
Reverend Insanity-Blood Venerable Ascension

A devoted fan of "Reverend Insanity" finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated to the Gu World during the Medieval Antiquity Era Now, armed with his knowledge of the novel's ruthless world, he must carve out his bloody path to the top, determined to rise as a formidable Venerable while navigating treacherous alliances, deadly enemies, and the unforgiving nature of cultivation Will he uphold his pride and conquer this world, or will he succumb to its dark depths? -------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This is my first time writing a novel so don't expect a work of art but I will do my best and constructive criticism is welcome

CreedFollower · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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116 Chs

Hunt for Spies

Happy Easter guys, I hope you all have a great day with your families

And remember Christ is King


Chen Wei looks at a lifeless body on the ground beneath his feet. This body belongs to a young Gu Master from the Feng Zhi clan who probably had a family and dreams for his future. But now all that remains of him is a mutilated body with an expression of horror and deep panic.

Chen Wei, who is standing on his body, is also his murderer. But in the presence of the young man's motionless body, he feels no fluctuation in his emotions. In fact, even if the young man had knelt and begged for his life, it wouldn't have given him a single extra second in this world.

After killing as many times as he has, most people would become somehow desensitized to human death. He just became so more quickly because of his own tendencies that were never awakened in his peaceful life on earth but are perfect for the cruel Gu world.

"Tai Pi, have you managed to locate where the rest of them ended up?" Chen Ming asks him because the mission they are currently part of aims to locate and eliminate a group of spies who may have obtained compromising information from the clan and are trying to take that information back to their original clan.

"It won't be necessary for him to try to do that. Queek already has the scent of their blood memorized. There's nothing they can do to escape his scent now." Chen has a large albino rat with red eyes by his side, sniffing the corpse at his feet while consuming the dead man's blood—a sight that can truly unsettle some people, but the members of this team are beginning to get used to it.

Since Chen Wei returned to the group after spending two months cultivating in the clan, he has demonstrated several advances he made during that time to his teammates, with the main one being his cultivation, which is now at Rank 2 middle stage—great progress for his age within a clan in a war situation like Clan He An.

Among other significant advances that even surprised his grandfather was the creation of three more Rank 2 Gu by Chen Wei, who is becoming increasingly proficient in identifying and using various bloods from animals and people for his refinemant.

The first of these Rank 2 Gu is the Blood Tracing Gu, which basically assists Chen Wei in the matter of movement. Specifically, he can move quickly while leaving a trail of blood wherever he goes. Additionally, if he were pursuing someone that is bleeding, he would become faster than usual.

The second is the Blood Eyes Gu, which is the Rank 2 version of the Gu that helped Chen Wei the most. Among all those he created, this Gu greatly aided in spreading the Blood Path among the people of the clan by helping to end ambushes that the clan constantly suffered. Now that it is Rank 2, its ability to locate and discover blood has become even greater.

Lastly, there is the rank 2 Non-Bleedable Gu, which of these three has the most impressive ability according to Chen Wei because it allows, no matter the size of the cut or wound, to prevent bleeding, thus preserving a person's life in a desperate situation for an almost indefinite period.

*Squeak* *squeak* The rat quickly begins to squeal while staring fixedly in one direction, trying to signal to the group that he already knows where the spies are and that they should follow him to get there.

"If this rat is right, it's going to be impressive!" Chen Ming looks at the rat, whose white fur is stained with blood and dirt, and who now seems to have located the fleeing spies, even though they are definitely using Gu to hide.

It's not as if Chen Ming hasn't seen a demonstration of the abilities of this rat or its ability to obey Chen Wei above all else since he needed a guarantee that the rat wouldn't get in the way of his missions. So this ability to locate something by its blood is not new to him. What impresses Chen Ming is that it was actually able to do the same with these spies who have various disguises and methods to evade pursuers.

His question to Tai Pi was more of a routine inspection, as he was sure he couldn't have located the spies using his bat echolocation, even if he spent hours searching around.

"No matter how great their means or how skilled they are, in the face of my Blood Path, they are just meat for slaughter..." Chen Wei murmurs softly, feeling a certain inspiration from the kind of advantage a new Path that is still in its infancy can give someone even when dealing with great experts.

"Hahaha, well then, why don't we follow this little rat at once!" Huang Be, as always, shows his fierce and indomitable personality. Among this group, he is the one with the greatest combat intent, which, according to Chen Ming, is not entirely his personality but in part because of the Rank 1 Tiger Instinct that he used to better connect with the Tiger Strength Gu type.

