
Reverend Insanity Spectral’s Glory

A modern beggar who has abandoned all dignity miraculously finds himself in the cruel and crazy world of Reverend Insanity. Will he reach the apex? Or will he perish on his journey towards his ideals? This story is a Chinese machine translation, all I’m doing is fixing any errors I come across before posting here freely, and yes it’s free so please stop sending me stones and what not… I don’t feel comfortable for being rewarded for a work that isn’t mine. Also if you find any errors let me know I’ll try to fix it when I’m not too busy. Hopefully this will give you, your reverend insanity Fix for a time.

Ashura_Star · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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59 Chs

A Role Of A Life Time [one shot Fang Yuan unedited]

A spring rain quietly fell down on Qing Mao Mountain.

It was already deep into the night, a light breeze blowing through the rain.

Even in such a stormy night Qing Mao Mountain wasn't obscured by darkness, but glowed with a thousand bands of light.

Standing erect in such a vast mountain was Gu Yue Village, giving the surrounding lands a touch of human civilization.

In a certain bamboo house stood a youth by the window, the light robe that covered him unable to insulate him from the ruffles of the wind and rain.

'Who would have though there would be life after death,' a soft sigh escaped from him. His gaze was slightly unfocused, his hands unconsciously tighten around the window sill, to the point a small wood pierced his hands drawing a trickle of blood.

"B-Brother you shouldn't open the window in such a weather,"

Turning his body

His unfocused gaze disappeared and he schooled his features,

His expression becoming cold naturally

His dark eyes stared at the figure of his identical clone.

'So this is Fang Zheng, he truly does look like Fang Yuan' he though his eyes piercing the slightly more thinner twin,

Fang Zheng Body shook, his heart slight shivering under his brothers gaze,

He moved slowly toward the window

Until he stood almost next to his brother

He ignored the shivering of his hands as he closed the window,

"Tomorrow is the awakening Ceremony.. that's why you cant be careless and let your body get sick Brother... aunt and uncle and everyone in the clan has big expectations for you."

Fang Zheng tried to give a natural smile, but all it came out as was unnatural.

"If that is all... leave."

Fang Yuan expression remained unchanged.

He turned his back, seeming to be more interested in the scenery outside the window.

"Have a good night brother," Fang Zheng went unanswered, as he closed the door his smile fell off his face.

We are twins yet why have the heavens favored you so much brother.

Why was I so scared

Why did my heart faint within me

Why I'm I not myself when I'm with you

He is only my brother

Why am I so scared

His fist slight tighten

And with his head down he headed toward his abode, his thoughts Dark and gloomy.

'Fang Zheng what a pitiful fellow, a true mess of a character, thankfully that should also make it easy to control him,

'While it wasn't an impossible of an accomplishment to make him a loyal lab dog, it would simply take too much time,

'time that could be better spent on cultivation, not to mention,

'You don't have to kneel to serve,

he shook his head, putting these thoughts to the back at the moment. Dealing with Fang Zheng wasn't the most pressing issue.

'First let's outline the situation I found myself in and my advantages and disadvantages,

'I'm in the body of Fang Yuan, and I have all his memories of the past fifteen years, so I don't have to worry about standing out to much in the department of being a native of this world,

'I have knowledge about all the events that are to happen, since I have taken over this body it means my biggest and immediate threat Fang Yuan is eliminated,

"Which means I don't have a competitor and can fully take my time excavating Flower Monks Inheritances,

'What I lack is fighting experience and knowing the cruelty of this world, where might makes right, this is of paramount importance!

'I have someways of rectifying this,

'So definitely the adavanges outweighs the disadvantage of my starting position and if used wisely can bring endless benefits

'But this will all be worthless speculation if I don't have any aptitude to cultivate, after all I'm no longer Fang Yuan,

'and dauntlessly the change of a soul will have an effect on the aperture though I don't know whether this will be for good or ill,

He closed his eyes again as he let another soft sigh.

'Well theirs nothing that my worrying can do at the moment to change the situation, I'll handle it when tomorrow comes,'

Giving a shrug and bringing order to his thoughts he headed toward his bed.


Fang Yuan Awake early, finding that his clothes and warm bath were already prepared by the servant Shen Cui.

It was as Shen cui was fixing the creases from his cloth and using the opportunity to rub herself against him, that Fang Zheng came,

Fang yuan didn't miss the jealousy look that that his dim witted brother send him, but he was indifferent toward it.

"Enough," his gaze was cold as he spoke toward the girl, he moved passed her while ignoring the slight hurt looked in the girls face.

Fang yuan already knew what kind of character she was, and even if she wasn't a cruel little girl, he still didn't care.

His ambitions wouldn't be tied and chained in this life.

He was either going to soar through the heavens or be cast to earth without a burial ground.

He would tolerate nothing less!

"Lets go Fang Zheng," without waiting a reply he exited the house, his robes waving behind him.


Over a hundred youth gathered in front of the clan pavilion, the main building of the clan where all official clan business was held, they stood in the large square in front of them stood a white haired elder.

"Today is the awakening ceremony, this is a monumental day in your life, I won't say much just come follow me,"

they were led through the pavilion hall, then they descended with stone ladder into a underground cave.

