
Reversed Love

“In everyone's eyes, I'm mostly a tool.” Or so she thought. Andrea Soliace, who had been used her entire life by her family, Her Fiancé and Her Fiancé's lover. Getting broken up with in such a major event in her life left her feeling stabbed in the back and betrayed. Adding more damage to her already tainted reputation. Damon Gracia, The current CEO of the “” entertainment after his father's adamancy in the hospital, he gets a major drop in his company's finances as a possible hit from another company hoping to bring his family's business down. Leaving him frustrated, depressed and in need of a miracle. Coincidentally, two broken souls meet fatefully under the worst circumstances possible. How funny could that be? ———————————————————— Credits to the original artist of the cover. Ps/I edited the cover. THIS NOVEL IS BEING HEAVILY EDITED!

Selina_46 · Thành thị
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28 Chs

To belong || Last part

Andrea casually sipped on her wine after being in such high spirits, She didn't have that much fun in a while. For a moment, she felt like she forgot about everything as she surfed through the internet and her favorite music feed, She had a faint lovely smile on her rosey lips, who knew the next thing she might see would make her feel enraged? "What the hell?!" Andrea couldn't help but curse out loud. she tightened the grip on her phone and grit her teeth in anger.

'Shocking news! Banned model Andrea Lian shows up at Cameron Collins location, Accused of stalking?!' That was the title of the trending news, attached with Rosie and Cameron smiling happily together at a seemingly lunch date with Andrea standing Infront of the restaurant like a mad statue.

Andrea narrowed her eyes in fit of anger, She wanted to smash her phone to pieces and end the life of whoever made that article! She wasn't panicking at all, she was annoyed to the max! ('He's the one who showed up Infront of me out of nowhere when i was out of a business meeting, yet they say I'm stalking him? The person who made me suffer most!? Are the stupid??') Andrea thought in her heart. She didn't dare to make a scene at the restaurant although she so badly wanted to kill someone.

She did admit that she kidnapped Rosie out of her jealousy and love for Cameron, but she wasn't so low to still have a place for someone who ruined her in her heart! ('The comments...') Andrea knitted her brows together. Frowning deeply.

<'Andrea is so low!'>

<'Rosie and Cameron are a match made in heaven! can't Andrea be a decent human being for once??'>


<'Serves Andrea right, she's banned from the industry! who would dare support her? haha!'>

Andrea was used to these kinds of comments after Cameron broke their engagement but...

<"I didn't notice Ms. Lian at all, Ms. Lian, I apologize for the inconveniences I've caused, but please stop targeting my woman. I have no place for anyone expect her in my heart!">

Of course, that was a pinned comment. it caught everyone's attention and everyone was so supportive.

Andrea's face sank, all the rage she had was replaced with amazement. ('...Haha, he finally used his social media? How ironic!') Andrea's face turned into disgust and despair. If she ever had a thing for Cameron, then he had just erased it completely without a trance. "When we were in a scandal back then and they said I'm sticking to him for the fame, he didn't even bother saying anything about the statement or even clear my name...now he's sticking up for Rosie, Fucking bastard!" Andrea said in a low voice, unfortunately for her, Damon had just came from the bathroom and heard her. "Who's the bastard?" Damon couldn't help but ask, Andrea flinched, she didn't notice him coming. She averted her gaze and said nothing, her face red in anger, if she talked she was afraid she'd scream at Damon due to her anger issues. "Is that why you were crying?" His eyes were glued to the phone screen in her hand, Andrea shot him a glare she didn't mean. "You think? who else would make me like that expect that asshole?" Andrea smiled coldly, no trace of emotions expect revulsion and resentment that was not meant for Damon, but Cameron. Damon didn't expect her to be this straight forward, He pursed his lips for a second, just in time he was about to speak, Lawrence called. "Mr. Gracia the car is parked outside and I just went back with the bodyguards, would you like anything else?" The assistant asked respectfully. "No. If there's anything I'll call you." Beep beep, the call ended.