"Hmmm, this rat really seems useful... where did you find it? Are there more where you found it? They would be very useful for location missions." Ya Chun is a little curious but quickly becomes disappointed when Chen Wei tells him that this is the only rat of its kind and that he found it by chance.

"Well, it's not time for that because now that we have a target ahead, we just have to start the hunt!" Chen Ming is only slightly less animated than Huang Be, as he will gain great merits and honors for capturing these spies who are fleeing.


"Hey old man, are you sure this place is safe? Because my senses are telling me that something bad might happen." A man of common appearance wearing modest clothes that would never set him apart from the other thousands of mortals, making him almost imperceptible to the disdainful gaze of all the Gu Masters.

But this man is now doing something that could shock everyone who knows him and considers themselves close to the young man who has always been just a mortal all his life but is now using Gu with the greatest naturalness, as if it were no more difficult than breathing.

"You young ones are always so impatient and hot-blooded... I assure you, with my over thirty years in this type of work for the clan, none of them will be able to locate us, no matter what method they use... even if it's that Bleeding Eyes Gu." An old man with a white beard and hair that resembles the appearance of a harmless neighborhood grandpa, and unlike the man next to him, has a belt with a badge in the middle with the number 1 written on it and two lines below the one, placing the old man as a Rank 1 middle stage Gu Master.

"Well, and besides, at this moment, they must be heading in the wrong direction because of that young man from our clan" Despite his gentle and friendly appearance, this old man is a true demon who has been trained since he was young to serve and be loyal to the Feng Zhi clan. So, for him, sacrificing an innocent was more a matter of whether it was a good way to throw off his pursuers than whether it was morally right, as the old man cares little about the morality of it.

"Well, if you say so...hmm, those bastards from Clan He An are really planning our destruction, right?" The man who pretended to be a mortal nods as he begins to check a Gu that contains much of the information they managed to steal from Clan He An after spending much of their lives infiltrating the clan.

"These damn bastards are really shrewd. They plan to put us in a precarious situation in the meantime and wait for the wolf pack that comes in two and a half years to destroy us completely." Despite his anger, this is not a great novelty to him since most well-informed people already thought that this was Clan He An's plan anyway. So if that was all the information they had, they would basically be useless as they would have only discovered the obvious.

But what they have in their hands are actually several detailed attack plans from Clan He An as well as information the clan gathered about the bases and camps of the other two clans on the frontline of the war.

"Ah, what will be the situation of our clan..." The man in mortal clothes sighs as he looks into nothingness with a certain melancholy because he knows the difficulty his clan will go through. But also the happiness in his heart as his time as a spy is over, he can return to his family to be an honored member of the Feng Zhi clan.

*Squeak* *squeak* But as he looks in a random direction amidst his thoughts, he suddenly sees an albino rat larger than any rat he has ever seen appearing among the branches of a tree and then looking directly at him.

But before he could say anything or at least react in some way, a figure moving at a speed too fast for someone who is merely at Rank 1 peak stage like him to keep up with appears, with the only thing he can clearly see being a trace of blood left behind as if what was advancing against him were bleeding.

"Shit-!!" Despite having almost no time to defend himself, and because of his rigorous training, and the fact that even though it seemed like he had let his guard down, this couldn't be further from the truth as he always kept his guard up no matter the situation, so even with little time and preparation, he still managed to activate his defensive means.

Then, quickly around him, a yellow crystal armor appears like armor taken directly from the fiction tales that people on Earth dream about and tell in films and stories.

But the armor lasts not even a second when he receives eight consecutive cuts, with two cuts on each limb, making it so that even before he realizes it, he is without arms or legs. But even in a situation like this, not a drop of blood falls from his body.

In fact, not even his body managed to fall to the ground as quickly vines like ropes wrapped around him, preventing him from falling or moving in any way, not that he could in his current state.

At this moment his mind is almost overwhelmed by pain but he still puts his training into practice when he tries to activate a Gu in his aperture to take his own life, but before he could do anything, a bald man who runs extremely fast for how fat he is quickly approaches him and puts his hand on his belly.

Before he could even use his Gu, his aperture takes on a rock-like appearance, and while he loses connection with all the Gu that belong to him, and worse, he can't even bite his own tongue because his movements are restricted so he is completely immobilized while the fat man runs towards the old man now.

Of course, if he could move his head back to see the situation in which the old man is, he would know that their situations are the same, which for both is something desperate as Clan He An has various ways of treating and obtaining information from spies, of which until today none has been heard of as being gentle.