
Revenant in an Anime World

Having the duty to reincarnate the souls from an extensive variety of worlds, 'God' ended up reincarnating a soul in a world where he shouldn't exist. A world where three 'anime' worlds are mixed in one. 'God', instead of crying on spilled milk, he decides to observe the newborn in this foreing world. **** (I do not own the front page) -It's a slow story. -'God' is not the MC, just an observer. -The MC soul comes from the 'Code Vein' world. -MC will have few memories about his past life, so when he reincarnates is a baby in all aspects. -The story has sexual content. (no NTR, no Netori, no Rape.) (It has 'incest' but they are not related by blood.) -The animes (I don't own them) for this story are: 1.-Grisaia no Kajitsu. 2.-Shinmai Maou no Testament. 3.-Highschool DxD. -The characters and their 'story origins' will be the same, however, I will not follow the story lines from the animes. **** Hi, this is my first project so I'm a newbie. And, even if this story is sort of a fanfic, I will give my all in this story. If you have an advice or constructive critic for the development of the project I will gladly read them and consider. For those who only want to write malicious critics, you are losing your time. I don't have many experience writting sexual content but in time I expect to improve. English is my Second Language so you may find some errors. I will appreciate if you give me advice in this.

Villain4ever · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

Ch 35: The Rise of the Queen

Villain4ever: Hi guys! How are you?

Sorry for being late, again.

My finals of this year are getting near, so I had less time for write. However, I will continue writing.

With nothing more to say, I hope you enjoy this chapter.


/OSD Headquarters/

In an isolated room located in the underground of the organisation's base, there were twelve people sitting around a round table.

Among them, there were ten men and two women, and all of them seemed to be important by both their looks and their clothing.

Most of them were already in their middle ages while the rest were old enough to be called grandparents.

They were also accompanied by four soldiers, each one in standing in each corner of the room. The director of the OSD brought them here. After all, they all are his best men for the job.

"I hope that what you informed us was true." Said one of the men with an air of superiority around him. "If it is not, then your career might be in danger, and that would be a shame." His tone became in a mocking one. "Don't you think so, Yuria Harudera?"

"Yes, but don't worry. I had already investigated about the case before calling this meeting."

"The only reason why you are allowed to stay in this room is because your information might be valuable for us." Spoke another man with a derogative tone. "So you better don't waste or precious time with useless topics and let's finish with it quickly."

"Understood." Yuria responded with a calm and cold tone. Then she turned on the screen on the wall, showing the picture of a very familiar face for everyone in the room. "One week ago, one of our security cameras in Japan took this picture of the supposed to be deceased ex-especial agent Kusakabe Asako, also known as 'The Blue Nightmare'."

"How sure are we that she is the real one?" Asked one of the female higher ups.

"Our scanners had confirmed a 98% of similarities with Kusakabe Asako." Answered Yuria.

"She was once your friend, isn't that right? Did she tell to you about any other relatives of her?" Asked a fat man.

"Yes, we were. And about you other question, she doesn't have any other relatives alive." Explained Yuria. "Both of Asako's parents were single children, and they both died during a mission in Iraq several years ago, leading her to be sent to an orphanage in America."

"Maybe that woman in the picture was just a lost cousin." Suggested another man.

Yuria shook her head in negation, and then she changed the image of the screen, showing an abandoned warehouse near to the coast. "Just minutes ago, one of our satellites located her near to this location, where it's confirmed the appearance of the terrorist leader Heath Oslo."

Just then, all the higher ups in the room started to sweat cold. All of them knew what that could mean. That woman was truly Kusakabe Asako.

Six months ago, all of them made a deal with Oslo, to kill or debilitate Asako at the point that she would die soon. All of them thought that they succeeded after several months without having any notice about the woman, and now that they knew that she was alive, it was as if they all were bathed with cold water.

It all started when Asako presented her 'retirement letter' as she said at that moment. The higher ups, knowing that she was a valuable asset in their hands, tried to convince her to stay. However, all their efforts seemed to be futile.

They even tried planned to kidnap the kid that Asako had been raising from the past six years to control her. However, when Asako got notice of that, she threatened them to kill them all and destroy all what they had built.

Then, they reached to the conclusion that if they couldn't control her, then they must get rid of her. So they baited her to do one last mission for her to finally retire, without her knowing that all was a trap.

And all of that went smoothly. They received the notice from Oslo about Asako's death and in exchange, they granted him permission to do his business without interference of their part, being the slave market, weapon traffic and other illegal stuff.

However, Asako has returned, and now she was ready to take her revenge. Moreover, if she already knew what they have done, which seemed to be very probable due to the circumstances, they would be next.

"We need to take refuge first. Scatter around the globe without her or anyone else noticing it." Suggested one of them.

"Don't you think you are being a little exaggerate? She is only one person." Said the other female higher up in a doubtful way.

"A person who has contact and friendship with almost every important member of the supernatural world. If she use those contacts and we are careless, then we are doomed." Said the other one.

"After hiding in our bases, we'll discuss for further preparations. We must kill Kusakabe Asako before she kills us."

All the people present, except for the soldiers and Yuria, nodded in agreement.

"Then, we'll finish the reunion of today." The director spoke and got up from his seat.

The other followed his example and all of them walked towards the only exit of the room. The director then extended his hand and tried to use the doorknob, but... he couldn't open the door.

He tried to pull one more time but the door didn't even move.

"What happened?" Asked the fat one while getting impatient to go out the room.

"The door is locked." Said the director. There was a clear trace of confusion in his tone.

"Let me help you." One of them volunteered.

