
Reversed Love

“In everyone's eyes, I'm mostly a tool.” Or so she thought. Andrea Soliace, who had been used her entire life by her family, Her Fiancé and Her Fiancé's lover. Getting broken up with in such a major event in her life left her feeling stabbed in the back and betrayed. Adding more damage to her already tainted reputation. Damon Gracia, The current CEO of the “” entertainment after his father's adamancy in the hospital, he gets a major drop in his company's finances as a possible hit from another company hoping to bring his family's business down. Leaving him frustrated, depressed and in need of a miracle. Coincidentally, two broken souls meet fatefully under the worst circumstances possible. How funny could that be? ———————————————————— Credits to the original artist of the cover. Ps/I edited the cover. THIS NOVEL IS BEING HEAVILY EDITED!

Selina_46 · Thành thị
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28 Chs

Give it a shot.

In the morning light, Andrea woke up to a sweet feeling of fingers running comfortably through her hair. She slowly opened her eyes only to meet a pair of sweet silver eyes that was staring at her with love dripping. "Good morning sleepyhead." Damon said gently, stroking her cheek.


It takes Damon more than just some glasses of whiskey to get him drunk, he was still in the right state of mind when he carried Andrea to his car. Andrea sat motionlessly the whole ride to the hotel, her cheeks flushed red. Staring intently out of the window. "Andrea." Damon murmured her name. Andrea's heart beat wildly. Was that the effect of the alcohol? Or did she has something for him she didn't know about? Whatever it was, Andrea pursed her lips without replying. "I think you should..give your parents a call. When you feel ready, of course." He said, parking the car at the back of the hotel. He went out and opened the door for her like a gentleman. Andrea searched in his for something, she didn't know what it was. Nevertheless, she said "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why do you love me? I'm not even worthy." Andrea said emotionlessly. She didn't have any trace of sadness, puzzlement or even anger on her face. She looked sober but infact...("She's heavily drunk...") Damon knew for sure, she didn't want to show him weakness or break her own pride Infront of him. In conclusion, Andrea would never say she's not worthy if she was sober. She IS drunk. "Am I supposed to have a reason to love you?" Damon returned the question, gently pulling her out of the car as he helped her to her hotel room. "Of course.. anyone who loves should have a reason to..right? The male leads in novels are madly in love with the female leads for a reason.." She mumbled tiredly. "Novels? you read romance novels?" He asked, quite surprised. He was helping her to the bed as he took off her shoes. "It's a stupid hobby of mine." Andrea shrugged. Looking dazed as she narrowed her eyes. "Camer-"

"Shut the fuck up." Damon grit his teeth in anger. ("Why's it him she talks about whenever she's with me? it's torturing me!") He looked up straight into her ocean blue eyes with anger. "Why is it him?" Damon gripped the bed sheets. He was patient with her, but he started to grow impatient every time she mentioned Cameron. He sincerely hated him. Andrea watched him, confused. "What is wrong with you?" She questioned. She didn't even know what she did wrong for him to get so worked up. "What is wrong with me?" He repeated, cupping her cheek. "I'm jealous. Andrea." He swiftly replied. Pulling her face closer. "Very. Very. Jealous." He said again till their lips were inches apart. He paused for a minute in that position. Then he laughed helplessly at himself as he released her. "What the hell am I doing?" he said, running his hand through his hair, he wrapped his fingers on his waist. Quietly placing a space between them. "Andrea. I know you haven't accepted me yet, but that doesn't mean I don't have the right to feel jealous as someone who loves you." He sighed.

("He's jealous..?") Andrea felt her heart beating louder till it almost leapt off her chest. ("I... don't want him to go...no..no Damon don't leave..")

("That was close..") He thought as he turned to leave till he felt a tug on his shirt. He looked back, seeing Andrea holding the fabric on his body. "Don't go yet.." She said pitifully. "Please,stay with me....Don't leave me..Damon.." She added, not knowing what came to her. She almost never called him Damon. She always called him 'Mr. Gracia' even after he told her to drop the formalities.

Damon's heart skipped a beat. Seeing her sad face now made him want to hold her dear for eternity. ("Shit. She's playing with fire-") Damon cursed. He clenched his fist till his veins and muscles were more visible and clear. "No, I have to leave." He didn't want to hurt her, he knew she was drunk, he knew she'll regret it if he unwillingly did something-..

Damon stopped in his tracks when he felt a pair of soft arms sneaking on his waist, wrapping him. His breath became unsteady. Andrea was hugging his waist so intimately..He clenched his fist harder. "Andrea, you're drunk." Why was she doing this now? "Damon I.." She tightened her arms around his waist as she rested her head on his firm back. "I don't know why but you've been stirring my feelings so much lately and I just don't want to let go."

Damon's eyes widened in surprise, he looked back at her small shape that was hugging him. "What?" His breath hitched. His heartbeat pounding so crazily. He didn't know when or how he was so in love with her. "You've been occupying my mind and I feel it easy to talk with you.. It's..a comfortable and warm feeling I get in my chest when I'm with you." Andrea nuzzled his back. ("Goddammit she's so drunk!!!") Damon couldn't hold back his excitement. Oh how he wanted to kiss her that moment. ("She'll never forgive me for this-") He thought, breathing in and out to calm his crazy heart.

