
Chapter 1

Allen opened his eyes, lying in a bed in a pure white room. There was a window to his left, clearer than any Allen had seen before, a white cloth covered his torso and blankets covered the rest of him. The bandages around his head and right arm had been replaced, the new ones were almost bleached white and probably the proper bandaging for such a wound, rather than Allen's rushed patched job.

Is this… A hospital? It's much… cleaner than any of the ones I've seen. Allen thought to himself. He heard the sound of the door opening next to him, a woman in a white doctor's outfit walked in, she had short red hair and similarly red eyes. She was skinny but not sickly so and was quite tall. A female doctor? Well, times certainly have changed.

"Good… Afternoon? I'm sorry I'm afraid it's been a while since I had to read a clock." Allen said pointing with his good arm towards the clock on the wall. The doctor looked at him with a bit of worry.

"It is currently 3 o'clock. Hello John Doe, can you tell me why you fainted? And your name?" Allen nodded sitting up a bit. He looked at the doctor her clipboard held tightly in her right arm and a pen in her left. Left-handed. Interesting.

"Yes well, I…. had just seen in the newspaper that a good friend of mine had passed on. I had recently had a work injury and I guess I just fainted… Apologies my name is Allen." The doctor wrote that down and nodded.

"Well you should be happy to know whatever work injury you had is mostly gone. We replaced the bandages just in case." Allen was confused but didn't show it on his face as he thanked the doctor.

"We're going to hold you overnight. Just to make sure it wasn't anything bad. If you need anything just ask for Doctor Marah, that's me." Allen nodded

"Thank you, Doctor. I will be here." Did she not see my exposed skeleton? Can she not see it? Oh, Wanderer thank you. That'll make blending in easier. Allen sighed to himself, not touching the bandages since the doctor said they were gonna keep him overnight.

- - - - - - - - - - Anaya - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anaya walked up to a large blue house with a red door. Standing outside was a young man with tan skin wearing a blue polo shirt and green shorts. "Anaya! Hey! You ready for the party!" He asks running over to her. Anaya grinned holding up a jug of homemade cranberry juice.

"You know it! Can't believe your sis is hosting a potluck of all things." The young man chuckled as she walked up. He bowed low as he opened the door for her. "Mylady." She laughed as she entered the house, the living room had the couch and tv in the corner and most of the carpet was considered a talking/dance area.

"ANAY!!!!" A voice called cheerfully, Anaya was suddenly jump-hugged from behind by a tan blonde in a red crop top and purple shorts. Anaya stumbles laughing. "Okay, Sis don't kill our first guest." The man chuckled. The blonde pouted. "Your no fun Arnacle."

"I'm plenty of fun Rabira," Arnacle said helping the two of them stay steady as Anaya put her jug on the table for the potluck. "Hello to you Rabby. Thanks for stopping me from falling Arnay" The siblings smile.

Soon other party members starting filing in. The table was filled with delicacies from each family and the dance/talking area was filled with families. Anaya noticed a new family, they were dressed in dark green, the father of the new family was lanky but muscled, with a scar down his left cheek and mismatched eyes, one black. One blue.

"Hello! I'm Anaya Wisher, are you knew? I've never seen you before." She said walking up to them. The father laughed. "I'm Renelds, my family was from here originally but I moved out some years back. We're back to help our son out with college. Isn't that right Junior?" Renelds and his wife smiled at the pale boy with black hair and his father's eyes. Anaya thought he looked to be about her age and the college remark confirmed it.

"Yeah, dad. Though you really didn't have to I would've been fine…" The young man blushed. Renelds gave a hearty laugh. "I know son. I promise once my business is over in town we'll be out of your hair." He said ruffling the young man's hair. "We'll be talking with the other parents you go have fun." His mother said and the couple walked off.

"I'm Anaya, Are you just Junior or Renelds Junior?" Anaya said holding out her hand. Junior shook it with a friendly smile. "Just Junior thank wanderer, or more accurately thank my mom." He said.

"Well let me introduce you to everyone," Anaya said walking him over to Rabby who was dancing with a group of other college students. "Well hey, new guy! I'm Rabira most people just call me Rabby." She said shaking his hand.

- - - - - - - - - - Allen. - - - - - - -

The man with the cheek scar in the corner of some house. "I thought we agreed never to come here again." A blonde woman in a green party dress said to him. "Orders are orders, honey. Besides the boy applied for the college we can at least see him off."

The woman sighed. "I know it just worries me… Do we have to with the girl? We already have one member of the family in the grave and he wasn't much older than her…" The scarred man sighed a look of remorse in his eyes. "I know, orders are orders. Who knows maybe her death will change the town for the better as her great-great uncles did."

