
Reversed Love

“In everyone's eyes, I'm mostly a tool.” Or so she thought. Andrea Soliace, who had been used her entire life by her family, Her Fiancé and Her Fiancé's lover. Getting broken up with in such a major event in her life left her feeling stabbed in the back and betrayed. Adding more damage to her already tainted reputation. Damon Gracia, The current CEO of the “” entertainment after his father's adamancy in the hospital, he gets a major drop in his company's finances as a possible hit from another company hoping to bring his family's business down. Leaving him frustrated, depressed and in need of a miracle. Coincidentally, two broken souls meet fatefully under the worst circumstances possible. How funny could that be? ———————————————————— Credits to the original artist of the cover. Ps/I edited the cover. THIS NOVEL IS BEING HEAVILY EDITED!

Selina_46 · Thành thị
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28 Chs

A chance to love || 2

—4 years ago, Date day, Evening.

~A Luxurious Restaurant.

A dashing young man in his early 20s who was dressed in a nice suit looking all handsome with his hair combed to the die..was sitting patiently on his seat,at a table near the window. He specifically Reserved this table because it has a very lovely view outside. He checked his clock silently. "She should be here any minute now..it's almost 8pm sharp." He said with his slightly deep voice. He rested his head on his hand and looked outside at the view. "Andrea Lian..Hm." he closed his eyes for a few seconds, Trying to imagine her.

At the same time,a girl who was 19 made her way in the large hall..She bumped into a man who was making his way out. "Sorry!" The girl apologized. The man looked back and stared at her for a few seconds. She was taken aback by his good looks and so was he. Ignoring his admiration for her he let out an annoyed 'tsk' and left.

The girl puffed her cheeks and stomped her foot at his rude behavior. "What's wrong with that guy!? His good looks are such a waste on him!" The girl complained then she looked around herself trying to figure out who could 'Cameron' be because she only saw men with their backs with women Infront of them. "Um, Excuse me!" The girl called out to a waitress. "Yes Ma'a--" The waitress got her words stuck in her throat when she saw the woman Infront of her. She blushed a little and the tray that was on her hand started to shake in embarrassment. "Could you tell me where the table reserved under the name 'Cameron Collins' is? if that wouldn't take much of your time of course!" The girl smiled gently. The waitress nodded her head and told her where the table is..

But,she couldn't stop staring at her back as she walked away. Everyone in the hall men and women started to look at her and stare at her in awe...her face was so lovely that a waiter who was peacefully pouring tea ended up pouring more than wanted..He only realized that when the person who ordered tea shouted at him because the tea fell on his clothes.

The young man felt a little tap on his shoulder. He slowly opened his eyes and looked back to see who dared to touch him. With his eyebrows connecting a little..his deep sweet chocolate eyes met a pair of lovely ice cold eyes. His breathe was taken away by the beauty of the girl Infront of him. And the girl's heart..skipped a beat.

She was wearing a red wine dress that hugged every inch and every curve of her perfectly, with only exposing her deep collarbones and shoulders. Her face had a very light make-up that was making her natural beauty shine. With a pair of teardrop earrings on her small ears and her jet black short hair.. "Mr.Collins?" She called his name softly and her soft yet somewhat deep soothing voice got stuck in his head.

He stared at her for a few seconds, Making the girl Infront of him raise her eyebrow in confusion. "Is..there something stuck on my face..?" She asked. Cameron immediately shook his head and stood up from his seat, he cleared his throat then started to speak. "Not at all, I apologize if my behavior was rude." He stretched his hand to shake her's "My name is Cameron Collins. Nice to meet you, Ms. Lian." Andrea lifted her hand and shook her small hand in his big hand. She smiled gracefully. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Cameron. I'm Andrea Lian as you know." She introduced herself. Cameron pulled the chair across from him for her to sit. "Please have a seat, Ms. Lian." Andrea nodded and sat down, Cameron simply pushed her seat nearer to the table and went back to his seat.

'Hey, isn't that Andrea..?'

'Andrea who? the model!?'

'Wait isn't that Mr.cameron-'

'Oh my god they're having a romantic evening!'

'Why do they look so good together!? my my!'

Too many whispers and gossips, Yet the two almost literally didn't hear them at all. They were eating peacefully while chatting. "So..Ms. Lian-.." Cameron started the conversation but Andrea quickly interrupted. "I'm sorry for interrupting you, but. although we know nothing about eachother yet, I hope you drop the formalities so that we could feel like friends talking." Andrea suggested sweetly. Cameron nodded "Ms.L- I mean,Andrea. I heard that you're a famous Celebrity?" Cameron said while passing a piece of his medium rare steak into his mouth with a fork. Andrea nodded "Well, you could say that I'm a celebrity, but I'm just a model." she said like it was no big deal and chewed on a square cut potato that was beside her steak. She cupped her wine glass and swirled the red liquid a little. "I heard you're a businessman from my parents, To be honest, I was not really interested in the business world as my job doesn't have that much interference with it and I didn't care about it much, I think I will now.. though." She chuckled before her lips made contact with the cold glass, slowly taking a sip. Cameron suddenly paused when he heard her flirt-like reply. he looked at her for a second, thinking deeply...seeing her innocent look he smiled a little and carried on with his dinner as they asked eachother questions and got to know eachother more.

