
Revenge Must Be Taken

If you like anti-hero/villain type of story, then my friend this is for you.

Toddler_Kun · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1- Fuck this world

MC: Is death a part of life or, is life a part of death? It doesn't matter as I am already in my deathbed. My entire life is full of regrets. I couldn't do anything to save my sister. what did she do to deserve such a painful death? What did I do to end up like this? Why is this fucking world so unfair? My fucking parents cheated on each other and we were the one who suffered the most. Why? Why the fuck did it have to be us and not someone else.

Random bully: What the fuck are you blabbering to yourself, you piece of shit. You are a stubborn bastard aren't you?

MC: Please leave my sister. I will do anything you ask.

I practically begged them to stop. But, these motherfuckers still did it.

Important note:{ The bullies raped his sister in front of him and are about to kill her. Though they are not blood related as the sister is adopted but they grew up together.}

I shouldn't be the one to die. They are the ones who deserve death. If I were only stronger. Strong enough to protect my sister, all this shit would've never happened. It is all my fault for being so weak. My whole body is aching with pain and I am being choked to death. Damn my life and damn this fucking world.

{MC dies}

System: Searching for new players. 100 players gathered. Initiating transfer procedures. Procedures complete. The new batch of players are being transferred to the world of Phanes.

[MC opens eyes]

MC: Huh, I am still alive? The fuck is going on. Why do I suddenly feel so restless and hungry? Most importantly why do I feel so light and small. Huh, WTF. Why is my hand so small? Someone please call the doctor. It is a hospital isn't it? It must be. Where's my sister? What happened to her?

[After realization of the situation]

OK, I understand what's going on. I have to stay calm. It is safe to say that I have been re born. And by seeing that candle I can assume I have been re born in a past era and possibly another world. If so, then where's my mother. Has she no idea that her child is starving. Fucking irresponsible parents.

[ A lady opens the door]

Huh, is that my mother? You damn lady come and feed me. I am fucking hungry. Unfortunately, my tongue muscles are not yet developed enough. Why does she have that look on her? Is she not happy to see me? I am well aware of that stare. The stare of being looked down upon. The stare of being despised and being outcasted. But, why is she giving a new born baby that look?

[ Lady inserts a bottle in MC's mouth]

MC: Ugh, what the fuck is this shit. It so hot. Is she trying to burn my tongue or something?

[ MC spits out the milk and starts crying]

Lady (shouting): Shut up. Why are you crying? Is the milk is too hot for you, then cool it yourself. Finally, I was having a baby and what I get is useless trash like you, who has no magic whatsoever. Nine precious months of my life were wasted taking care of a shit like you and now I have to tolerate the insults. I would've killed you before, If I knew something like this would happen. I wish you were to disappear or it would've been better if you were never born.

[ MC barely manages to pick up the bottle from his side]

The fuck is she talking about dude? How can a new born cool down the milk by himself? And what the fuck is this magic shit. I am a human, aren't I? How can I use magic? Is this some Harry Potter shit or something? Damn lady, I will make sure you regret insulting a new born baby like me.

{The end of first chapter}