
Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

I am a BIG fan of reverend insanity and was so sad that the ending was never finished as the author has been blocked from publishing more, I realllllly hope that he comes back and finish the book but in the meantime, I have been so filled with ideas on where the plot goes I decided hey why not write my own ending for it, why don't I try to pick up what Gu Zhen Ren left, maybe it'll be good, maybe its shit but I really love the Gu world and I hope this inspires other writers to use Gu in their world. I do wish to one day write my own fantasy book but since RI left so much stuff behind it'd be a shame to leave it all. That said please don't take anything here seriously this is a FAN EDITION, not cannon and I am not claiming credit for anything, please go and support the original author I believe he has another series called infinite blood core, and please do go read the original Reverend Insanity.

zulbucks · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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233 Chs

Chapter 2546

With a single swing of the Time Blade, half the encroaching Armada turned to dust, and with a follow up slash of the Space Blade, the approaching Aramada, halted in it's tracks for a split second before splitting in half down the middle. 

In 1 second, Red Lotus had taken out the entire Aramada, and it was a clear line of sight between him and the enemy. 

And his head turned towards them in confirmation, that, yes, they were indeed next. 

Chills ran down their spines, 

Daoist Countless Treasure and Envy had never been so close to death in their millenia long existence. 

But to Reputation Gu, this much pressure wasn't scary, but exhilarating.

"Now's the time I show you why Master is Master." 

She cracked her fingers and neck, even inspite of the mounting pressure that was Red Lotus.

Her figure began to contort and change, her stature grew taller as her face and chin grew sharper, her hair shifted from a shade of light pink to midnight black, and the most important part, her eyes now reflected the cold ambition and remoreselessness of her master, the Great Love Immortal Venerable, Heaven Refining Demon Venerable, the one and only, Gu Yue Fang Yuan. 

Instantly, the air turned tense,

Red Lotus's Eternity form was a domineering presence. 

But Fang Yuan's existence itself was domineering, and this was just a copy based on his Reputation. 

Just his name alone was enough to rival Red Lotus in his Eternity form.

The two behemouths exuded so much pressure, that the other 2 battles came to a halt. 

"Hmm?" Heaven paused, his fist mere milliseconds from colliding with Qing Chou's face, "Who would have thought he was still holding back, as he is right now, maybe he could give Fang Yuan a run for his money. That being said, to think in less than a century someone could amass a Reputation as ferocious and fearsome as that, truly a monster." 

"You should focus on your own fight!" Heaven heard those words, but only after a swift punch from Qing Chou's right arm, imbued with the powers of Sin, striked him across the face, sending Heaven flying into the ground. 

Though Qing Chou exploited the gap, he too was shocked at Red Lotus's power, "If there was more Hatred gathered around him I could probably take him, but most living beings in the current era admire him for opening a path foreward and breaking Fate." 

He couldn't evaluate 'Fang Yuan' as the image before his was just a copy and the real peson behind it was Reputation Gu who bore almost 0 Hatred for no one even knew she really existed. 

"Take your own advice!" Heaven emerged from right under Qing Chou and delivered an uppercut straight to his jaw, sending him flying to stratosphere. 

The two continued their fight, and placed the matter of Red Lotus on the back burner. 

Whereas between Earth and Spectral Soul a change occurred, Spectral Soul stopped advancing toward Limitless and stared at Red Lotus. 

Spectral Soul just stood still, staring at the fight that was about to take place,

Earth held multiple Killer Moves at the ready, and even used a few, but she wasn't ever able to do anything significant against Spectral Soul so he just continued. Standing still and staring.

"What is he up to now?" Earth scratched her head completely puzzled. 

She chose to keep a watchful eye, and multiple Killer Moves at the ready in case her acted, but otherwise her curiosity was also piqued by the upcoming battle.

"It'll be a close fight, on the one hand Red Lotus has power comparable to Fang Yuan, but this power literally burns through Immortal Essence faster than a wild fire!" 

Indeed, Red Lotus was using his Comprehention and Immortal Essence to forcibly take control of the surrounding Dao Marks of Spacetime, just to match Fang Yuan at his peak. 

Keep in mind, Fang Yuan's raw strength comes from the Dao Marks within his body, were he to activate his many Killer Moves on the same level as Red Lotus, it would easily double his peak strength! 

And he could afford to burn through Immortal Essence! 

