
Truth Or Dare

The girls hurriedly laughed it off, acting as if they hadn't said anything. Travis didn't bother asking more about it; he sat in the middle of the two and watched as they played. He honestly wanted to try some of his skills on them, but he didn't want to look like a creep, which is what he'd look like if he got caught. Well, he postponed doing that until he raised their stats.

"Hey... how about we play a game?" Hannah had gathered all her courage to ask this question. Checking her thoughts, Travis understood what she wanted, so he'd, of course, agree.

"What is it you'd like to play?" He asked as he sat back comfortably.

"Well, Truth or Dare," she said in a meek tone. When Caroline heard this, she hurriedly glanced at the blushing girl and couldn't help but smirk.

'How bold of her. I wonder what she plans to get out of this,' she thought.

"Sure, I don't mind. Are there any rules you'd like to place?" He asked.

"Um, no. What about you?"

"Yes, if you pick Truth, you have no other choice but to pick Truth after that," he said.

"Yeah, that sounds great. Caroline, do you have anything to add?"

"No, I don't. How do we take turns, though?"

"We move in clockwise, asking each other questions," she said.

Travis and Caroline nodded in response. He got up and removed the coffee table so that they could sit there. They came and sat down.

"So, who wants to start?" Travis asked.

"How about I start since I came up with the idea and all, just to break the ice. Travis, Truth or dare?" She asked.

He wasn't afraid of picking either, but just to make the game seem realistic, he chose Truth.


"Okay, let me think. Have you ever had a wet dream before?" She asked.

"Yes, I have had one. Am I obligated to explain, or should I just answer?" He asked.

"You have to explain; otherwise, the game would be boring, I guess."

"Alright, so it happened about four years ago. I don't remember what was happening; I just remember waking up with wet sheets," he said.

"Who was it you had your dream of?"

"I think it was my English teacher back then. I remember I had a huge crush on her."

"Wow, you were into Ms. Kim? That's something I never expected to hear," Caroline said as she giggled.

"I mean, I was young back then, so yeah. Let's continue. Truth or Dare?" He asked Caroline.


"When was the last time you masturbated?" He asked. She blushed and averted her eyes, she looked down and took some snacks to play it off. Travis and Hannah stared at her, waiting for her response.

"I did that yesterday, okay!" She finally answered and took in a mouthful of sweets and munched on them.

"See, it wasn't that hard. It's your turn to ask me, Caroline, so hurry up," Hannah said. She found the game quite thrilling, to say the least.

"Okay, have you ever masturbated to Travis?" She asked with a smirk. Hannah froze when she heard that. She turned to Caroline, who was smiling ear to ear, looking at Travis, who looked interested in whether she would say anything or not.

"What if I don't want to answer?" She asked.

"Well, you have to take off one of your clothing, right, Travis?" She said.

"Yeah, that's cool." He replied.

Hannah was experiencing peer pressure in its purest form.

'Should I answer? Will he think I'm weird? I can't seem to decide,' she thought.

After a minute of overthinking, she finally came up with a response.

"Yes, I have, multiple times," she said and looked away. Travis smiled and glanced at Caroline, who gave him a thumbs up.

"Wow, well, moving on, why don't you ask me a question?"

Hannah was revived by those words. She smiled like a devil as she rubbed her hands together maniacally.

"I dare you to take off your shirt in a sexy way," she said. Travis smiled and did not hesitate. He got up and took his shirt by the end and raised it, revealing his well-sculpted body that could rival any Greek God. He pulled it over his head and threw the shirt over at Caroline, who was just as shocked as Hannah. Hannah took Travis's shirt and sniffed it like a crazy woman. He chuckled and acted like that didn't happen.

"My turn, Caroline. I dare you to take off your shirt," he said.

She frowned since today she happened to not have worn anything underneath since it was quite hot. Glancing over to Hannah, who knew fully well about this, she looked back at Travis.

"I'm not wearing a bra underneath, so I'll have to refuse," she said.

"You'll have to take off your pants then since it's the only other thing you're wearing currently," Travis said.

'The worst day to not wear a bra, I'm still kind of influenced by Vanessa and Casey since they never wore bras. Fuck it!' She thought.

Caroline slowly began to pull her pants off. She looked rather sexy while doing it, making Hannah frown, thinking she was trying to take her man. Travis smirked internally; he saw her purple panties, which were normal, but panties are still panties. He turned to Hannah, who was frowning, which made him chuckle a bit.

'She's jealous. I wonder what she thinks she lacks?' He thought.

'I should've done that as well,' she thought.

Travis could only stare at her blankly as he didn't foresee her saying that.