

Now there is another problem.

she is suppose to be little red bodyguard and driver too but she did not know how to drive,may be she should inform them.

Or she could give it a try after all she can comprehend fast maybe she will be able to drive it or drive off the cliff along the road.

but of course she can't bear to hurt her little red even though he is mischievous as they said.

And she bet if she did not end up died in the accident those brothers is going to torture the hell out of her.

' not to talk of,i did not want to die in such a stupid way'

If she try and she is unable to decipher how to drive it she would just blame it on her 'memory loss' any way.

But when she arrives at the park together with little red and gentle Chen di.

the moment she saw all the cars in the park.

all sort of information about car their different types of name,how to drive and the sport car too.

Every information regarding car she now know everything.

She even have the feeling that she can fly drive without any accident.

All the skills she saw made her blood boil even though she has never ride a car before.

When chendi saw that she is not moving he cough to signal her.

"Pardon I want to asked if you can drive"?Chen di asked

Because of the information she received about the car she is still in good so without thinking she flash chendi a cheeky smile forgotten that she is suppose to be timid.

"No don't worry am good with cars"

When she smile at Chen di like that.

his heart skip a beat before it started galloping, feeling ashamed of his thinking that she look so charming and domineering while smiling like that.

feeling how hot his cheek is now he knew he is blushing.

biting his lip he Lowered his head in shame.

Little red on the other side is glaring at her with anger.

'only smiling at his brother as if he is not there,humph,who care anyway.

Feeling the change in atmosphere,she went

"..." What happen?.