Unlike Red Lotus,

And he knew that,

"I only have enough Immortal Essence stockpiled to last for 30 minutes, I was hoping to strike Fang Yuan once he awakened, even though I most likely wouldn't kill him I could still wound him but Reputation Gu's presence forced my hand!" 

Red Lotus was on a time limit, but he didn't let that get the best of him, he was calmly and methodically sizing the opponent up whilst communicating with Star Constellation. 

"She's giving off the same aura as him, even in my Eternity form I still feel trepidation," Red Lotus gave an aloof and domineering aura to not lose to Reputation Gu's, but there was still gap that was visible to all those who had peaked past the realm of mortality and stepped on to Venerablitiy! 

"I know," Star Constellation nodded, "Even though it's just an imitation, the fear and awe struck into the hearts of the people is clearly evident, who wouldn't want to be like Fang Yuan? Which Gu Immortal, righteous, demonic or in between, wouldn't want to be the next Heavenly Refining Demon Venerable?" 

"He has captured the hearts and minds of all the people, the mortal who soared into the Heavens and cleaved apart Immortals and Demons, a name that is bound to forever change the annuals of history, beyond what a single Venerable has accomplished even in their long lifetime, that is Fang Yuan!" 

The two venerables had outstanding and glorious Reputations, yet none shone as bright as Fang Yuan, from the beginning of time till the present, perhaps only Ren Zhu's name rings as clearly, but not as loudly as the name Fang Yuan!

Red Lotus closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath, time was of the essence after all, using all his willpower, he steeled himself for the greatest battle of his life. 

But as he opened his eyes he caught a faint smirk creeping across that face, one he had grown familiar and weary of, one that always signalled that no matter how well things are going for you, the situation is firmly in his control. 

In a split second, 

Imitation Dao Killer Move ------------- I Am The Supreme Being Of Heaven And Earth!

A golden dharmic wheel formed behind 'Fang Yuan' it's appearance even more radiant and complex than the first incarnation. 

The spots that were blurry or hard to see in the first version, were now solidly defined, and at the center of the wheel, the symbol of the Dao of Elements, the Heptagram, held everything together. 


Radiant light burst forth, blinding all the spectators, even Red Lotus squinted his eyes.

With gritted teeth he shouted, "FANG YUAN!" and charged straight for him! 

"Hmm," that smirk still plastered on his face, with a whisper 'Fang Yuan' let out one word, that everyone across the battlefield heard. 


There was no shouting or strength behind the word, and yet in an instant the world seemingly came to life to obey its masters orders.

Instantly, everything that could fly or hover above the ground, felt a pressing force pushing them down into the ground! 

Some low level beasts and Gu Masters were instantly turned to a pasty blood fog, as the Gravity swelled around them.

The Venerables weren't immune either,

"What the hell?" both Heaven and Qing Chou were so embroiled in their battle they couldn't adapt to the sudden change in gravity and plummeted straight to the ground.

Earth and Spectral Soul were both alread on the ground, so the suppression was much weaker, 

"It seems he has used the Dao Marks of all the Paths to exude their pressure to create an artificial increase in gravity that can't simply be overcome by exerting more force." Earth managed to figure out the trick behind Reputation Gu's Killer Move. 

That being said, it was one thing to know how it worked, it was another to actually come up with a method to counter it.

Red Lotus, who was inches away from Reputation Gu, bore an increased gravity 10 times heavier than what the others felt! 

He was spiralling towards the ground, even for a Venerable the speed at which he was falling would require him to use a healing move, which would allow Reputation Gu to follow up an attack. 

"Hmph! Naive!" Red Lotus activated 1 of the Time Blade's effect, Time Dilation, this allowed him to slow his decent, enough for him to activate 1 of the effect's of the Space Blade.

Red Lotus created a horizontal slash, with the Space Blade, 5 meters ahead of him, the slash seemed to cut open the air itself and a tear in Space opened up.

Red Lotus deactivated Time Dilation and dove straight into the tear in Space, as he entered the rift closed behind him. 

"Hmm," Reputation Gu stroked her chin, "Interesting, to think there would come a day a mortal could tear open Space like that and swim around in the endless Space that comprises the walls of the Space cave.

Space Cave was something that the younger Theiveing Heaven Demon Venerable spent years of his life trying to figure out, thinking it was a means to escape the Gu World, when in Reality it was nothing but the confines and boundaries that held the Gu World in its place. 

I'm back to our normal weekly release schedule!

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