
Chapter 2

"W-what is this? D-do you want me to fight?" Anaya said to the sky as she looked at the silver sword, untangling it from the roots she pulled it out. Noticing an engraving along the blade.

"Allen, you always wanted to be my little knight. Wherever you are now, I hope you use this sword to protect the innocent in Wanderer's name. Love your proud dad, Albert Wisker." The engraving read. Anaya gripped the hilt tightly.

"Sorry Great Uncle. I'm gonna need to borrow your sword." Suddenly she heard the sound of a blade hitting earth as a Ceremonial blade appeared beside her. "I don't mind. But can you pass me yours?" A familiar voice said. Anaya looked up to see the smiling face of the bandaged man she met earlier that day.

Wait… His name is Allen! She gasped in shock, now realizing that part of his face was skeletal as was his right arm which he now held out for the sword she was holding. "H-how are you alive?! H-how did you find me?!" Allen chuckled.

"The Wanderer has been granting me visions. That's how I knew where you were. Now, get down!" He pushed her to the ground as another shot goes off. Making a hole in the tree. Allen pushed her into the bushes and stood up to face Renelds.

"I don't know who you are. But I can't let anyone get in the way." Renelds said pointing his gun. "I do not wish to fight you, and you don't wish to fight me. Just drop the gun." Allen said. Sword pointed down in a non-threatening way.

"I can't do that. Sorry." Anaya closed her eyes tight as she heard a gunshot. Expecting to hear a thud after it. "Wait… No… No, you can't still be moving." Renelds sounded panicked. Two more gunshots, Anaya was covering her ears with her hands now as she heard Renelds scream in fear.

Curious Anaya poked her head out of the bush and her jaw dropped. Allen's head was nearly eclipsed by purple fire as the sword his father had made in his memory glowed in the dead man's hands. Allen slashed at Renelds who jumped out of the way and threw his gun at Allen hitting him in the head as Renelds ran.

"Well, that was… better than I expected if I'm being honest. It's safe now Anaya you may come out." Anaya stood up and ran over hugging Allen. "Thankyou Thankyou thankyou…" She sobs into his chest holding onto him tightly. Allen smiled rubbing her back.

"You are welcome. Be safe on your way home child. Anaya looks up at him and then smacks her forehead. "What am I gonna tell mom? Oh, I'm in so much trouble." Allen chuckled. "Tell her the truth, someone attacked you on your way home but you got away thanks to help from a stranger."

Anaya nodded running off not realizing she was still clutching the sword Allen had been buried with that he gave to her. When she got home police cars were already out front and her mother was panically talking with the police. "Mom! Mom!" She cried, running over and hugging her mother.

"OH! LITTLE STAR!" Her mother hugged her tightly. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I WAS SO WORRIED!!" Anaya blushed hugging her mom back. "I-i'm sorry for worrying you mom I… I was attacked on my way home…"

Her mother went so red in the face it was noticeable to everyone even in the dark lighting. "WHAT?! WHO!! WHO HURT MY BABY?!" She said holding Anaya in a vice grip. "Maam, we can't take a testimony if your daughter can't breathe." One of the officers said. A greying man most likely nearing retirement. Anaya's mother loosened her grip and Anaya turned to face the officer who held a pen and a notepad. "Alright miss. Tell us exactly what happened.

- - - - - - - - - - Allen - - - - - - -

Allen walked slowly back into town. Should I go after Renelds? Or should I wait, whoever gave him his 'orders' will be disappointed? Maybe they'll contact him and I can get to the bottom of this. Allen sighed.

"Are you alright sir?" A young man asked. He was blonde with streaks of purple, his eyes were gold in color. "I am… Fine, I…" The young man laughed. "It's the eyes, right? They're colored contact lenses." Allen looked confused. "Contact Lenses?..." The guy laughed again.

"They're like glasses but you put them directly on your eye." The man says demonstrating by taking it out and putting it back in. "And it doesn't hurt?" The man shakes his head. "Nope! Not a bit! It takes some getting used to but it's fine."

Allen balked a bit gulping. "Interesting. Well, it looks good on you. Wouldn't work for me my eyes are sensitive." The man nods. "Well, what're you doing downtown dressed like that?" He said indicating the suit.

"Oh, this? I just want to look my best." Allen said straightening a little and standing proudly. "Well, I'm Noah. You have a job Mr…?" Allen smiled shaking Noah's hand. "Allen. Allen West."

