
Revenge of the Shattered

Two world powers fought over to be the strongest. The Kingdom of Avalon, world power for as long as people could remember, with strong military force, expanding over more than half of the world. A newly risen world power, The Kingdom of Sycamore, a neutral body, whose royals and nobles are known to be divine celestial mages. The story takes place after the war, Sycamore was defeated and completely devastated, while Avalon was under critical condition. Nothing remained of the Sycamorian royal family except two princesses who barely managed to escape.

Moonstone_Opal · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

A long long time ago, probably civilizations before, When humans were a mere race among all other creations, All the worlds used to be connected, and magical creatures used to roam freely in worlds.

Rukenbad was the Demon King of that time and was also known as Satan's recreation because he used to cause nothing more than chaos and bloodshed. Rukenabad used to send armies of demons down to the mortal worlds through portals and gateways to spread destruction and massacre to their will. Many centuries passed this continued, for no one had the guts to face him because

Rukenabad was one of the few ancient demons who could purely wield the Magic of Darkness.

But there was one group which was known as the High Mages who cultivated the art of summoning celestials for years without wavering. And their result turned fruitful for at the 119th full moon night of the century, After countless spells after spells, the group finally performed the ritual correctly and their leader, who was the strongest, Razin Khamae-aus, finally summoned Sechocris, the highest elite of all the divine celestials.

That was a great success and soon other High mages had also summoned common or rare magical creatures. Magic seemed as if a ray of hope in humankind against the demon king, so many humans started learning magic and summoning low or common class beasts. Celestials required a lot of miasma and precision to be summoned so it was beyond the reach of public

Soon later another very strong group stood up and they were known as ' Demon Hunters'. They were very powerful and were popular because they were known to clean up towns that were swarming with demons in just days. They started a crusade against the Demon king. And decided to march straight in the Demon world against him. They gained a lot of followers from all realms and they formed a huge army. They also contacted the high mages and requested their assistance in the crusade since both parties had similar goals.

When Razin Khame-aus got the news of it, he immediately declined since in his opinion that this was 'A useless campaign with no rewarding results whatsoever. Thoroughly rotten and fundamentally bad, Will only result in bloodshed and massacre'.He explained that going straight into the Demon king's domain will give The Demon king way more advantages than he already has. Few people remained back and considered his advice while others just entitled him 'coward'.

Soon the crusading army had arrived at Latnir, the place where the portals used to be opened and demons used to march in from. But it seemed that they couldn't pass the city and reach portals because demon armies were stationed there waiting for them. The war between the human and the demon armies in Latnir lasted for seven grueling months resulting in heavy losses on both sides.

The demons especially suffered greatly because the use of magic and summoned beasts was very surprising coming from the weakest race of all worlds. The battle was expected to go way further than that but one day when the human armies swarmed in Latnir with new resources and backup,

They saw all the portals were open but there was no demon nor any demon's kind. They thought that the foolish demons were scared as hell and ran off without closing the portals. They rejoiced and then decided to go further and defeat the Demon king which was their mission first.

Razin Khame-aus again warned them all not to do so, he told them that they lost so many humans in just ordinary battles, if they ventured into the Demon world they will perish and there was no telling what catastrophe might hit them next, But this time yet again the same happened again and nobody accepted his words in the gist of victory's joy. Razin and the High mages took all the people who stayed with them in their protection inside a castle that was fortified with magical barriers.

When the human army finally decided to march into the portals something very strange happened in all the Latnir. The sky became dark and storm clouds covered it. For days no sunlight peeked in through the heavy blanket of the clouds and endless rain poured in buckets down. All the settlements near Latnir became silent and no trace of life remained. Everything turned dull and lifeless. All the animals ran away and their horses stopped eating and many died. The human army started getting worried and Razin's words started ringing in their heads.

Then when they were about to leave and ask for Razin about this sudden change in the atmosphere, The portals blasted sending shock waves that destabilized all the humans and they fell on their knees. A thick fog covered the whole city in it and all the exits were blocked. The army became shocked and chaos spread everywhere as they tried to flee but neither the fog was letting them out nor were the barriers of darkness that had circled them.

Then only one huge portal which seemed as if its top could touch the heavens opened up. It was swirling and overflowing with black miasma. From inside the portal emerged an enormous claw, of only pure black shiny and sharp claws, it had rings of gold and silver which were embedded with gems and the claw was covered with all the world's wealth and riches.

"Such a pitiful number against me? And who dare stand up against my will and trouble my subjects, though I might say thank you for your time and effort, you entertained me for the time being but the party's over!" Boomed a voice that rang through the skies.

All the humans gaped in terror as they realized that this was only the Demon king's hand. This was the Demon King's first appearance directly. He laughed and his laugh made a thousand clouds roar with thunder. Then he just raised his hand and uttered

"Death be upon you, O weakest of all the mortals!!"

All of the humans clenched their necks as they gasped and struggled. They tried to scream and cry for help. It felt as if their souls were being ripped from their bodies. Suddenly few of the humans started strangling themselves as their eyes and mouths blasted darkness out. The other just fell on the ground lifeless. Bodies started falling on the ground and the more they tried to resist the darkness around them the more they felt that they were being shattered apart.

Their eyes slowly moved upwards and only their white eyeballs were left, blood started flowing out of their bodies. Soon the ground was covered with corpses, either strangled or as if they just had their souls forcibly taken from them. Only one was left and it seemed that nothing happened to him, he gazed around as he shivered and trembled. He was so terrified that he couldn't even cry.

Rukenabad said," It may be a great achievement for humans but it was a mere effort for demons. Go and warn your kind. And congratulate Razin and his followers, he was among the wise".

Then everything returned to normal and that only man survived, returned to Razin's fort to tell the incident.