After they were done with their meal that didn't really last long, Cameron was supposedly taking Andrea back home but..."Would like...going somewhere else? Perhaps a walk by the lake?" Cameron suggested, looking at the lady sitting in the passenger seat beside him. "It's still early..maybe we can chat for a little bit more too, don't you think?"

Andrea, who was already liking the guy, found herself somehow feeling closer to him with every word he said. Her heart seemed to melt with his voice.. Eventually nodding, Cameron's eyes softened and started the engine of his expensive car, driving off somewhere lovely and calm.

Like the gentleman he is, He opened the door for her. "Here,take my hand." Andrea looked at his hand, which was open wide Infront of her to take. Andrea..hated physical contract the most. She,in her whole ass life allowed no one to touch her..expect her own nanny. But what she felt for him made her forget about everything.

She slowly curled her fingers on his palm...And he pulled her out gently, due to the heels she was wearing and the nervousness she was feeling;she found herself stumbling and falling into his arms. "I...I'm so sorry!" She pulled back quickly feeling embarrassed as her cheeks reddened like sweet cherry. Cameron looked at her and shook his head. "It's fine, Andrea."

'Ah,yes.. that's how you accept apologies!'

'Unlike that other dude...tsk.'

Thinking of the man she bumped into when she walked into the restaurant made her resist the urge of rolling her eyes Infront of Cameron. Throwing the thought aside, She focused on Cameron and refused to think of anything else, Not even her next photoshoot!

Cameron had brought her somewhere beautiful, a calm place by the lake, a romantic scene of a starry night reflecting on the clear water.

Andrea stared deeply into the water, she found herself calm. She found herself relaxed.. Without having to think about her next action or her next word. Unwillingly, she rubbed her shoulders feeling a little cold. But in a blink of an eye she felt warmness surrounding her and a heavy piece of clothes wrapped on her shoulders. She looked at the fabric that was perfectly placed on her shoulders then At the man beside her. Cameron smiled softly and patted her head. "It's chilly, make sure you don't catch a cold!"

Andrea was silent, she looked at him like there was no tomorrow, she was admiring every inch of him. She was lovestruck with that smile and the gentle actions. His smiled sent butterflies to her stomach...She felt a sweet sensation she never felt before, although he touched her she didn't mind it at all. instead, she was welcoming it with open arms. She felt like he was the one,the one who will give her the 'Happy ever after' she always dreamed of..She was changing to acceptance for more things in her life.

To the best of the best!

To someone completely different.. someone more fresh and lovable..she finally found the person who'll make her feel true love.


Is what she thought.


After constant blind dates whatsoever,Andrea opened up and started to talk about her interests..Which was modeling and how important her job is to her. in 6 months Andrea and Cameron's Relationship was publicly announced, Thought, keep in mind they had no official engagement ceremony, or rings to define they're in a serious relationship leading to marriage. And...the fact that, Cameron..was unwilling to announce their relationship to begin with. After constant arguments with his family, he still refused.

So the Collins Family had to choice but to do it wether he liked it or not, they believed they knew what was better for him. Which was him settling down before He takeover the company. They thought he'd need A woman from a known background to stand confidently by his side and help him with everything he needed at home. Therefore they leaked the information and it spread world wide, The Collins believed that Cameron would accept it eitherways as he was very obedient. But things took turns for the worst From the couple's side.

Frankly speaking,Cameron thought that since he will be taking over the company his family would arrange blind dates for him as soon as he graduates from college. To which they did. Instead of fighting,he willingly went to those blind dates and treated the women with respect. Thinking he'd also be able to get some connections through them as his blind dates of course were Ladies from big families. But out of nowhere his family stuck with one woman..Andrea Lian. Out of nowhere, they started arranging for his Engagement ceremony. With none other than Andrea Lian.

As far as he went with Andrea,he dropped the Nicknames but treated her in a formal way and always kept his answers short whenever they talk. What he didn't know is that Andrea had a big soft place for him in her heart from the first day they met. She loved him.

Seeing that his family did things behind his back,he saw no reason to treat Andrea with the same respect...Since he couldn't argue anymore with his family he started to be distanced from Andrea, he started to treat her badly. In terms of rude behavior, all he could do was take his anger on her slowly although she did nothing but love him for his gentleness.

"Ms. Lian." The model who was happily sipping on her cappuccino while surfing the internet suddenly felt a chill down her spine when the only person she loved in her life called her coldly, Recently she has been noticing that he has been acting cold to her in their blind dates but she was too lost in her daydreams and future she drew for the both of them in her mind eventually deciding to shrug it off. "Came..ron?" She called the man who was sitting Infront of her with a puzzled expression. He never called her 'Ms.Lian' at all after their first date.

"It's 'Sir Cameron' for you." He said coldly, it seemed like he was totally fed up with her But she didn't really do anything. "What..?" His sudden straight up change in attitude made her utterly confused. "I tried many times to hint it to you and unfortunately,it seems that you don't get it. Ms.Lian I'm here to make it clear that I do not want to be engaged to you."


