to talk, he left.

Riya.....Mum, what happened to you? The police man said that dad and Aliya went to heaven, i miss you guys.

Mum.....We are sorry honey to leave you alone, but i dont think am going to make it either.

Riya.....What do you mean?

Mum....My whole body is in pain and i dont think i will male it out alive.Go and get my bag.

She gave her her bag, she pulled out a ring and gave it to her.

Mum.....Keep it safe like your life depends on it, this is why your dad and sister lost their lives.

Riya.....What does it do mum?

Mum....You will understand once you grow up, its called a time travel-wish ring.

Riya.....I dont get it mum.

Mum....I know, am really sorry honey but you must survive and keep that ring, okay?

Riya.....Okay, are you going somewhere?

Her mum stopped talking, she stopped breathing too, she died.Riya kept calling her, the officer ran back inside and called the nurse.

Her parents with her sister were buried together, Riya kept the ring and didnt tell anyone about it, she hid it.The police officer decided to adopt her, she was now his daughter.

After 11 years, Riya was 18 years and she joined highschool.

Riya.....Dad, am going to school.

Officer....Let me give you a ride honey.

Riya.....Okay dad, lets go now, i dont wanna be late.

He drove her to school.

Officer.....Be a good girl honey.

Riya.....Thanks dad, love you.

Officer....Love you too honey.

She went to class and her dad went to the station to do his work as usual.Riya left school early and went to their house she lived in 11 years back with her parents.

No one lived there and it was an old abandoned house, she went inside and went to a room which used to be hers.

Riya.....Hope its still here.

She opened a drawer and took out a box, she opened it and the ring was there, its where she hid it.

Riya.....Wow! It looks new, its didnt even rust at all yet its been 11 years when its inside here.I should go and tell dad about it, i feel bad hiding this from him.