
Reverse System

Apocalypse befall on Earth. But with danger came an opportunity. To evolve beyond the human limits. God provided us with a leveling system. . . . . . . But what the f**k is wrong with my system. It requires 10 billion experience to level up to level 2. How the heck am I supposed to level up like that?

Monarch95 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Beginning of the End

I was always a believer in the higher existent called God. Some of you might be atheist, I know. But hear me out. Even though I am a believer I am not exactly a church going person either. I don't truly believe stories that are written in any of the religious books. But the moral of those stories are worth following. To those atheists, let me ask you a question. What is god in your concept? I will tell you what god is in my concept. According to my concept god is the creator of the earth. Someone that created the earth cannot be from earth right? A being that is not of the earth is called an alien. So in my view god is an alien and a much superior being than humans. Till now scientists are constantly looking for life outside the earth. That means scientists are still looking for an alien even in this century. So all I am saying is this, why can't be god be that alien that the scientists are looking for.

I cannot say I am more than right now. It was a usual day for me and my family. My name is Sam and I am a 23 year old graduate, hunting for a job. I live along with my father and mother. I have an elder sister and she is working in a nearby city. Distance from our village to the city is about 50 km. So she is staying in a hostel provided by her company. I don't want to go too personal into details. We will discuss it all eventually. On that afternoon I was taking a short nap. But suddenly I woke up from excruciating pain. I was having a severe headache. I wonder what was happening to me. I never used to get such severe headaches. But then suddenly I heard a noise in my head. I tried to concentrate to figure out what was happening in my head but then suddenly a blue screen projected in front of my eyes. I only saw something like that in Sci-Fi movies. I figured out what it was a damn system. Someone installed a damn system in my mind. That someone might be a higher existence. There was something written on that panel too. It was something like this

"God is unsatisfied with the performance of humans. Humans have been living on the Earth for more than 6 million years and yet their evolution is the slowest out of all the species. God has initiated a forced evolution plan for humans.

Operation Forced Evolution T minus 10 seconds






T minus 9 seconds






T minus 8 seconds





Operation Forced Evolution has begun

Your stats are

Level : 1

Class: None

Hp: 10/10

Exp: 0/10,000,000,000

Strength: 7/10

Agility: 9/10

Vitality: 6/10

Stamina: 8/10

Endurance: 9/10

Mana: 4/10


After saying this much the blue panel disappeared from my eyes. I could only watch all these processes with a surprised expression. What the hell is this so-called God's Forced Evolution Operation. I didn't understand a single thing the system was saying. At that moment I heard a small thud on my door. I realized that my mother would be knocking on my door. I decided to put aside all the thought and opened the door. When I opened the door I became stunned. A creature wearing my mother's dress is standing in front of me. It had a grey color skin and the smell of rotten flesh was permeating from its body. I didn't even get a chance to look at it properly before that it jumped straight towards my body.

Suddenly I remembered what that was. It was the exact depiction of Zombies from all those movies. I was trying hard to avoid the byte from the zombie. Then I noticed it. The zombie was wearing the exact clothes of my mother. Soon my mind went into a sad and chaotic state. I very well knew what that meant. My mother had turned into a zombie. The thing in front of me is no longer my mother. I felt like crying at that moment. At that moment I realized what is the Forced Evolution Operation. Evolving and levelling up by killing the turned humans(zombies). How cruel. All the happy memories of her began to flash through my mind. And then soon the sadness fell into hatred. Hatred for the existence called god. If not for that ba***d my mother would still be alive. At that moment only one thought prevailed in my mind. Who ever fuc*d up my life I will do the same to them too. A strong determination arose in my mind. Before I do anything I have to put my mother at ease. I cannot allow her to live like this. Eating someone else's flesh and living like a mindless tool. No son can bear to witness that scene. Same goes for me too.

In a short moment I used all my strength and overpowered her. I took her head in one hand and forcefully slammed against the wall a few times. A screeching noise came from her mouth indicating it was desperate to escape from the struggle. But I held onto her head tightly and slammed against the wall 2 more times. Her brain burst out from the impact and all her movements stopped. At the time of her death I felt like she was smiling as if all the burden on her shoulders were lifted. After killing her I cried up to my heart's content holding on to her dead body.

