
New Leader of the Phillip Family?

RTL's New Hiding Spot


Middie glanced over toward Crystalia who refused to look at her.

"Give it up," Hilde told Middie from her side. "I've tried talking to her to have someone to talk to. I mean, it started with heavy yelling toward her, but I eventually just tried talking. It doesn't work." She sighed and hung onto the bars. "At least I have new company and I don't mind talking. It would make me feel much better."

Middie looked toward her. This was supposed to be Hilde, Duo Maxwell's friend. She didn't know a whole lot about the other women personally, just the problems they faced. At least she was chipper. Middie wasn't much for conversation right now though. She knew what would be coming.

"Hey, just a small chat?" Hilde asked. "I know this place isn't nice, but it's scarier when there's no one but your own thoughts in your head to talk to." She moved closer. "How is Duo?"

Middie didn't have much to say, but it was obvious Hilde really wanted someone to talk to. She'd been gone from her sense of security for about a month. "He's been searching for you a lot." She wished she had something else for her. "He must miss you."

"I hope so because I really miss him," Hilde answered.

Middie watched as three women were coming toward the cell. Not good. Hilde backed up too.


When they came in, they grabbed Middie. Hilde watched them start to drag her out. "Easy, she's obviously pregnant." Hilde looked toward Crystalia, who still didn't say a word.

"See?" Another member said as they pointed to Crystalia. "Absolutely true, no doubt about it. Crystalia doesn't give a shit, this is a big lie." The guard pushed Middie against the wall and took out a knife. "What should we put into you, and how should we do it?"

"Well, Crystalia?" the other guard asked. Crystalia still didn't look at her. "On the shoulder or on the stomach?"

"It's not my body to choose." Crystalia finally said something.

"I knew it, I so knew it!" The guard closest to Crystalia grabbed her own knife and pulled it closer to Crystalia's cell. "Don't think this is going to save you, you really went against RTL. We are going to find accurate punishment for you, and your son is not off our radar."

What was going on? "It's your grandkid," Hilde pointed out, "the least you could do is yell shoulder." It was the least she could possibly do. Hilde didn't get it. Weren't they actually supposed to kill Crystalia in the worst way they could if they got her again? "Why are you even still alive?"

"She's the mom of the gundam pilot," one of the guards told her. "She isn't the grandmother of this baby though. Crystalia is too cold to her, and there were rumors about whether she really did it or not. Especially talking with the Phillips."

The Phillips? "Duo's relations?" Oh. "Middie Une isn't pregnant with Trowa Barton's."

"She was just trying to save face with RTL by making it look like it." The guard came closer to Crystalia. "We won't be fooled. Superior will have more than a few words for you."

Hilde heard painful screaming in the back. "Middie!" What a bunch of- "You're nothing but a bunch of lowlives, just wait, kharma is definitely coming for you." Messing with a six month pregnant woman. "I'm not even relation to that woman and I feel sorry for her," Hilde said looking toward Crystalia. "You either were playing RTL, or you are the best poker player I have ever seen."

"I don't like gambling," Crystalia mentioned back.

Oooh! It was so hard to read that woman.

"Mind your own business," Crystalia called back to her. "Worry about yourself. The easiness in here will be over soon." Middie's scream rang out again. "It'll be closer to that."

"Absolute bitch." Hilde wouldn't try to talk to her anymore, she was impossibly cold. She turned away from her and looked at the guard that stayed. "How can you live with yourself? Someone hurt someone you love, so now you have the right to hurt innocent babies? I bet your mother would be proud." She saw the guard flinch when she said that, like there was a tiny bit of humanity left. Hilde just couldn't keep her mouth shut. There's no way Duo would have either. "All of you have been so pathetic with the way you get revenge. I wonder how you all would feel if we took all the information we had on that tablet and called your own mothers?" It sounded ridiculous, but it was the only thing she had ever shake them up before. "If you're so righteous, then explain to your own mama's why you are killing babies."

She watched as the guard came into her cell. They grabbed her and dragged her out. Where were they taking her? "You can't kill me yet, not until you get what you want." She was being taken in the back where she had heard Middie. Oh no! "Sickos!" Why?

Middie lied on the ground, clearly hurting with a brand on her stomach that said 'Liar'. On her huge sensitive stomach, smack dab in the middle.

"You are going to live," they said to Middie, "but let this be a lesson not to mess with RTL," the guard said to her. "You are being delivered back to the Phillips, there is no need to keep you. You are no one, with a no one baby. Giving you back will make the Phillips back off too."

"This one needs a lesson too." The guard pushed Hilde toward the one that hurt Middie. Hilde didn't cower. "Liar doesn't fit her, but she thinks she is righteous, and not some soldier that fought in the war."