Suddenly the perspective changed, now Allen was floating behind the man and his wife looking out over a party. And suddenly he knew who they were talking about. In the middle of a swarm of people do the robot was Anaya Wisher.

Allen snapped awake sitting up in bed. What was that?! A vision? A dream? Wanderer… please tell me what I must do… Allen sent the silent prayer and moved out of the bed. The IV drip had been disconnected since nothing was wrong with him.

"Must… warn… Anaya…" He groaned. His bandaged eye-burning intensely as he stood. Grabbing his ceremonial blade which he had hidden under the bed after the doctor's first visit. He opened the window. "Three-floor drop. No trees or anything to break the fall… Let's hope all those stories about Revenant durability are true.."

With a nervous gulp, he climbed out of the window and jumped out window. As he fell purple electricity traveled up his body from his feet to his neck when he landed in the alley not only were his legs fine. He was now wearing a fresh suit instead of a hospital gown. The new suit was purple with a red tie and a dark blue undershirt.

"Woah… Wanderer has granted me several new things… That'll be interesting." He rubbed his now unbandaged eye as it continued to burn intensely. He closed the other eye and suddenly the world was…. Glowing. The buildings and streets all glowed a neutral grey. But the people were all mixes of purple and green.

A revenant's good and evil sight. Amazing. Suddenly he heard screaming, in an alley across the street two men had a couple cornered. Without even thinking much about it Allen crossed the street, unsheathed the ceremonial blade.

A young couple, a blonde man in blue and a bluenette African American in red were cornered by two angry-looking large men. "G-get away from us! We haven't done anything to you!" The woman shouted. The men snickered getting closer when suddenly another voice was heard.

"The lady said to leave them alone." A commanding, intimidatingly strange voice said, they understood him perfectly but it felt unnatural like he had spoken another language. The men turned and saw a figure in purple, his left eye ablaze though only bone surrounded it and a skeletal hand wrapped around a glowing purple sword, The glow from his fiery eye and his sword made him look unearthly in the darkness of the night alley.

"Hey this is none of your business pals, m-move along…" One of them muttered and stuttered out, it was practically gibberish by the time it left his mouth as the purple, semi-skeletal figure marched toward them like a soldier getting in range to strike. They were large men the alley was too narrow for them to run past the figure.

"W-what are you." The other man managed as Allen marched closer. "A man sent to punish evildoers large and small. I am Revenant." The men stepped back gulping. "That's impossible! Revenants are stories! Fairy tales!" He said, doing his best to sound unafraid. Allen simply chuckled, his unnatural-sounding voice further scaring the two drunk bullies. "If I'm not real. What's stopping you from running." He asked, twirling his sword in his hand casually. He held out his hand and motioned for them to come at me.

"Cmon, if I'm not really here it should be easy for you to run past me." The men looked at each other and decided it was their last option charging down the alley. Their screams echoed through the air as Allen swiftly slashed the two when they got to him. The sword left no marks, didn't even cut their clothes as far as the now safe couple could tell. But they were on the ground unconscious as if the glowing blade had done damage.

I'm… not sure how I remained so calm there… I was terrified but also excited. That was the first time I've used my new abilities. To Allen's burning eye the slash had destroyed the green of what he assumed to be their souls. He fought the urge to cheer at his first victory but remembered the couple. "I trust the authorities can take it from here. Have a safe night." He said walking away.

- - - - - - - - - - - - Anaya - - - - - -

The party had gone until late in the evening, the sun setting and the moon rising before Anaya left to go home. She smiles to herself That was a lot of fun. The college looks like it's gonna be a good time. She thought as she walked home.

She hummed to herself as she walked down the road. Ahead of her, she sees a figure in green. "Mr. Renelds? What are you doing here?" The man looked at her, the determination in his eyes hiding the sadness. "Do you know what happened to your ancestor Allen Wisher?"

Anaya looked confused at this, "He died next to a river. Tripped and fell into the river." The man shook his head. "I'm afraid that's not what happened. Allen Wisher was assassinated." Anaya looked shocked, confusion twisted her features. "How would you know this?"

Renelds sighed and pulled out a pistol "Because I'm the one who assassinated him." Fear dashed into Anaya's eyes. "M-mr. Renelds?" The man sighed shooting between her feet. "Run now girl."

Anaya screamed as she ran past the houses into the bordering. He's Insane! What he said can't be true! She thought to herself as she hid behind a tree. She looked up at the sky. "Okay, Wanderer. I know I'm not the most religious, that's my fault I guess. But I've never asked you for anything. So, please. Please don't let me die…"

She heard leaves rustle and a dull purple glow ahead of her. Heart pounding in her ears she followed it. Soon she came across a river, the ground glowed purple and among the roots of a proud tree, was a shiny silver sword.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

The first chapter of my first story.

TeriasFaldomcreators' thoughts