"Well Allen, I know a place that's hiring." Allen grinned. "That sounds nice. Thank you." Allen said following the young man to a bar. "The Silent Brew." The sign said.

- - - - - - Anaya - - - - -

Anaya's mom had called Anaya in sick and was currently driving her to the ice cream parlor. "Thanks, mom." Anaya smiled. "You're welcome, honey. Today's my day off and I wanted to spend some time with you after last night's scare." The two did a little side hug as they arrived.

"Colf's Icecream here we come!" Anaya cheered getting out of the car. Her mother chuckled and they walked inside together. "Welcome back Anaya, Anra." The man at the counter of the ice cream parlor said.

"Hey, Max," Anra said, Anaya, giggling to herself as she looked at the flavors. "Hey, little lady. I heard about what happened so I got all your favorites. Raspberry, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, lime." The greying man said pointing out the flavors.

"Yessssss… The deluxe quintuple supreme please?" Anaya said looking at her mom. Anra nodded with a soft smile. "Same for me Max." The salt and pepper-haired man chuckled and nodded getting to work as Anaya hugged her mom.

"So, how was the party?" Anra said trying to get the subject away from her daughter's trauma last night. "It was fun! I met the new neighbors!" Crap does Junior know what his dad tried to do? Of course not if he had Junior had plenty of opportunity to off me at the party and make it look accidental. Anaya groaned inwardly but pushed those thoughts out.

"Rabby and Arnay are both doing well. Haven't changed much, both are excited about college." Anaya said with a smile as she and her mom sat down. "And you? Are you ready for college hun? You graduate in three days." Anaya nodded her head.

"I'm ready. I can do this mom. And uh thanks for helping me out with paying. I don't envy Rabby and her bro for needing the student loans…" Anra nodded. "Yes well… College is a big step. Sadly loan companies like to take advantage of it." Anaya nods and grins when their orders arrive.

"Thanks, Max!" She calls as she digs in. "AHHH! Brainfreeze!" She groans clutching her head. Anra laughed as she slowly ate her ice cream. "I keep telling you not to go too fast." She says with a smile.

"Not helping mom…" Anaya groans, taking a few slower bites of her ice cream. Anra giggles as she eats. "It's your own fault~" She sings songs making Anaya pout. "Not. Helping." Anra laughs.

"So. You think you're gonna do well on your final exams?" Anra asked. "I hope so. I don't know what's gonna be on there till I take it but I've prepared as much as I can." Anaya says taking another few bites of ice cream.

"You'll do great my little plane walker," Anra says pinching her cheeks. "Moooommmm" Anaya groans rubbing her cheek as the two eat. "I can't help it your reaction is still so adorable when I call you that." Anaya blushed.

- - - - - - - - - - Allen - - - - - - -

Allen silently thanked the Wanderer as he stood behind the bar. Along with the new clothes Allen West had a wallet with 20 dollars, an ID, and a birth certificate, and anything else needed for steady work. That would've been suspicious otherwise… Aleen "West" took a deep breath and got to work cleaning the bar.

"I'm lucky dad took me to these places when I was little." He thought aloud. It was 3 hours until opening and he was the only one there. "Dad didn't drink but he loved stopping by to see how people were enjoying the wine we provided," Allen said to himself as he cleaned the bar and the dishes.

Of course, I mostly talked to the bartenders back then. Learning what they did with the drinks. And how to intimidate rowdy customers. He chuckled at the memory and finishes with two hours to spare.

Using his spare time he went to get a scabbard and sharpening tools for his new sword. Rubbing it absentmindedly as he walked. Thank you, dad. He made it to the store and paid for the items he needed with something called a "Debit Card." Cause he was told to stay away from credit.

After getting the items he went back to the bar and sharpened the blade over a trash can. 30 minutes before opening his boss, the young man he met on the street walks in. "Hey, Allen. Uhhh… You're not planning on using that are you?"

Allen looks up and chuckles shaking his head. "No it's just for show, but I find it works better if people think I will." His boss nodded. "Alright just so long as no one actually gets hurt." Allen nods and sheathes the blade. Getting everything ready.

- - - - - - - - Anaya - - - - - - - -

Anaya and her Mom had spent the rest of the day together, shopping and talking until sunset. "Hey, wanna see one of the places we've been supplying wine too since the Wisker days?" Her mom asked. "Sure! That sounds fun!" She said with a grin.

Anra grins as she pulls up to a Bar, The Silent Brew. "Let's check it out."

Chapter 3, I forgot how short this was.

TeriasFaldomcreators' thoughts