"I'll send you back." Damon said, he wasn't asking for her opinion but was telling her what is about to happen. "I wouldn't suggest doing so, I'd prefer being alone, thank you very much!" There was a hint of irritation in her words. Damon rose his brow and asked: "How will you go? Don't tell me that you intend to go back alone after this scandal? People will eat you alive, they might even spit in your face." For once, Andrea was speechless. She cursed under her breath then took her bag and went to the elevator. Damon didn't say anything and followed suit with his hands in his pockets.

In the car, Damon's black Lamborghini:

Andrea kept bouncing her leg in seat impatiently as her arms folded. She looked at the road with the most hateful expression she ever had. She hated Cameron and Rosie to the core now. "You should calm down." Damon said indifferently with his hand on the steering wheel. "Would you mind if I spoke freely?"

"Not at all. We're friends and partners after all." Damon replied.

"Then please, don't tell me what to do because I'm in the mood to kill someone!" Andrea's aura was chilly, there was a drop in the temperature that was in the car. Damon was being patient with her for the time being, if she was someone else, he might've made her miserable. "You don't have to be annoyed because of it, you can always ride the wave."


Andrea suddenly stopped being impatient and turned her full attention to him "All you have to do is reply to that comment your way, do a post while you're recording the song, make a scene if you know what I mean." Andrea was taken aback by his words. "Are you kidding? that's hopeless! if there was a chance I could fix my reputation after coming back with the song then it's completely gone. Cameron ended me with that article and the citizens believe him!"

"Not necessarily, Cameron is playing a dirty game which is changing the public's opinion." Damon explained,he knew this kinds of tricks. Andrea looked puzzled as he continued.. "If you could make a statement now explaining your part, then people's thoughts will surely change, especially after you've been silent for so long. Even if some people don't support you, they'll atleast be doubtful of Cameron. You're killing two birds with one stone." A cold sweat went down Andrea's forehead, she couldn't help but stare at the man beside her in silence. He had a magnetic aura, a dangerous one at that. He had such a serious look on his face that she even felt regretful for talking to him in such way, Damon was truly scary as people said. "Two birds with one stone..." Andrea repeated. "Cameron's reputation and the public's support." Damon added, Andrea gulped slightly. "Andrea, I'm a business man. Not only that, I'm older than Cameron. I've been in this field way before him. If he can play dirty, then I can play dirty too. As long as I'm not doing anything illegal, then why not have some games?" Damon spoke sarcastically although he had a very serious look. "..You're talking as if you have a personal grudge against Cameron for some reason." Andrea put her feelings into words, to which Damon answered positively. "That's true. I do hate him."

Huh? What?

("Damon and Cameron never had any kind of bad relationship or problems online. They also treated eachother with respect in social events, so why?") Andrea thought.

"You might be asking yourself why right now." Damon said what's on her mind, Andrea slowly nodded. "Simply because Cameron is playing it dirty, he hurt people in their business. I understand why he did it to you, if I was in his position I'd do the same. But he never had a reason to hurt these other people, therefore I really do hate him and have no respect for him." What Damon said made sense a little to Andrea, although she felt like there was a missing piece which she didn't understand. Something felt off but she chose to ignore it. Damon did tell her half the truth, but he didn't bother speaking more of it. They fell into a deep silence. Andrea placed her head on her arms that were on the car's window. She kept watching as the sun began to set beautifully. She had mixed emotions in her heart. She didn't know wether she should laugh, cry, scream, yell...

"You didn't tell me.." Damon was first to break silence, Andrea didn't look at him as her blue eyes were focused on the setting sky. She just replied with a faint 'Hm?' "Where will you go?"

("Where will I go?")

"Ho—..." Just then, Andrea realized what he meant. ("He must've heard Mom's yelling...") Andrea stayed quiet for some time. Then finally spoke. "The hotel..." she was unwilling to say so, she wanted to go home, to her nanny and the butler. The only people who made her feel like she had a family.