Was that the sound of her phone falling to the ground or her heart breaking?

Andrea stared at Cameron wide eyed, all she got was an indifferent serious face, he didn't even bat an eye when her phone fell. He kept looking at her as if he despised her. Andrea's hand seemed to shake but she smiled gently and picked her phone from the ground. "Haha, nice joke. I thought you were serious!" she strongly refused to believe what he said. "Ms. Lian,Do I seem like a comedian to you?" Cameron said, his angered voice made her shiver. "B..but...Camer-"

"SIR Cameron. Please do not drop the formalities as listening to my name from your mouth makes me highly uncomfortable."

Ah, that definitely was her heartbreaking. Not her phone. We got our answer.

Andrea's heart kept beating like drums in her chest, after gathering all the courage she had left in her shaken body she continued. "But..Why? What did I do..? did i-" Once again,Andrea was interrupted. "No, not at all. I just found that I don't like you enough to be engaged to you, if my words are clear enough...please call your family and tell them that you don't want this marriage." Cameron cut to the chase, not wanting to waste anymore time in this absurd situation.

"I...I love-"

"I'm sorry, but that's your fault." Cameron said and finally stood up from his seat, adjusting his coat. "You see, it's your fault for loving someone who doesn't have the same feelings for you. Understand where I'm coming from,Ms. Lian...I do not suppose you'd like to spend the rest of your life with a man who you hate,right?" Before he left, He looked back at her. Giving her a distant and most hateful expression she ever saw on his face,was directed to her. "Do NOT. Test my patience." —Was his last line before he left her in a complete daze.

What happened..?

The first thing she did after trying to calm her shivering body down was calling the Collins Family. "My sweet daughter in-" "M...Mother H..he.." Andrea tried to talk but she kept pausing and eventually she started to cry. "Cameron said t-that we..*sniff* that we're o-o-over..he...also said that he has no feelings for m-me.." As Andrea talked,Madam Collins tried to calm her down. After she heard what her future daughter in law said,she fumed in anger. "What!? No he didn't! That guy.. don't worry sweetie,calm down. your mother in law will fix this!" Madam Collins said and hang up the call.

The Collins liked Andrea very much. And vice versa, but to be specific Andrea didn't care if they liked her or not as long as she gets with Cameron. She found out that gaining their favor was the best idea so they'd talk about her to Cameron when they're not together too. Therefore she kept in touch with his mother, Madam Collins. Natasha Collins.

—After countless chasing from Andrea to get Cameron, he still refused her, After countless pushing from the Collins for Cameron to marry Andrea, He still refused. Andrea became a nuisance to Cameron. When Cameron took over the company a year later...she still showed up wherever he was.

Ignorant to her own attitude, Andrea started to treat people like absolute trash. She changed to the worst. She was not the thankful person she was anymore,she started to wear more make up..she started to think of money to get new clothes every time she goes to see Cameron. She thought she wasn't beautiful enough that's why he didn't like her.


4 years later..

"Bitch! you're trying to seduce my fiancé!" Andrea was fighting with another Lady...when she found out that she was his date in one of the social events. "Hah..this again, Come on. Andrea.. you're an adult!" The lady she was fighting with crossed her arms in annoyance. "Shut up, Rosie! you think I don't see what you're trying to do!? you're so openly taking him away from me!" Andrea huffed. Rosie sighed, looking around..she saw that they were making a scene, once again. they're fighting in a public place! "Andrea have you no shame?? Atleast use that small brain of yours. We're in a public place, We're both public figures as well, don't you care about your image?" With that, Andrea clenched her fist and looked at Rosie in hatred.

Rosie Parker..22yo. A year younger than Andrea.

A well known actress who climbed up her fame extremely fast in a few months.

Well, not only that...but also. The woman who moved Cameron's heart. He saw her when she was auditioning for a side character in a drama that his company invested in, completely loving her talent..he helped her get the role of the female lead.

As he worked with her..he fell in love with her powerful aura and not-so caring attitude she was giving him. Unlike his 'fiancé' who'd do anything for him to spare her a glance..and the many women who tried to make a move on him when he became the CEO of 'GLDN' Company...A.k.a The Collins family company. Unwillingly,Rosie started to love Cameron. Giving into the gentleness he shows to no one.

And ever since Andrea heard of Rosie's existence, she kept harassing her whenever she got the chance to. And fighting in public was no expectation.

(Later after Cameron met Rosie..he started using Andrea to his benefits, whenever he saw Rosie and Andrea was with him he'd act all kind and nice to Andrea, trying to make Rosie jealous in their Cat and Mouse game. Which made Andrea believe that he finally started to accept her.

Not being in the right mind, Andrea kidnapped Rosie. She wanted to see how it'd be like if she begged her for mercy, if Andrea made Rosie scared of her so that she could stay away from Cameron. Unfortunately for Andrea things didn't go her way. )—Chap.1

And so...Andrea lost the happiness she had in her life.

Can't wait to write much more and fill this book with chapters.

Selina_46creators' thoughts