After a while I decided to bury her body in our backyard. We were living in a small village. Only around 20 houses are there in our village. Most of them are farmers. So one would own a considerable amount of land of their own. So the distance between 2 houses might be 500 or 700 meters apart. So I don't have to worry even if I cried out loud. No one would hear us. Right now I am at the safest place on Earth. But that won't stay the same. We were also farming paddy in our field. But the agricultural policy of the government began to exploit the farmers. So we had to give up farming and my father had to apply for another job. On that day only my mother was with me. Father was in another state due to work. I tried to call both my father and sister after burying my mother. But there was no network to call. If the same thing is happening world wide then network is least of our issue.

If the phone is not working then I have to go to them where they are and make sure they are ok. Of those two, my sister is the closest to my location. So I have to find her first. But before that I have no guarantee that I will reach her place unscathed. For that I have to become stronger. But how can I become stronger? That question arose in my mind. I concentrated real hard and a blue panel popped up in front of me.

Level : 1

Class: None

Hp: 6/10

Exp: 1/10,000,000,000

Strength: 7/10

Agility: 9/10

Vitality: 6/10

Stamina: 8/10

Endurance: 9/10

Mana: 4/10


What the hell? I need almost 10 billion points to reach level 2.Killing a zombie only gave me 1 point in my experience. Even if all the people in this world had become zombies and even if I kill them all I will still be lacking the experience to become a level 2. Under these circumstances how am I supposed to level up and become stronger. Wait mana.....I can use mana…. Only at that moment I realized that an extra attribute unrelated to human fitness is in my stats, Mana and I have a value of 4/10. Even if I have mana how can I use it. If the system is designed anything like the video games in our era then mana is used for a skill either passive or active. But the main problem now is not mana how can I level up?

There is a base cap of 10 for each of the attributes. What if all my attributes exceed that base cap. I think at that condition level up is possible. Basically evolution means to improve the attributes right. If that is the case the reverse is also possible. That is if I exceed the base cap of all the attributes then evolution is possible. I decided to test my theory.

If I have to reach my sister I need more strength. Currently I am still weak in dealing with normal zombies. At least I have to level up once before I go search for her. With a strong determination in my mind I began to work hard. Out of all the attributes the closest to the base cap is agility. So I decided to raise it to 10 first. For almost a week I ran around my field. If I look constantly at that system I might feel demotivated if there isn't any increase in my attributes. So I solely concentrated on my running. After a week I decided to look at the attributes and I became surprised by the result. Now the current stats are

Level : 1

Class: None

Hp: 10/10

Exp: 1/10,000,000,000

Strength: 7/10

Agility: 10/10 (+2extra)

Vitality: 6/10

Stamina: 10/10 (+1 extra)

Endurance: 9/10

Mana: 4/10


Surprisingly along with agility my stamina had also reached 10. Not only that, I got 2 extra points for agility and 1 extra points stamina. Probably once I level up these extra points will be added to the evolved stats. I became happy at that moment. Initially I was worried at the exorbitant level of Exp needed to level up. But now I can sense a small hope. After raising my agility and stamina I choose to raise strength. So for the next 2 weeks I did nothing but strength training like lifting weights ,heavy gardening, such as digging and shovelling ,push-ups, sit-ups and squats. Surprisingly my new state became like this(only details of improved stats are given)

Strength: 10/10 (+3 extra)

Endurance: 10/10 (+2 extra)

Vitality…. What is vitality? It determines how fast our wounds cure. So in order to increase my vitality I began to self inflict damage to myself. Along with that I made sure I got all the proteins and minerals needed for the body through a balanced diet. At first it took time to heal the self inflicted wounds. But as my vitality arose it began to take less time. Consider it similar as strengthening the bones by beating in a rock or iron wood. Now if I made a small cut in my arm it will only take 10 minutes to completely heal it. Now my vitality raised to 10 and I even got an extra (+1 point) for that attribute.

