
Chapter 3

Allen mixed up and served drinks for the customers at the bar. Soon he heard the ringing of the doorbell and looked up. No way… They're walking towards the bar was Anaya. And a woman who looked exactly like her if a bit older. "Ehem. How may I help you, ladies?"

Anaya had to visibly hold back from saying anything. Luckily the woman didn't notice. "Just a wine glass for the little one. And a Martini for me." Allen mentally shakes himself out of his surprised state and starts pouring their orders.

"I haven't seen you before. Are you new?" Anra asked Allen as he passed them their drinks. "I used to live here a while ago. But I came back after a friend of mine passed." Anra nods her understanding sipping her drink. "I'm sorry for your loss, but I welcome you back to town."

Allen smiled and nodded. "Thank you, ma'am. It's good to see the Wisher household is still here" He poured himself a shot glass and toasted Anra. Smiling to himself as he downed it. "Thank you. I've worked very hard to make sure our family is helping the town." Anra said.

"That's always nice to hear. Another toast to the Wisher's." Allen said raising another shot, Anra and Allen clinked their glasses together as Anaya sipped her drink and watched. Wondering to herself how Allen had gotten a job.

- - - - - - - - Anaya - - - - - - - -

Anaya and her mother went home shortly afterward. Singing along to various songs as they made their way home. "I say your first wine was a pretty good night huh?" Her mother asked with a grin. Anaya nodded giggling. "Yeah mom, thanks a bunch."

The two make it to their home and Anaya's father waited outside the garage foot tapping. "Uh oh Party pooper," Anra said getting out. Anaya laughed leaving the car as her father hugged them both. "You two are late for dinner. You had me worried." Anaya hugged him back smiling.

"We're an okay dad. Mom was just showing me around one of our oldest customers." Anaya explained as he led them inside. "You took her to Silent Brew?" Her dad said eyebrow raised at Anra. "Oh come on it's family-run and they always hire experienced people. In fact, they have a new bartender and he makes a killer martini. Not sure why he's carrying a sword around though. Maybe just intimidation." The three walked into the house and to the kitchen where a homemade Meat Lover's pizza was sitting on the table.

Anaya squealed in glee and hugged her father. "THANKYOU THANKYOU!!" She giggles, running over to the table and grabbing a plate as her parents laughed. "You're welcome little star. I'm just glad you're safe after that scare yesterday." Her dad said kissing her forehead.

"Awww she was with me Shepherd, she was safe." Shepherd looked at her. "Oh, Who lost her at the zoo?" Anra turned red. "She was five! How was I supposed to know the supply closet next to the lions was unlocked!" Anaya laughed and soon her parents soon joined in. The group sitting down to eat.

They bowed their heads, "Wanderer thank you for watching over our daughter. And Escort thank you that it wasn't her time yet." Shepherd said, they raised their heads and started eating with a smile. Anaya smiling as she ate her favorite dish.

- - - - - - - Allen - - - - - -

Allen walked away from the Silent Brew, eye glowing as he tracked Renelds. Time to see what the deal is with you Mr. Renelds. He thought to himself. Walking slowly into the familiar neighborhood Hmmm interesting choice of housing… He thought. Quietly passing Anaya's house as he made his way down the street.

Soon Allen found himself outside a small two-story house with blue bricks for walls. As he walked up to the door he heard a crashing sound. Alarmed, Allen looked for a way in, seeing an open window on his right he rushed over and climbed in. Finding himself in the kitchen.

Through the doorway, Allen saw a black figure standing over Renelds and his wife. Through Allen's Revenant vision the being looked completely green. A Still. Guess Revenants aren't the only ones that are real. Allen steeled his nerves and gripped his sword tightly. Renelds may have done wrong in the past. But I won't stand here and let his son become an orphan.