Hilde watched them hold out hot brands, like they would use for cattle. They had liar, the word spy, and something else. A huger word.

"This one." They picked up the huge word. "Excuse me. You'll become intimate with this more when I come back."

It wouldn't be fun, but if it kept her busy? Then they wouldn't harm the poor pregnant woman anymore. I know it's stupid, Duo. I know it's going to hurt. You hate when I do stupid things, but if they focus on me, then she'll be okay.

Middie needed rest after that unbearable pain. How long did it take to warm up a brand? Duo. I really hope you find me soon. I am running out of time. Plus, so far, they hadn't threatened her with a single thing. They never even tried to slap her, and now they were doing this? Duo.



"One Song!"

Oh. Middie definitely heard Gin. That's right. Crystalia never hurt her son, just me. "Gin." Her eyes shut as she was blinded by light. She had been thrown into the back of a van and taken away.

"What did they do to you?" Gin yelled. "God damn them."

"They have more than me," Middie told him. "They have Hilde Schbeiker too."

"Don't say anything right now, I am taking you straight home." Gin picked her up and put her in the back of his car. The chauffeur drove while he stayed right by her. His men was already getting her gauze and pain reliever.

Middie tried not to panic when she saw the needle of the pain reliever.

"It'll help quick and the best," Gin told her. "A quick prick, it'll be okay."

Gin had no idea about what was in line for her for torture. She needed pain relief, but letting that thing near her? She closed her eyes, her stomach felt so queazy against Gin as she felt something from a different place.

"There you go. She'll be okay, Gin, I gave her something to relax her."

Hopefully that was the private doctor that said that. She felt something, and it was gone.

"That's better," Gin said to her. "Okay, let's take off." The car started to move, but Middie couldn't rest yet. Gin had more news. "Revenge of the Lost said Dorothy herself is dying now, so it shouldn't be as hard to kill her. It would be like a mercy killing." Gin was trying to reason it out.

"She's innocent," Middie managed to say. "Please don't. She's just like me."

"Yeah, but you are pregnant with my nephew, Middie. RTL didn't like the gundam pilots with us, even if they were helping us," Gin said. "They made Heero and Relena split, and went after the God of Death himself. We can't fight their request, it's not even about the money they are paying. They literally pick people up and make them disappear."

"I'm nothing but a soldier, being told what to do." Commanded.

"Not to me," Gin encouraged her. "Never to me. You're the greatest thing out there."

Not great enough to stand up to his mom. Gin was in over his head, joining into his family business like this. That though, could work in her favor. She was definitely sedated so she didn't have much time. "Gin, did you really take over the Phillips family business?"

Gin fidgeted. That fidget that still meant he hadn't killed anyone by himself. "I had to. I had to find you."

"Someone else could take it," she recommended. "Give it to someone else."

"The hell?" Gin didn't get it at all. "You want me to hand over the family business to who?"

"A person who, if they cut their hair short, would look almost like you." A small bit of touch up. RTL would never know. Middie had been thinking about it for some time, just in case things didn't work out at the circus. She started to think about it much more once Trowa and her had to leave. A safe spot for the pilots to operate, even if it was just safe for one.

"I don't know if I could do that, to that guy." Gin obviously knew. "We both do have more of dad's traits. I'm a little taller. A smidge. A little more good looking," he joked. "You really think that's a good idea, One Song?"


"He can do what your heart can't." She tried to butter him up. "He needs help, all of the pilots do. Even though Trowa Barton took the best care he could of me, to hide me, with all his knowledge, RTL still nabbed me. You just said RTL found the gundam pilots were with you."

"I know that Duo called himself the God of Death, but he's not someone that should get involved in this-"

"He needs it. They need it! Let him have it, let them take their own risks with your men, and give them a fighting chance," she encouraged him. "Your mom still wants marriage between us because of the baby, right?"

"Yeah?" Gin looked so unsure. "I doubt they took an airplane and drove out a long distance. The place you and Hilde were at, it's got to be in this vicinity. No one runs from them for long."

"Pilots have proof, all the members, everything." Sleep was coming rapidly. "It's almost ready. Just a little longer."

He stroked her long hair. "I'll find out what's going on, and we'll look into the details, but don't expect much. Duo would be insane to agree to this when they already spotted him with us once. For you, I'll find out."

"Thank you."

"Just remember, if he is sane and doesn't want that? Then I don't want you to feel bad about killing this pregnant woman. She's already in bad condition, nothing can be done. I'll even be the one to steady the gun for you so you can shoot if you need me to help."