
Revenge Of Billionaire's Wife

[The cover is not mine, I had just edited it.] [Warning : This book is going to contain adult scenes.] Amaya shocked and terrified to find out that her boyfriend was sleeping with her sister on the day she came out from jail, she was in jail because of her sister's mistake. She got into an accident and found herself back 7 seven years ago when everything bad with her was started, the same day in which she got into the jail because of her sister Kate's crime. Will she able to save herself this time? What will she gonna do after that? How will she going to change her faith? *********** [Amaya POV] My leg was hurting, but I tried my best to move. Before anyone came to check the balcony, I opened the window to get inside the room where I landed. Inside, I saw a man staring at me silently, as if I had committed a crime. He was staring at me constantly, as if observing from the balcony. I didn't have time to explain everything, but then he said, "You have guts to jump from the 10th floor. It's good that you're alive." As he looked at my body, I glanced down and noticed my dress was somewhat unstable from the jump. Feeling embarrassed, I quickly fixed my clothes and then looked back at him. I was stunned by his appearance; he was incredibly handsome. He had grayish eyes that seemed to pierce into someone's soul. He was taller than me, even though I'm 5.7 ft tall, he appeared to be around 6.2 ft. His body was perfectly covered by a bathrobe. Wait, he was just in a bathrobe. His face seemed familiar, like I had seen him somewhere before, but I couldn't quite place it. *********** [Adrien POV] She rushed inside the room upon hearing the police approaching to check the balcony. As she entered, she caught sight of me sitting on the bed, staring at her intently. I noticed her dress was messy. My gaze inadvertently fell on her legs, which were fair and smooth. I quickly averted my eyes when I realized what I was doing. It was embarrassing; I shouldn't have been ogling her like that. But she was the one who had leapt onto my balcony like a cat. She was cute and adorable, and I found myself waiting for her to give an excuse, but she seemed lost in thought, trying to figure out what to say. ***** [Adrien POV] I was about to say something, but then I heard a sweet and seductive voice from behind me. I knew that the policeman had also heard it. I looked inside the room, as did the police, and I was shocked to even look at her. She was just in a freaking towel around her bare body. Oh my god, I felt some sensation around my body. She was looking damn sexy. She said, "Ohhh darling, who has come to disturb us in our personal time," in a very seductive tone. My ears were burning after hearing her. She started coming near me slowly, and I looked at her body structure, her body curves near her waist. She came near me and stood beside me, keeping one hand on my shoulder, and came very close to my body. Our faces were close. I could feel her breath on my neck. She looked at the police and said, "Sir, you were disturbing us in our private time." I know how nervous she was a moment ago, but look at her now. She was very confident while speaking. Her acting is quite good though. Does she know what she was doing to me? She was very close to my face, and I could feel how smooth and beautiful her skin is. Her facial structure is very strong.

silklove_ · Thanh xuân
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I went to his house.

On the next day when I woke up. I was sleeping on my table, and my head was hurting. I look at my phone, and it has a few missed calls of reporter. I hurriedly looked at the news at it and was already spread everywhere. All of her fans were talking about it. And many were not believing at the news because their is no proof.

The reporter was tense because she wasn't picking up the call. When he saw her call back, he was out of his tense mood.

"Hey, sorry, actually, I was not well. That's why I wasn't able to pick your call. Anyway the news is spreading very fast. Well, I am sending the screenshot in which Kate told me that she was going to meet Lee. She also asked and forced me to him, but I refused to go." I said him.

I sent him the screenshots. "And yeah,I forgot to tell you that I have a few more news related to her. But i will not tell you about it, when the correct time will come. I will send it to you." I stated to him.

Okay, the reporter believed what Amaya said because she had a great mind to ruin anyone career forever. Because if we spread the news about any celebrity time by time, then they will be in the headlight for a long time. That will make anyone remember what Kate had done, and because of that, she will never be able to come back to this industry.

After hanging up the call. I got fresh, and then I was sitting in my room. I sat their and then again started finding a job. But I end up getting nothing.

Amaya looked at the marriage contract. She knows that things are not going well. Even she knows that after finding out about the news, her father would never let her get a job in any company except Markram's industry because he can't control Adrien company. She was exhausted. She kept everything under herself. She knows that she wasn't strong enough to do everything alone she needs someone to help. She wants someone to be beside her.

She doesn't know if this would be a good choice or not, but then she decided that she would accept it. She wants revenge from everyone. Her parents, her family her and also Liam.

Then she took her phone and called Adrien. She knows what she was doing. She took a long breath when the call was ringing.

"Hello babygirl~, so you finally decided what you have to do. Good now, tell me. What is your plane." A bold voice came from the other side.

Amaya was angry at him. She is angry because he always talks to her like he owns her.

"Yes, I decided but I want to meet you and want to talk about this firstly, you know it is a big decision so I want to make some things clear with you."she said to him.

"Okay~ I am sending you an address come their, it is my house. I am currently busy so I can't come to your house." He replied.

After that, he sent the address to her. And hung up call as he was in a meeting he wants to meet her as soon as possible, he can't call her directly to the company because it will be her decision if she wants to make it public or not. So that's why he gave her his house address.

Amaya looked at the phone for a second. She was shocked at how fast the call ended. He doesn't even question anything. She looked at the message that popped up on her phone screen. She then looked at the address it was an hour away from her apartment. She was afraid to go into his house. What if he does something bad to her. But then she remembered his eyes and the way he helped her many times.

She decided that she would go to his house. She took a deep breath and then got ready to meet him. She wore a simple white t-shirt and jeans, and she looked so elegant in just a simple dress. She took a cap and went to his house.

His villa was in a very rich area , and even the cars around that area were very expensive. She wasn't really shocked to see that because she knows that he is the richest person.

She gave money to the cap and was standing outside his house. Their are guards that were talking. She went straight to them. "I am Amaya, I want to meet Adrien." She stated.

"Do you have any appointment?" One of the guards asked her.

"No, but he asked to meet him here." The guards looked at me as they can't believe what i am saying. "If you don't have an appointment, then stop disturbing us and get lost from here before sir come."Guard said in iritated tone.

How come they talk to someone like this? Amaya was angry at them, but then she thought that they might be doing this for safety reasons, but they can be a little polite.

I called Adrien and told him that his guards were not letting me in. He said that he is coming in 2 minutes. I have to wait for him.

Adrien was frustrated at his guards.How come they talked to her like that?. After a minute, when Adrien arrived at his house gate, he was inside his car.

He looked outside and saw his Amaya standing near the gate while looking down. He felt sad about how she might have been treated by guards. He got out of his car and went near her. When he was going, one of the guards yelled at Amaya. The guard thought that his boss was angry because she was standing outside his house even if they told her many times to go.

At this moment, Adrien Glares went towards those guards as he could kill him by just looking at him. The guard got scared for his life. The guard thought about what mistake he had done.Adrien went near amaya after ignoring them.

"I am sorry for being late, don't stand outside. Let's go and talk about it in my house."

"Hmm, sorry if I disturbed you."

He smiled at Amaya and then showed her the way inside his house. He told her to go and he was coming. He glared at his guards," You are fired," he fired one of the guards who was yelling at her. The guards were afraid after looking at how their boss was treating that girl. It was their first time seeing their boss talking to a girl like this.Then he told them not to behave like they owned this place. His eyes were flashing anger.

He doesn't like it if someone disrespects her. He looked at them and gave them a last warning except the one who was fired. He doesn't need to explain why he did that. It was his house and his decision. The guards were afraid what punisment they will get. One of them was even fired.