But how can I increase mana to the base cap. I was thinking like that myself. But suddenly a small unknown energy began to seep through my pores into my body. I suddenly realized, what the hell is this energy and how it is flowing into my body. I got the answer soon enough as I looked into the stat. My mana level is gradually rising. The one condition to sense mana and absorb mana into the human body was first to attain a flawless mortal body. That means to attain a perfect score for all the physical attributes. There are humans with strength:10 alone or agility:10 alone, but none possess all the attributes as 10. It is because the lifespan of humans is short enough that it is extremely difficult for them to attain a perfect score for all the attributes. With a short life span no one will bother to work hard all their lives. They would choose to celebrate the only life they got. This was what infuriated the higher being who calls himself 'the God' and hence the current situation. First the mana was 4.01 and now it became 4.02. After each breath Mana began to rise in my body. So I sat on the ground in a meditative pose and began to slowly inhale and exhale. After 2 hours my body began to brim with mana. Suddenly I heard the system notification and opened my eyes.


Level : 2

Class: None

Hp: 10/10

Exp: 1/9,000,000,000

Strength: 13/20

Agility: 12/20

Vitality: 11/20

Stamina: 11/20

Endurance: 12/20

Mana: 10/20

Congratulations…. Host has become the first perfect Hexa attribute evolver in the world. System will reward you for your unique achievement. Pick up attribute function is unlocked.

Pick up attribute function - You will be able to pick up the attributes from defeated enemies.

50 Exp has been given to you for your level up. Resetting Exp value

Exp: 51/9,000,000,000

1 skill point is assigned to you for level up. Skill points can be used either to purchase a new skill or to level up a particular skill. Since no skill is detected system will provide you with new skill


I became surprised by 2 things. One, my Exp to level up to the next level has decreased by 1 billion instead of increasing like in a game. Second, how come I am the first perfect Hexa attribute evolver. I am pretty sure that there are humans pretty strong than me whose attribute values are closer to that of base cap. After pondering a while in my thought I came to the only logical conclusion. I am an exception. Every other human might have got a normal system where their Exp increases from minimum to maximum upon each level up. Where as in my case I got the reverse system. My exp decreased from maximum to minimum up on each level up. For other players having an Exp of 100 or 1000 to level up they will choose to kill zombies to level up, but I cannot do that. So they will totally ignore levelling up by increasing their attributes to the base cap. That makes perfect sense. It has been almost 1 month since the Forced evolution. By now most of the humans might have evolved into a level 10 human or higher. But that doesn't concern me anymore because I got a Pick up attribute function where the attributes of my defeated enemies can be picked up. So even if I have low level, nobody can have perfect attributes like mine. That alone is a great advantage for me.

As I immersed in my thoughts a new additional blue panel projected in front of my eyes overlapping the level up notification. In the new panel there are multiple skills listed. Skills like fire control, water control, earth control, air control, weather control, metal control, telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, flight etc….There are numerous skills that I can't possibly list all of them here. But the problem is that higher tier skills require absurd amounts of skill points. I cannot buy any high tier skills with my skill point. So I scrolled down the panel and there 2 low tier skills caught my attention.

Concealment - Conceal your whole presence in front of the enemy. Concealment fails on attack. Active skill….Skill can be passive if you level up to max. No mana required to activate the skill . 1 mana will be deducted each minute to maintain the skill.

Radar - Mini map of 500 meters around you with the host as the center can be activated. Enemy can be seen as red dots and friends can be seen as green dots. Range of the skill can be increased after each level up. No mana required to activate skill. 1 mana will be deducted each minute to maintain the skill.

Concealment skill is good. But once I attack a zombie my location will be revealed. So if there is any group of zombies nearby they will easily spot me. But using the Radar skill I can easily spot isolated zombies around me and can easily skill them. Using this logic I purchased the Radar skill from the system with 1 skill point.

I got so excited after purchasing my radar skill and decided to activate the skill. My surprise soon turned into a look of despair. Within a 500 meter radius around me I can see thousands of red dots approaching towards me.