
Reverend Insanity: Heavenly Dao

Heavenly Court, Humanity's biggest organization is experimenting on Otherworldly Demons. Bo Gai was an unlucky old man.

Kalolsad · Khác
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9 Chs

Lu Clan's Guest

Central Continent

Lu clan. A middle-sized clan with 16 clan elders and one rank 4 clan leader. Central continent is ruled by sects and clans are much rarer. Lu clan was being pressured by nearby sects.

Bo Gai was listening to two mortals

"1 primeval stone for only this much meat is just a steal!"

"What? I almost died while collecting this meat. This is the meat of a Black Puncture Snake, it's delicious."

"I don't want any snake meat. Just give me ordinary meat and 500 grams of bread."

After Bo Gai arrived at the clan, A rank two Gu Master named Lu Tien, he was assigned to show him around Lu clan.

Lu Tien: "This area is for lord clan elders. You can find a tavern at the southeast part of the clan."

Bo Gai: "Thank you, senior."

Lu Tien: "Don't call me senior, You are the son of lord Bo Shuai."

Bo Gai: "Okay, Lu Tien."

After showing around the clan, Lu Tien left for a mission while Bo Gai headed towards the tavern.

Bo Gai: "Innkeeper, do you have any rooms available?"

"Yes, of course, we have a room on the third floor. Would you like to eat? We have also a cafeteria on the first floor."

Bo Gai: "I am very hungry after walking so much. Prepare the dishes and one jar of wine."

Bo Gai placed 3 primeval stones on the table.


In the darkness of night, it was raining. When Bo Gai finished eating he headed to his room to cultivate.

While Bo Gai was using all his concentration, Jade Green primeval essence crashed on the Light membrane aperture walls. With his A-Grade %98 primeval essence it was easy to reach middle stage, but Bo Gai was a complete beginner so the efficiency was low.

Crack, crack, crack...

After some time the Light membrane aperture wall started cracking. Bo Gai used all his effort to attack the aperture walls. Finally, the aperture broke down and got replaced by a firmer Water membrane aperture wall.

"I reached Middle Stage!" Bo Gai shouted in happiness. Time Wall Gu expended %30 of the Jade Green primeval essence. He could only use it 3 times in a row even with his A-Grade Talent. But now it would use %15 Pale Green primeval essence, he could use it 6 times in a row. Fast Steps Gu used %20 Pale Green primeval essence every minute.

Bo Gai opened his eyes slowly.

The bright sunlight crept in through the openings in the curtains.

Unknowingly, the night had passed, and it was already morning.

"Huh? Time sure passes quickly" Bo Gai thought.

In the morning he headed downstairs to eat.

"Waiter, prepare the dishes. I am hungry."

"Hmph! 25 years old and still rank 1 cultivation. Giving me orders like that." The waiter thought.

"Of course, just wait a little bit." He said with a fake smile.

"I reached middle stage but this is nothing compared to Immortal realms. I need to get stronger quickly. Who knows, I might die tomorrow."

"I don't have an offensive Gu Worm. With 47 primeval stones can I buy a Gu worm?"

Even after transmigrating to another world he had still the same problem, Money.

"Hello Lu Tien, do you know where I can buy Gu Worms?"

Lu Tien: "Ah, hello Bo Gai. Normally you can buy Gu Worms from the clan but you are not a Lu clansman. Currently, you can only buy Gu Worms if a caravan comes. After 1 month a caravan will pass by. But don't raise your expectations because it is a small sized caravan and it will only sell rank 1 or rank 2 Gu Worms at best, the price will be cheap though."

Bo Gai: "I want to buy an offensive type time path Gu Worm. And if possible an investigate and healing type too. But I lack primeval stones. I only have 47 left after staying and eating at the tavern for one day."

Lu Tien: "You can't buy Gu Worms but you can do missions to earn primeval stones. Although you will earn 10% less because you are not Lu clansmen. If you don't have an offensive type Gu the clan can lend you a rank one Gu Worm before the caravan arrives. This is our clans sincerity."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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