"Maybe a ride and some music first will do the magic." Damon said indifferently. Andrea didn't reply, she sealed her lips and said nothing. She recuantly sat straight on the passenger seat and opened her phone to connect it with the car. When she was about to play a song, Damon quickly said: "And don't be depressing." Andrea immediately understood what he meant, he wanted to tell her not to pick a sad song. But a cheerful one to bring her spirits up. She didn't listen and just picked a song she liked. ("Hero" by Grace gaustad). Although Andrea liked some songs that were underrated, but her taste in music was unique.

The music was like the fall season.

"You call this cheery?" Damon asked sarcastically

"All my songs are emotional,okay?!"

Andrea grunted. Damon laughed a little but she didn't even notice, she moved her head with a beat a little and muttered the lyrics softly.

'Comic books, you Read them young'

'But they don't tell you that they're all wrong.'

'That superman is just a fluke, well written story about a man in blue..' ♪

The song seemed to hug Andrea's personality perfectly, that's probably why she liked the song so much. Damon took a turn to go to a beautiful lake nearby to get her out of the mood, Andrea enjoyed the scene of the dark blue skies taking control of the day. As Damon got closer to his destination, Andrea realized where they were. "This is..."

'We wake up with a choice, do we fall, or do we rise?'

'Don't be your kryptonite..' ♪

'I promise I'm okay, this time, don't need to throw away my life..!'

'No I never met a hero, but I found one Tonight.'

"Do you know this place?" Damon asked gently as he parked the car, Nobody was around them as this was a place not many people knew, especially that very particular place. it was pretty much away from everyone. But had the most beautiful scenery of the lake as it reflected the night sky. "The Moonlit lake.."¹ Andrea muttered, She went out of the car completely forgetting to stop the music, so the music was a little loud, they could hear it from the car.

Andrea's chest tightened, she bit her lower lip and felt rather suffocated. She dug her nails into her palms and felt hateful of the place. Damon looked at her, Then asked casually "Did Cameron take you here before?" The song kept on like background music as they talked. Andrea didn't reply and just looked at the moon's reflection from the lake. "You know, Andrea, I'm glad I took you here knowing that Cameron also got you here." Andrea suddenly looked up at him wide eyed. "Are you trying to add salt to the wound?" Was he thinking that she's pathetic and wanted to laugh at her?!

'Used to be afraid at times, used to have a fear of heights..'

"No, of course not. I'm not that insensitive." Damon took a glance at the lake, after a few seconds of silence he finally talked. "The reason I'm glad is because I took you to a place from the past." He explained. "What's the purpose anyway? it only hurts me." She scoffed. "The 5 stages of grief." Damon said, Andrea pursed her lips and listened. "Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.

And you should learn to accept."

Andrea's anger slowly turned into sadness. "Why though..?" It was Damon's turn to be confused, he looked at her carefully studying her expression. "What do I lack? why her? She's no special than me! If it was about talent, I'm more talented, Beauty? we're equal! and probably my eyes make me more rare than her! Then why, is it something I said? Is it something I did? In his eyes, what the heck am I??" Andrea vented, she wanted to scream, cry or throw a tantrum. Why was this weighing on her so bad?

"None of what you said." Damon answered. "It's nothing you said or did that broke the relationship, Cameron simply didn't like you. You can't force someone into liking you, right?" "But why didn't he like me? I gave him my all..I was willing to go further and do whatever he asked me to...as long as it meant having his heart..." Andrea's tears slowly ran down, she refused to show weakness but she couldn't hold it back. She was a person with feelings and a heart. "It doesn't work that way, fate exists. But-"

Damon's face shone under the moonlight as he turned to her, his handsome futures looked even more charming and his cloudy eyes sucking her in. Andrea couldn't help but draw a little closer to him, she was somewhat lost in his charm. The pair kept staring at eachother silently and the time seemed to stop for a second.

The next verse ran in Andrea's ears as Damon talked: "Your time is close too. I'm pretty sure you'll find him if you open your eyes and look at the bigger picture, when you realize, don't be afraid to chase after your feelings. I'm sure he'll welcome you with open arms..." Damon spoke softly and sincerely, he was talking about himself, he hoped she'd understand.

'No I've never met a hero, but I found one tonight.' ♪

("¹ The moonlit lake is where Cameron took Andrea in chapter 4")