Allen looked for a distraction and saw a Boombox on the kitchen table. Wanderer thank you. He grinned, running to it and turning on the music. Ducking under the table as the Still heard the music. Stalking towards it slowly. Allen slashed out from under the table cutting off its leg which disappeared into the green mist.

"GRAHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSSSDDDDDD" The creature hisses infernally as its leg regrows, Allen taking the opportunity to run past and usher Renelds and his wife out the door. "Wait but why are you-" Renelds look confused but Allen interrupted. "Talk after the danger has passed." He said simply and closed the door. Just as the Still threw a sharp dark green spike at him, making pain rip through Allen like fire.

"GAH! Alright. Let's do this Still." Allen said lunging with his sword, he still dodged making Allen fall into a stool in the corner knocking it over. "You'reeeee annnnnn Ametuerrrrr Revenanttttt!" The dark green creature hisses darkly as the two clash. Green spikes making a grinding sound as they collide with the purple sword. Allen throws the Still off of him and slashes.

The Still appears behind Allen dodging his slash and stabbing him in the back. "Ametuerrrrr" The monster gloated with an animalistic laugh. Allen struggled to his feet slashing. The Still appearing on the other side of the room. Allen grabbed the spike's in his back and ripped them out with a scream of pain. The spikes turned purple as Allen threw them with blinding speed.

The Still screamed in pain, the spikes sticking into its chest. It groaned and disappeared with a cliche "You haven't seen the last of me" line that made Allen roll his… Eye.

"That… Hurt…" Allen groaned. He heard Renelds re-enter the house as he blacked out from the pain.

- - - - - - - - - Anaya - - - - - - -

Anaya woke up with a smile and stretched smiling. "Today's gonna be great." She said to herself. Climbing out of bed and showering, getting dressed in a blue cardigan and white skirt. Light blue sandals finishing the look as she walked out her bedroom.

Shephard was downstairs reading the newspaper next to a plate full of pancakes. "Morning Dad!" Anaya said grinning, grabbing her own plate and putting pancakes on it. "Morning Sugarplum. You have fun at school. It's your last day before graduation." Shephard said kissing her cheek.

"I'll be fine dad. You have a good day at work and tell Mom I walked today!" Anaya said, swiftly eating her pancakes and leaving out the front door before her dad could protest. Rabby was waiting for her outside with a concerned smile. "Anaya! I heard about what happened on your way home from the party. You okay?!"

Rabby hugged Anaya as she laughed. "I'm okay Rabby. Let's just get these tests taken care of." Rabby nodded drooping visibly. "Ughhhhh Finals." Anaya laughed patting her friend on the back. "Relax you'll be fine!" She said with a smile.

"Easy for you to say miss Business Genius." Anaya laughed blushing at her friend's retort. "I'm far from a genius Rabby they did that to sell the papers." She said still blushing. "You did win the spelling bee without messing up three years in a row." Rabby pointed out.

"Oh, so I can spell. I'm still not a genius." Anaya said as they made it to the school building. A red brick building with a golden bell at the very top. "Gah our school is so old looking…" Rabby groaned.

"Hey, at least it's updated. The library was the size of my bedroom when we were freshmen." Anaya pointed out. Rabby nodded and straightened herself up. "Well let's get this over with. Tomorrow we graduate!"

- - - - - - - - - - Allen - - - - - - - -

Allen awoke in what appeared to be a master bedroom. I really should stop waking up in strange beds. Allen thought to himself with a chuckle as he sat up, groaning as pain ripped through his shoulder and back. Gahhhhh… T-that Still did a number on me…

"You saved us." A female voice said Allen, turned his head to see Renelds and his wife. Allen nodded his head with a small smile. "Indeed I did. I am Allen, nice to meet you, ma'am. And not so nice to see you again sir." He said semi-jokingly.

"You're that Allen, the one I killed two hundred years ago," Renelds said finally connecting the dots. Allen nodded.

This is it, last chapter for this story.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

TeriasFaldomcreators' thoughts