The youths exclaimed with amazement as they stared around the cave, at the rainbow colored stalactites.

Finally after walking another hundred steps they came to the river.

The crystal water glittered like a gem in the dark cave, and ripple could be seen telling signs of aquatic life, opposites the river was the clans moon orchard.

"Alright listen and pay attention, those who are called by names, make sure to walk to the opposite of this bank when called, clear,"

"Clear!" the youths replied back.

"Gu Yue Chen Bo." The elder held the name list and called out the first person.

Steeping forward Chen Bo plunged into the river, it quickly reach to his knees, with a serious look he begin to crosse the river.

The flowers around him begin to give a weak light.

The light surrounded him before entering his body, and all the pressure seemed to disappeared.

He begin to march gritting his teeth, yet three steps latter the pressure in his body increased and he could take no other step.

"Gu Yue Chen Bo, three steps no aptitude for Gu master cultivation," with a shake he wrote it down ignoring the paled face of the youth, he begin to call the next name.

The elders who watched the preceding couldn't help but let their countenance fall, as the second youth also fell, finally the name of Gu Yue Mo Bei, the grandson of the Mo family was called.

Their expressions lightens as they watched expectantly, the horse face youth did not disappoint with a few large stride he crossed the river, 10, steps, 20 steps, 30 steps,36 steps he finally stopped being unable to walk any further.

Gu Yue Mo Chen grandfather couldn't help but smiling the weight from his heart disappeared.

He begin to mock Old Gu Yue Chi Lian, while laughing heartily the other was silent with a dark look.

"Gu Yue Chi Chen," the academy elder called and the small youth made his way toward the river bank, his expression seemed to be a little hesitant as he dipped his feet's in the river, before plunging forward.

36! There was a commotion as Chi Chen walked out of the water, the elder beginning to investigate his aperture.

Elder Chi Lian begin to laught at his rival Mo Chen, and it was his rivals turned to have a dark expression.

"Gu Yue Fang Yuan," the elder shouted, and for a moment there seems to be silence as even the two Pickering elders stop arguing and focused on the youth.

'Well there's no point in worrying, in this late stage,' thinking so he stepped forward.

With a serene expression he begin to walked on the river, he ignore the sligh coldness of the river, and the damning of his socks.

He could feel a layer or pressure from what he remembered this was Qi pressure produced by the spirit spring.

Qi meant in the literal sense 'Breath'

But in ancient times Sages also called it as the life force, a vital energy of the body.

Spirit springs produced primeval stones, which could be used by Gu masters to turned into Primeval essence for their own use.

Qi has three different form let's call it

Different fraction of Qi— the coarsest and heaviest fractions formed solids, lighter fractions formed liquids, and the most ethereal fractions were the "lifebreath" that animated living beings.

Qi in its solid form is primeval stones, in its liquid formed its primeval essence, and in its ethereal form is Qi itself the breath or more accurately life force.

This is what gives aperture such profound forms of being both physical and ethereal at the same time.

Man is the spirit of all livings beings, among all living beings, humans have the highest intelligence and comprehension ability,


Simple while all creatures have Qi the breath and the life force,

Mans Yuan Qi is larger than any other creature. This is a Qi which one can't increase but seems to be genetic, or innate.

Yuan Qi is genetic, and innate giving by haven, and couldn't be replenished without consequence.

This could also explain as to why even Fang Yuan a 500 years old demon, still had the same aptitude as his fifteen years old. Because it was innate it could never really grow, you had a set amount and one couldn't bypass it.

So how was an aperture formed then?

What happens when a Qi from a spirit spring and a man Qi collide,

Still while it would be fascinatingly to see this experiment I do not thing it would go well,

but what if we add hope.

More specifically Hope Gu

Do you remember?

What Ren Zu did when he faced Predicament

He gave his heart to Hope Gu

What happens When A man Qi collides against A spirit spring Qi

One thing... Predicament

And what do you do when predicament comes

You give your heart to Hope Gu

What happens then... predicaments and Hope Gu collide,

It Gives birth to Aperture

This is the grand majesty of Human Path

An inheritance from Ren Zu

The small lights were Hope Gu they gather around him as each step he took, more surrounded him before they enter his body.

"F-Fang Yuan... N-N-Nine steps, no aptitude F-for Gu Cultivation," the elder shook his face pale white as a ghost, his teeth chattering as if he was in a winter storm.


Utter silence permeates the whole cave even the elders were shocked.

"F-Fang Yuan you can still go on right," the clan head had felt his heart faint inside him,

Fang Yuan answered by turning his back


Fang Yuan slowly walked out of the river, his whole lower body seemed to be drenched utterly.

His rope clinking to him,

He cut a very sorry figure,

His head held down

Ink black hair acting as dark clouds over a stormy sky.

Only a single shout broke the deafening silence.

"WHAT!" Fang Zheng screamed Echoed through the cave.

This is an old chapter, it’s a confusing mess of ideas I had at the time, so I decided to re upload it, I’ll probably fixe it and expand it more someday.

Ashura_Starcreators' thoughts