Both of them then stood in front of the door and tried to pull it with all their strength, but the door didn't open.


"Fufufu." A female laughter resounded in the room.

All the people present turned their gazes towards the origin of the laughter, and they say Yuria covering his mouth with one hand and the other holding her stomach, she looked like someone that containing her laugh after hearing a very funny joke. And in part, it was right.

"What is the meaning of this, Ms. Harudera?" Questioned the fat man in an displeased tone.

"Isn't it obvious?" She asked, tilting her head but not waiting for an answer. "I just cage the 'rats' to be exterminated."

"You must know that this won't pass as a joke and you'll be punished for this."

"Hm. I don't care, and even if I do, there is nothing that you can do to stop me." Yuria showed them a mocking but confident smile at them.

"You are helping Kusakabe Asako. You brought us here after informing us that this meeting was about her." One of them guessed after connecting the dots of the entire situation.

"Not exactly. We just left some clues there and there, until we finally caught your attention. It wasn't that difficult, after all, the OSD has many eyes around the world." She started walking around the room, like if she were telling a story.

"I thought you said that you were friends." Said one of the women.

"We 'were' only friends." She made emphasize in that word and then her smile widened into a crazy one. "But now, now we are also sisters. And what kind of big sister would I be if I left some old geezers bully her?"

"That's it. We don't have to listen to this crazy woman." Said the director, pointing his finger at her. "We'll send your corpse to Kusakabe Asako as a message. Men, kill her."

The soldiers then followed his orders, pointing their guns at the same time. However, Yuria wasn't their target.

"W-What is the meaning of this?!" Asked the leader in confusion with a trace of panic. He couldn't understand why his men were pointing their guns at them instead of them. Then, like if he had some kind of revelation, he looked at Yuria who still had now confident smile. "What did you do?"

However, instead of telling them directly, she decided to tell a story to make the things more... 'Enjoyable'.

"Captain James Park, former member of the Marines." She looked at the man at the corner of her left, but he didn't return the look, fully concentrated on his target with hatred burning in his eyes. "Family of three, including her wife and two children, the in elementary school and the girl in secondary school. However, that changed after his wife died during an incident involving a fallen angel, leading him to join to the OSD two weeks after his wife's death to support his children. But the most shocking thing was that that fallen angel was sent by the same person that contracted him." She said the last part with a fake expression of shock.

"T-That's not true!" The director tried to deny Yuria's story, but all the soldiers still looked at him with hatred in their eyes.

"It's useless. I already showed them all the evidence." She walked near to the director, leaving them at only few inches apart from each other. "Not only was the arranged incident, but also many more like raping, blackmail and charging them with crimes that they never committed."

"You bastard! If it weren't for you, my daughter could have lived a normal life! Now she is too afraid of men to even look at me in the eyes!" Yelled the soldier at the right corner on the back.

(If I remember well his name was, Ethan Smith, I think.) Thought Yuria while looking at him.

She only looked him a pair of seconds until she returned her gaze towards the director, who now had his face red with anger.

"How does it feels, losing all what you built due to your actions?" She said in a mocking tone, looking at him like if he doesn't even deserve it.

"Shut up!" The director finally lost his mind and then he throw a punch towards her face.

The soldiers tried to react by pulling their triggers, but they remembered that before the meeting, Yuria instructed them that they shouldn't shoot unless she gives the signal.

All the people present expected that the punch would connect with her face, making her fall on her back. At least, that was they all thought that would happen. However, the reality was different.

They all saw how Yuria caught his fist without effort with only the palm of her hand. Then, she started to apply a little of force in it. Just a little.


"Ahhhhh! My hand!" The director screamed in pain with the bones of his hand being crushed like an egg.

The director fell on his knees, and just then, Yuria stopped holding his hand, letting it go. However, his hand was now just a mess of flesh and bones hanging from his wrist.

"You bitch! I'm going to-"

Yuria had a bored expression; she was no longer interested in this 'little show' that she made. She snapped her fingers, signalling the soldiers to shoot at will. Many of the higher ups pleaded for mercy, but it was useless. Even if she had the option to control them, she wasn't willing to take some trash under her.

All what was left was pile of corpses and the pool of blood covering it. Even some of the soldiers felt nauseous after seeing this scene. Nevertheless, after remembering what they suffered due to those bastards, it eased their feelings.

Captain James then walked towards Yuria, a little wary of her because the last time he confirmed it, she was still human. But that indifference that she gave to the people in front of her, like if they were just some kind of animals for her entertainment, to later get bored get rid of them like broken toys. He started to think that maybe she wasn't human anymore, and started to think that she was serious about the other promise that she made to him apart of killing the bastard that tricked him.

"You have done a good job, Captain Parker." She showed him a cold smile. Not threatening, but neither friendly. "As I promised, I will resurrect your wife." From the pocket of her office suit, she took out a glass vial, containing some kind of blue liquid. "However, as I told you, even if she keeps her memories and still loves you, she will obey any of my commands without exception. She will be loyal to me and only to me. So, if you ever betray us."

There was no need to say more. She was threatening him. He didn't fully understand the implications of her words, but he knew that if he ever betray her or to any member of her family, then he would face the consequences.

"I understand." He said.

Even with a little of doubt in his heart, he knew that the woman in front of her wouldn't lie to him. What would she gain by doing it?

Therefore, he will trust her. Even if she was a devil in disguise, if he can recover what he lost, then he will sell his soul to her.

This was the beginning of 'The Queen of Roses'. Nevertheless, that's a story for another moment.

"I hope you have enjoyed it."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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