"What you did at the bar.." Andrea released him, going Infront of him and looking at him dead in the eye. ("Here it goes-") Damon just averted his gaze to avoid her disappointed face. He felt that Andrea was the type of person whose emotions get shifted easily and could go from sadness to anger in a matter of seconds. He was ready to hear her drunk scolding. "Do it again."

Damon stiffened, he looked back at her in surprise. "What did you say?"

"Kiss me." Andrea elaborated, encircling his neck as she pulled him close. "No, you're drunk. You don't know the consequen—" Damon desperately tried to push her off, he didn't want to do something she'll regret but when she brushed her soft lips against his so sweetly..stoping him mid sentence.. Leaving some of her lipstick on his lips. ("Dammit...I can't..") Damon placed his hand on the back of her small waist as he cupped her cheek with his other hand. Watching her reddened face. He was going crazy.."You'll regret it when you wake up.." Damon warned her one more time, his mind was telling him to push her away, his heart was screaming to hold her close.

"I won't."

Damon pecked her soft lips. "You really shouldn't.." He hugged her closer. "You're not ready for another relationship..."

"I want to feel more of that warmth in my chest and the butterflies in my stomach when you kiss me... it's so nice.."

("Andrea..could you really be having feelings for me?") He looked at her doubtfully, then softly kissed her lips. The way she was reacting sweetly and kissing him back every time made him sure...Andrea had a thing for him and he needed to get it out of her later. He wrapped his arms securely around her shoulders and waist, He kept getting closer to the bed till they sat together, with her beside him. She smiled warmly at him "Damon.." he held the back of her head, kissing her face again. ("Am I dreaming?") He thought as he closed his eyes, he kissed her more and much more lovingly. ("No,I can feel her. She's here.. she's with me, she's kissing me, she's calling my name...") Damon stopped kissing her, earning a small cute pout from her. He chuckled made her rest her head on his shoulder. "Isn't this better?" He smiled Lovingly at her, placing her hands on his side, hugging him, she nodded with such a beautiful smile that got craved in his heart for life. He kept giving her soft kisses getting a cute smile from her.. ("She's so cute.... I'm going crazy!") Damon kept pecking her. Kissing her like his life depended on it. His ears turned red in. He was loving and drowning in every second he spent kissing her. He stopped for a second. He watched Andrea pout softly. Her mascara was ruined from crying. But she didn't care. ("I want to...give him my affection..what is wrong with me?") Andrea thought before she cupped Damon's face. Stroking his cheeks gently. Damon leaned into her touch, nuzzling his face into her soft and delicate hand.. ("Am I allowed to be like this with her?") Damon questioned, before looking up at her. "Andr- Huh?"

Damon was stopped because he felt little pecks on his cheek.

kiss, kiss kiss..

Andrea was kissing his face everywhere, Leaving traces of her lips with her lipstick all over his face like sweet stamps. ("Is she trying to pamper me?") If Damon loved her before, Then he adored her now. Her cute actions and the way she called his name was everything to him. Damon slowly let his guards down. Letting her have full control. He closed his eyes as she kissed his eyelids. Sighing happily completely lost in the moment. He was so relaxed when he felt her stroking his hair. He snuggled in her chest, leaning back till they're both laying down hugging eachother. ("How did it turn to this?") They both wanted to ask but were just enjoying the moment. So they decided to throw everything out of the window and enjoy the moment. ("Have I ever felt this relaxed? when I'm in her arms..") Damon cuddled closer to her, Andrea kissed his forehead and kept stroking his hair. "Andrea.."


"I love you."


Andrea was resting her head on Damon's chest. What she woke up was too much to handle.. Especially his messy hair and sleepy face with so many lipstick stamps. So early in the morning.."My head...ow...." Damon hugged her to his chest, stroking her hair. "It's okay, it'll go soon. You'll feel better I promise." He said soothingly. "Mr. gra—" Andrea had so many questions in her head but she was too tired to push him away.

"Damon. Just Damon." He tightened his grip around her. Kissing her forehead. Although Andrea couldn't remember everything clearly, or what happened exactly between them last night but she loved the way he treated her at that moment. "I can't remember.." Andrea mumbled. Almost as if she didn't want him to hear her and continue showering her with his affection. "Thought so. I can refresh your memory." He smiled evilly when he placed his fingers on her chin. He gave her a soft kiss that sent shivers through her spin and made her chest pound. "We did something like this last night, but more intense. Can't you see the stamps?" He pointed to his face. smiling softly. Andrea slowly pulled away, sitting up. "I—"

"I know. You were drunk." Damon mouthed her thoughts, Disappointed and hurt. He kept telling her she'll probably regret, he kept telling her it'll be a mistake. Although they didn't do anything more than just kissing and Damon held himself back, He still knew she'd wake up probably forgetting everything. "But my words still stand. I want to be with you romantically, Andrea." He said as he sat beside her. "Just think about it." He sighed. Getting up to order some hungover soup for her. "Yes, room 088..Thank you." He placed the telephone back. He went to get her a cup of water from the kitchen. "Damon."

Andrea walked up to him. Cupping his cheek, Damon didn't expect that. Andrea didn't forget everything, she still remembered the way she felt with him. She remembered her heartbeats. She remembered the love his eyes and the sweet smile he gave to her.

She didn't remember what they did nor said.

"I want to give it a shot."